Completely irresponsible and untested PR to fix comments search by hole #78

GeneralHurricane wants to merge 1 commits from <deleted>:master into master
bash: /opt/ No such file or directory
The command '/bin/sh -c bash /opt/' returned a non-zero code: 127
ERROR: Service 'files' failed to build : Build failed

I couldn't get rdrama to run locally (LMAO how does docker-compose even fail?) so I'm going to YOLO this one. If any dev can do the needful and test if this fixes searching /comments?hole=dankchristianmemes I will be greatful please and thankyou.

``` bash: /opt/ No such file or directory The command '/bin/sh -c bash /opt/' returned a non-zero code: 127 ERROR: Service 'files' failed to build : Build failed ``` I couldn't get rdrama to run locally (LMAO how does docker-compose even fail?) so I'm going to YOLO this one. If any dev can do the needful and test if this fixes searching `/comments?hole=dankchristianmemes` I will be greatful please and thankyou.
GeneralHurricane added 1 commit 2022-12-17 15:13:26 +00:00

NM the thing actually works it's just this is the most r-slurred way to perform a search ever:

NM the thing actually works it's just this is the most r-slurred way to perform a search ever:
GeneralHurricane closed this pull request 2022-12-17 17:28:33 +00:00

Pull request closed

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