Aevann1 2021-08-06 13:00:17 +00:00
parent e925b918f4
commit 84b8d15f8e
1 changed files with 129 additions and 198 deletions

View File

@ -62,202 +62,6 @@ SET default_tablespace = '';
SET default_table_access_method = heap; SET default_table_access_method = heap;
-- Name: submissions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE TABLE public.submissions (
id integer NOT NULL,
author_id integer,
created_utc integer NOT NULL,
is_banned boolean,
over_18 boolean,
distinguish_level integer,
created_str character varying(255),
stickied boolean,
deleted_utc integer NOT NULL,
domain_ref integer,
is_approved integer NOT NULL,
edited_utc integer,
is_pinned boolean,
upvotes integer,
downvotes integer,
app_id integer,
thumburl text,
private boolean,
views integer,
is_bot boolean
ALTER TABLE public.submissions OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: comment_count(public.submissions); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE FUNCTION public.comment_count(public.submissions) RETURNS bigint
AS $_$
FROM comments
WHERE is_banned=false
AND deleted_utc=0
AND parent_submission = $
AND shadowbanned = false
ALTER FUNCTION public.comment_count(public.submissions) OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: users; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE TABLE public.users (
id integer NOT NULL,
username character varying(255) NOT NULL,
email character varying(255),
passhash character varying(255) NOT NULL,
created_utc integer NOT NULL,
admin_level integer,
over_18 boolean,
is_activated boolean,
bio character varying(1500),
bio_html character varying(10000),
referred_by integer,
is_banned integer,
ban_reason character varying(128),
login_nonce integer,
reserved character varying(256),
mfa_secret character varying(32),
is_private boolean,
unban_utc integer,
is_nofollow boolean DEFAULT false,
custom_filter_list character varying(1000) DEFAULT ''::character varying,
discord_id character varying(64),
stored_subscriber_count integer DEFAULT 0,
ban_evade integer DEFAULT 0,
original_username character varying(255),
customtitle text,
defaultsorting text,
defaulttime text,
namecolor text,
titlecolor text,
profileurl text,
bannerurl text,
hidevotedon boolean,
newtab boolean,
flairchanged boolean,
defaultsortingcomments text,
theme text,
song text,
slurreplacer boolean,
shadowbanned boolean,
newtabexternal boolean,
customtitleplain text,
themecolor text,
changelogsub boolean,
oldreddit boolean,
css text,
profilecss text,
coins integer,
agendaposter boolean,
agendaposter_expires_utc integer DEFAULT 0,
resized boolean,
animatedname boolean,
suicide_utc integer,
post_count integer,
comment_count integer,
highres text,
rent_utc integer,
patron integer,
zzz boolean DEFAULT false
ALTER TABLE public.users OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: referral_count(public.users); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE FUNCTION public.referral_count(public.users) RETURNS bigint
AS $_$
WHERE users.is_banned=0
AND users.referred_by=$
ALTER FUNCTION public.referral_count(public.users) OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: comments; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE TABLE public.comments (
id integer NOT NULL,
author_id integer,
created_utc integer NOT NULL,
parent_submission integer,
is_banned boolean,
distinguish_level integer,
edited_utc integer,
deleted_utc integer NOT NULL,
is_approved integer NOT NULL,
author_name character varying(64),
approved_utc integer,
level integer,
parent_comment_id integer,
over_18 boolean,
upvotes integer,
downvotes integer,
is_bot boolean DEFAULT false,
is_pinned boolean DEFAULT false,
app_id integer,
sentto integer,
shadowbanned boolean
ALTER TABLE public.comments OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: score(public.comments); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE FUNCTION public.score(public.comments) RETURNS integer
AS $_$
SELECT ($1.upvotes - $1.downvotes)
ALTER FUNCTION public.score(public.comments) OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: score(public.submissions); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE FUNCTION public.score(public.submissions) RETURNS integer
AS $_$
SELECT ($1.upvotes - $1.downvotes)
ALTER FUNCTION public.score(public.submissions) OWNER TO postgres;
-- --
