import random import time from urllib.parse import quote from sqlalchemy.sql import func import gevent import requests import math from flask import g from files.classes.reports import Report from files.classes.mod_logs import ModAction from files.classes.notifications import Notification from files.classes.polls import CommentOption, PostOption from files.classes.award import AwardRelationship from files.classes.hole_relationship import Exile from files.helpers.alerts import send_repeatable_notification, push_notif from files.helpers.config.const import * from files.helpers.config.awards import AWARDS from files.helpers.const_stateful import * from files.helpers.get import * from files.helpers.logging import log_file from files.helpers.sanitize import * from files.helpers.settings import get_setting from files.helpers.slots import check_slots_command from files.helpers.useractions import badge_grant from files.routes.routehelpers import check_for_alts def _archiveorg(url): try:'', data={"archive": url}, headers=HEADERS, timeout=10) except: pass try: requests.get(f'{url}', headers=HEADERS, timeout=10) except: pass def archive_url(url): gevent.spawn(_archiveorg, url) if url.startswith(''): url = url.replace('', '') gevent.spawn(_archiveorg, url) def snappy_report(post, reason): report = Report(, user_id=SNAPPY_ID, reason=reason) g.db.add(report) message = f'@Snappy reported {post.textlink})\n\n> {reason}' send_repeatable_notification(post.author_id, message) def execute_snappy(post, v): if post.hole and g.db.query(Exile.user_id).filter_by(user_id=SNAPPY_ID, hole=post.hole).one_or_none(): return ghost = post.ghost snappy = get_account(SNAPPY_ID) ping_cost = 0 post_ping_group_count = len(list(group_mention_regex.finditer(post.body))) if SITE_NAME == 'rDrama' and (v.post_count <= 3 or v.new_user): body = "Hey, I saw that you just joined rdrama and a group of people who hate me are trying to smear my name by calling me a date male feminist. I just wanted to let you know that it's not true. If you want all the receipts proving it they're right here.\nThe TL;DR is that I hooked up with one of the hot girls on rdrama, and since I was twice her age, a lot of the guys here who wanted to bang her got jealous and assumed that the only way I could have managed that was by raping her, even though she herself said both before and afterwards that it was all completely consensual. So now that you're the new hot girl on rdrama, I guess they think that I'm going to somehow seduce you into flying all the way across the country (or some crazy shit like that) to hook up with me and they're trying to talk shit about me to make sure that doesnt happen. I don't understand it either, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm a nice guy and I hope you'll look at the evidence and make up your own mind instead of listening to all the jealous haters.\nAnyway, with that little intro out of the way, welcome to rdrama! The culture's a little rough here and you're probably going to get tons of requests to •show boobsU but if you talk to some of the women here first before engaging with all the creepy dudes, they'll give you some good advice to avoid stalkers and predators. Or (If you haven't been scared off by the rumor mill) you're welcome to ask me and I'm happy to help.