
382 lines
14 KiB

import time
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import traceback
import backoff
from functools import cache
class TimeOutException(Exception):
Wrapper around the RDRama API
class RDramaAPIInterface:
def __init__(self, authorization_token, site, https: bool = True) -> None:
self.headers={"Authorization": authorization_token}
self.site = site
self.protocol = "https" if https else "http"
def is_chudded(self):
return "Chud" in self.get_my_badges_simple()
def get_my_badges_simple(self):
return [i['name'] for i in self.get_my_badges()]
def get_my_badges(self):
return self.get_me()['badges']
def make_post(self, title, submission_url, body):
return self.post(url, data={'title' : title, 'url': submission_url, 'body': body})
def get_me(self):
return self.get(url)
Sends a message to a user.
def send_message(self, username, message):
return self.post(url, data={'message':message})
Replies to the comment with the given id.
def reply_to_comment(self,parent_fullname, parent_submission, message, file=None):
if file == None:
return self.post(url, data={
'submission': parent_submission,
"body": message
return self.post(url, data={
'submission': parent_submission,
"body": message
}, files=file)
Replies to the comment with the given id.
def reply_to_comment_easy(self,comment_id, parent_submission, message, file=None):
return self.reply_to_comment(f"c_{comment_id}", parent_submission, message, file=file)
def reply_to_post(self, post_id, message):
return self.reply_to_comment(f"p_{post_id}", post_id, message)
Gets "all" comments.
def get_comments(self, number_of_pages=1, user=None, sort="new", upper_bound = 0, lower_bound = 0, t="all"):
return self.search("comments", number_of_pages, user, sort, upper_bound, lower_bound, t)
Gets "all" posts.
def get_posts(self, number_of_pages=1, user=None, sort="new", upper_bound = 0, lower_bound = 0, t="all"):
return self.search("", number_of_pages, user, sort, upper_bound, lower_bound, t)
def search(self, root, number_of_pages, user, sort, upper_bound, lower_bound, t):
if (user == None):
params = f"?sort={sort}&t={t}&before={upper_bound}&after={lower_bound}"
if number_of_pages == 1:
return self.get(url)
results = []
for i_ in range(number_of_pages):
i = i_ + 1
results += self.get(full_url)['data']
return {
'data': results
Calls the notifications endpoint
def get_notifications(self, page : int):
return self.get(url)
def reply_to_direct_message(self, message_id : int, message : str):
return self.post(url, data = {
'parent_id' : message_id,
'body': message
def get_comment(self, id):
return self.get(url)
def get_front_page(self):
return self.get(url)
def get_hole(self, hole: str):
url = f"{self.protocol}://{self.site}/h/{hole}"
return self.get(url)
def has_url_been_posted(self, the_url):
return self.post(url, {'url': the_url})['permalink'] != ''
def get_user_information(self, id):
return self.get(url)
I have no clue what this is supposed to do, lol.
def clear_notifications(self):
return self.post(url, headers=self.headers)
def get_unread_notifications(self):
return self.get(url)
def give_coins(self, user, amount):
return self.post(url, data={'amount':amount})
def get_post(self, id):
return self.get(url)
Given a notification, returns whether or not the message is from Drama (ie, the messenger)
def is_message_from_drama(self,notification) -> bool:
return notification['author_name'] == "Drama" or notification['author']['id'] == 1
IMPLYING THAT THE MESSAGE IS FROM DRAMA, determines whether or not the notification is a gift transaction.
def is_message_is_a_gift_transaction(self,notification) -> bool:
soup = BeautifulSoup(notification['body_html'], 'html.parser')
p = soup.p
#The first element is :marseycapitalistmanlet:. If not, we know this isn't a gift
marsey_capitalist_manlet = p.contents[0]
return (marsey_capitalist_manlet.name == "img" and marsey_capitalist_manlet['alt'] == ":marseycapitalistmanlet:")
Whether or not the message is a follow notification.
def is_message_a_follow_notification(self, notification):
return "has followed you!" in notification['body_html']
Whether or not the message is an unfollow notification.
def is_message_an_unfollow_notification(self, notification):
return "has unfollowed you!" in notification['body_html']
Parses a gift transaction
def parse_gift_transaction(self, notification):
soup = BeautifulSoup(notification['body_html'], 'html.parser')
p = soup.p
#The third element is the username. It is a hyperlink tag containing the name of the user
user_element = p.contents[2]
user_id = user_element['href'].split("/")[2] #the hyperlink is formatted like so: /id/x, where x is the id
user_name = user_element.contents[1].string[1:] #the username is within the image tag. we remove the first character, which is an @
#the fourth element is the "gift" string. It looks like this " has gifted you x coins".