-- Name: alts; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- Name: alts; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
-- --
@ -566,6 +370,37 @@ ALTER TABLE public.commentflags_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
ALTER SEQUENCE public.commentflags_id_seq OWNED BY; ALTER SEQUENCE public.commentflags_id_seq OWNED BY;
-- Name: comments; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE TABLE public.comments (
id integer NOT NULL,
author_id integer,
created_utc integer NOT NULL,
parent_submission integer,
is_banned boolean,
distinguish_level integer,
edited_utc integer,
deleted_utc integer NOT NULL,
is_approved integer NOT NULL,
author_name character varying(64),
approved_utc integer,
level integer,
parent_comment_id integer,
over_18 boolean,
upvotes integer,
downvotes integer,
is_bot boolean DEFAULT false,
is_pinned boolean DEFAULT false,
app_id integer,
sentto integer,
shadowbanned boolean
ALTER TABLE public.comments OWNER TO postgres;
-- --
-- Name: comments_aux; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- Name: comments_aux; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
-- --
@ -947,6 +782,36 @@ ALTER TABLE public.save_relationship_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
ALTER SEQUENCE public.save_relationship_id_seq OWNED BY; ALTER SEQUENCE public.save_relationship_id_seq OWNED BY;
-- Name: submissions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE TABLE public.submissions (
id integer NOT NULL,
author_id integer,
created_utc integer NOT NULL,
is_banned boolean,
over_18 boolean,
distinguish_level integer,
created_str character varying(255),
stickied boolean,
deleted_utc integer NOT NULL,
domain_ref integer,
is_approved integer NOT NULL,
edited_utc integer,
is_pinned boolean,
upvotes integer,
downvotes integer,
app_id integer,
thumburl text,
private boolean,
views integer,
is_bot boolean
ALTER TABLE public.submissions OWNER TO postgres;
-- --
-- Name: submissions_aux; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- Name: submissions_aux; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
-- --
@ -960,8 +825,6 @@ CREATE TABLE public.submissions_aux (
embed_url character varying(10000), embed_url character varying(10000),
ban_reason character varying(128), ban_reason character varying(128),
key_id integer NOT NULL, key_id integer NOT NULL,
meta_title character varying(512),
meta_description character varying(1024),
title_html text title_html text
); );
@ -1121,6 +984,74 @@ ALTER TABLE public.userblocks_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
ALTER SEQUENCE public.userblocks_id_seq OWNED BY; ALTER SEQUENCE public.userblocks_id_seq OWNED BY;
-- Name: users; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE TABLE public.users (
id integer NOT NULL,
username character varying(255) NOT NULL,
email character varying(255),
passhash character varying(255) NOT NULL,
created_utc integer NOT NULL,
admin_level integer,
over_18 boolean,
is_activated boolean,
bio character varying(1500),
bio_html character varying(10000),
referred_by integer,
is_banned integer,
ban_reason character varying(128),
login_nonce integer,
reserved character varying(256),
mfa_secret character varying(32),
is_private boolean,
unban_utc integer,
is_nofollow boolean DEFAULT false,
custom_filter_list character varying(1000) DEFAULT ''::character varying,
discord_id character varying(64),
stored_subscriber_count integer DEFAULT 0,
ban_evade integer DEFAULT 0,
original_username character varying(255),
customtitle text,
defaultsorting text,
defaulttime text,
namecolor text,
titlecolor text,
profileurl text,
bannerurl text,
hidevotedon boolean,
newtab boolean,
flairchanged boolean,
defaultsortingcomments text,
theme text,
song text,
slurreplacer boolean,
shadowbanned boolean,
newtabexternal boolean,
customtitleplain text,
themecolor text,
changelogsub boolean,
oldreddit boolean,
css text,
profilecss text,
coins integer,
agendaposter boolean,
agendaposter_expires_utc integer DEFAULT 0,
resized boolean,
animatedname boolean,
suicide_utc integer,
post_count integer,
comment_count integer,
highres text,
rent_utc integer,
patron integer,
zzz boolean DEFAULT false
ALTER TABLE public.users OWNER TO postgres;
-- --
-- Name: users_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- Name: users_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
-- --