sort by new button #34

Snakes merged 10 commits from :sort-by-new-btn into master 2022-12-01 22:04:11 +00:00

also get rid of megathread logic

do the needful and do

UPDATE submissions SET new=true WHERE title LIKE 'Thread' OR title ILIKE 'megathread';

or whatever the proper equivalent is

also get rid of megathread logic do the needful and do ```sql UPDATE submissions SET new=true WHERE title LIKE 'Thread' OR title ILIKE 'megathread'; ``` or whatever the proper equivalent is
justcool393 added 5 commits 2022-12-01 19:09:57 +00:00
justcool393 added 1 commit 2022-12-01 19:12:26 +00:00
justcool393 added 1 commit 2022-12-01 19:44:52 +00:00
justcool393 added 1 commit 2022-12-01 19:47:36 +00:00
justcool393 added 1 commit 2022-12-01 21:55:49 +00:00
justcool393 added 1 commit 2022-12-01 21:59:00 +00:00
Snakes merged commit 0f2f72f2c3 into master 2022-12-01 22:04:11 +00:00
Snakes referenced this issue from a commit 2022-12-01 22:04:11 +00:00
geese_suck referenced this issue from a commit 2022-12-02 04:53:35 +00:00
geese_suck referenced this issue from a commit 2022-12-09 20:58:39 +00:00
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