amount_string = p.contents[3]
amount = amount_string.string.split(" ")[4]
return {
"type": "transfer",
"user_name": user_name,
"user_id": int(user_id),
"amount": int(amount),
"id": notification['id']
parses a post mention
def parse_post_mention(self, notification):
soup = BeautifulSoup(notification['body_html'], 'html.parser')
p = soup.p
#The first element is the username. It is a hyperlink tag containing the name of the user
user_element = p.contents[0]
user_id = user_element['href'].split("/")[2] #the hyperlink is formatted like so: /id/x, where x is the id
user_name = user_element.contents[1].string[1:] #the username is after the img tag. we remove the first character, which is an @
post_element = p.contents[-1]
post_id = post_element['href'].split("/")[2]
post_name = post_element.string
return {
"type": "post_mention",
"user_name": user_name,
"user_id": int(user_id),
"id": notification['id'],
"post_name": post_name,
"post_id": post_id
parses a follow notification
def parse_follow_notification(self, notification):
soup = BeautifulSoup(notification['body_html'], 'html.parser')
p = soup.p
#The first element is the username. It is a hyperlink tag containing the name of the user
user_element = p.contents[0]
user_id = user_element['href'].split("/")[2] #the hyperlink is formatted like so: /id/x, where x is the id
user_name = user_element.contents[1].string[1:] #the username is after the img tag. we remove the first character, which is an @
return {
"type": "follow",
"user_name": user_name,
"user_id": int(user_id),
"id": notification['id']
parses an unfollow notification
def parse_unfollow_notification(self, notification):
soup = BeautifulSoup(notification['body_html'], 'html.parser')
p = soup.p
#The first element is the username. It is a hyperlink tag containing the name of the user
user_element = p.contents[0]
user_id = user_element['href'].split("/")[2] #the hyperlink is formatted like so: /id/x, where x is the id
user_name = user_element.contents[1].string[1:] #the username is after the img tag. we remove the first character, which is an @
return {
"type": "unfollow",
"user_name": user_name,
"user_id": int(user_id),
"id": notification['id']
parses a dm
def parse_direct_message(self, notification):
soup = BeautifulSoup(notification['body_html'], "html.parser")
message = ''.join(soup.findAll(text=True))
return {
"type": "direct_message",
"user_name": notification['author_name'],
"user_id": notification['author']['id'],
"id": notification['id'],
"message_html": notification['body_html'],
"message": message
parses a reply to a comment.
def parse_comment_reply(self, notification):
#TODO: Lots of changes needed.
return {
"type": "comment_reply",
"parent_id": notification["id"],
"post_name": notification["post"]["title"],
"post_id": notification["post"]["id"]
def parse_comment_mention(self, notification):
#TODO: Work needs to be done here, I removed some stuff
return {
"type": "comment_mention",
"user_name": notification['author_name'],
"user_id": notification['author']['id'],
"id": notification["id"],
"message": notification['body'],
"parent_comment_id": notification['parent_comment_id'] if notification['level'] != 1 else None,
"post_id": notification['post_id']
Returns a list of notifications in an easy to process list.
def get_parsed_notification(self):
to_return = []
notifications = self.get_unread_notifications()['data']
if (notifications == []):
return []
for notification in notifications:
parsed_notification = {}
if self.is_message_from_drama(notification):
if (self.is_message_is_a_gift_transaction(notification)):
parsed_notification = self.parse_gift_transaction(notification)
elif ("has mentioned you: " in notification['body_html']):
parsed_notification = self.parse_post_mention(notification)
elif (self.is_message_a_follow_notification(notification)):
parsed_notification = self.parse_follow_notification(notification)
elif (self.is_message_an_unfollow_notification(notification)):
parsed_notification = self.parse_unfollow_notification(notification)
elif (self.welcome_message in notification['body_html']):
#Welcome message
elif ("if you don't know what to do next" in notification['body_html']):
#API approval message
elif notification['post_id'] == 0:
#Direct message
parsed_notification = self.parse_direct_message(notification)
#comment mention
parsed_notification = self.parse_comment_mention(notification)
except BaseException as e:
print(f"Exception {e}")
print(f"Notification: {notification}")
return to_return
@backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, requests.exceptions.RequestException)
def get(self, url):
response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
print(f"GET {url} ({response.status_code})")
if (response.status_code == 429):
raise requests.exceptions.RequestException()
if (response.status_code != 200):
raise BaseException(f"GET {url} ({response.status_code}) {response.json()}")
return response.json()
@backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, TimeOutException)
def post(self, url, data, files = None):
if files == None:
response = requests.post(url, headers=self.headers, data=data)
response = requests.post(url, headers=self.headers, data=data, files=files)
print(f"POST {url} ({response.status_code}) {data}")
if (response.status_code == 429):
raise TimeOutException
if (response.status_code != 200):
raise BaseException(f"POST {url} ({response.status_code}) {data} => {response.json()}")
return response.json()