\nJust out of curiosity, how did you find this place?" elif post.hole and post.hole_obj.snappy_quotes: quotes = post.hole_obj.snappy_quotes.split("[para]") body = random.choice(quotes).strip() elif SITE_NAME == 'WPD' and ('killing myself' in post.title.lower() or (post.hole != 'suicide' and 'suicide' in post.title.lower())): body = "" elif post_ping_group_count > 3: body = "Unnecessary and uncalled for ping :marseydownvotemad: two more strikes and you're getting blocked + megadownvoted buddy, don't test your luck" vote = Vote(user_id=SNAPPY_ID, vote_type=-1,, real = True ) g.db.add(vote) post.downvotes += 1 elif == CARP_ID: if random.random() < 0.08: body = random.choice(("i love you carp", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) elif IS_DKD(): body = ":#donkeykongfuckoffcarp:" elif IS_HOMOWEEN(): body = "F̵̽̉U̷̓̕C̵̟̍K̴̾̍ ̵́̒O̶͐̇F̷͗̐F̴͛̄ ̸̆͠CARP" elif IS_FISTMAS(): body = "Merry Christmas Carp :marseychristmasgift2:" else: body = ":#carpwavelove:" elif == AEVANN_ID: body = "" elif SITE == '' and == 253: body = "" elif SITE == '' and == 8094: body = "" elif SITE == '' and == 5214: body = random.choice(("", "Dear Chiobu:\n\nWe are not accepting non-US residents because of difficulty of payment and difficulty of enforcing our Confidentiality Agreement internationally. Additionally, you seem to have opinions incompatible with ours, namely your opinions **Towards the Chinese** and **Towards Transgender Individuals**. We thank you for your interest.")) elif SITE == '' and == 9493: body = "" else: if IS_DKD(): SNAPPY_CHOICES = SNAPPY_KONGS elif IS_FISTMAS(): SNAPPY_CHOICES = SNAPPY_QUOTES_FISTMAS elif IS_HOMOWEEN(): SNAPPY_CHOICES = SNAPPY_QUOTES_HOMOWEEN elif SNAPPY_MARSEYS and SNAPPY_QUOTES: if random.random() > 0.5: SNAPPY_CHOICES = SNAPPY_QUOTES else: SNAPPY_CHOICES = SNAPPY_MARSEYS elif SNAPPY_MARSEYS: SNAPPY_CHOICES = SNAPPY_MARSEYS elif SNAPPY_QUOTES: SNAPPY_CHOICES = SNAPPY_QUOTES else: SNAPPY_CHOICES = [""] body = random.choice(SNAPPY_CHOICES).strip() body = body.replace('%OP%', f'@{post.author_name}') if body.startswith('▼') or body.startswith(':#marseydownvote'): if body.startswith('▼'): body = body[1:] vote = Vote(user_id=SNAPPY_ID, vote_type=-1,, real = True ) g.db.add(vote) post.downvotes += 1 if body.startswith('OP is a Trump supporter'): snappy_report(post, 'Trump supporter') elif body.startswith('You had your chance. Downvoted and reported'): snappy_report(post, 'Retard') elif body.startswith('▲') or body.startswith(':#marseyupvote'): if body.startswith('▲'): body = body[1:] vote = Vote(user_id=SNAPPY_ID, vote_type=1,, real = True ) g.db.add(vote) post.upvotes += 1 elif ':#marseyghost' in body: ghost = True elif body == '!slots': body = f'!slots{snappy.coins}' elif body == '!pinggroup': group = g.db.query(Group).filter( != 'focusgroup').order_by(func.random()).first() cost = len(group.member_ids) * 5 snappy.charge_account('coins', cost) body = f'!{}' ping_cost = cost elif body.startswith(':#marseyglow'): award_object = AwardRelationship(, kind="glowie",, awarded_utc=time.time(), ) g.db.add(award_object) awarded_coins = int(AWARDS["glowie"]['price'] * COSMETIC_AWARD_COIN_AWARD_PCT)'coins', awarded_coins, f"Glowie award on {post.textlink}") msg = f"@Snappy has given {post.textlink} the Glowie Award and you have received {awarded_coins} coins as a result!" send_repeatable_notification(, msg) elif body.startswith("You're a chud, CHUD I tell you"): award_object = AwardRelationship(, kind="chud",, awarded_utc=time.time(), note="Trans lives matter", ) g.db.add(award_object) msg = f"@Snappy has given {post.textlink} the Chud Award\n\n**You now have to say this phrase in all posts and comments you make for 24 hours:**\n\n> Trans lives matter" send_repeatable_notification(, msg) if v.chud != 1: if v.chud and time.time() < v.chud: v.chud += 86400 else: v.chud = int(time.time()) + 86400 v.chud_phrase = 'trans lives matter' badge_grant(user=v, badge_id=58) post.chudded = True complies_with_chud(post) body += "\n\n" captured = [] if post.url: captured.append((post.url, post.url)) for i in list(snappy_url_regex.finditer(post.body_html.replace(' data-src="', ' src="'))): href = if href in [x[0] for x in captured]: continue title = captured.append((href, title)) for href, title in captured: if href.startswith('/') or href.startswith(f'{SITE_FULL}/') or href.startswith(f'{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/'): captured.remove((href, title)) if captured: body += "**Snapshots:**\n\n" for href, title in captured: if f'**[{title}]({href})**:\n\n' not in body: addition = f'**[{title}]({href})**:\n\n' if href.startswith(''): rev = href.replace('', '') addition += f'* []({rev})\n\n' elif href.startswith(''): rev = href.replace('', '') addition += f"* []({rev}&type=submission)\n\n" elif href.startswith(''): rev = href.replace('', '') addition += f'* []({rev})\n\n' elif href.startswith('') and href != '': rev = href.replace('', '') addition += f'* []({rev})\n\n' addition += f'* []({quote(href)})\n\n' addition += f'* []({href})\n\n' addition += f'* []({quote(href)}&run=1) (click to archive)\n\n' if len(f'{body}{addition}') > COMMENT_BODY_LENGTH_LIMIT: break body += addition archive_url(href) body = body[:COMMENT_BODY_LENGTH_LIMIT].strip() body_html = sanitize(body, snappy=True, showmore=True) if len(body_html) == 0: return if len(body_html) < COMMENT_BODY_HTML_LENGTH_LIMIT: c = Comment(author_id=SNAPPY_ID, distinguished=True,, level=1, nsfw=False, is_bot=True, app_id=None, body=body, body_html=body_html, ghost=ghost, ping_cost=ping_cost, ) g.db.add(c) check_slots_command(c, v, snappy) snappy.comment_count += 1 snappy.pay_account('coins', 1) g.db.add(snappy) if FEATURES['PINS'] and (body.startswith(':#marseypin:') or body.startswith(':#marseypin2:')): post.pinned = "Snappy" post.pinned_utc = int(time.time()) + 3600 elif SITE_NAME == 'rDrama' and body.startswith(':#marseyban:'): days = 0.01 reason = f'/post/{}' v.ban(admin=snappy, reason=reason, days=days) text = f"@Snappy has banned you for **{days}** days for the following reason:\n\n> {reason}" send_repeatable_notification(, text) duration = f"for {days} days" ma = ModAction( kind="ban_user",,, _note=f'duration: {duration}, reason: "{reason}"' ) g.db.add(ma) post.bannedfor = f'{duration} by @Snappy' g.db.flush() if c.ping_cost: for x in group.member_ids: n = Notification(, user_id=x) g.db.add(n) push_notif({x}, f'New mention of you by @Snappy', c.body, c) c.top_comment_id = post.comment_count += 1 post.replies = [c] def execute_zozbot(c, level, post, v): if not ZOZBOT_ID: return if random.random() >= 0.001: return posting_to_post = isinstance(post, Post) if posting_to_post and post.hole and g.db.query(Exile.user_id).filter_by(user_id=ZOZBOT_ID, hole=post.hole).one_or_none(): return c2 = Comment(author_id=ZOZBOT_ID, if posting_to_post else None, if not posting_to_post else None,, level=level+1, is_bot=True, body="zoz", body_html='


', top_comment_id=c.top_comment_id, ghost=c.ghost, distinguished=True ) g.db.add(c2) g.db.flush() n = Notification(, g.db.add(n) c3 = Comment(author_id=ZOZBOT_ID, if posting_to_post else None, if not posting_to_post else None,, level=level+2, is_bot=True, body="zle", body_html='


', top_comment_id=c.top_comment_id, ghost=c.ghost, distinguished=True ) g.db.add(c3) g.db.flush() c4 = Comment(author_id=ZOZBOT_ID, if posting_to_post else None, if not posting_to_post else None,, level=level+3, is_bot=True, body="zozzle", body_html='


', top_comment_id=c.top_comment_id, ghost=c.ghost, distinguished=True ) g.db.add(c4) zozbot = get_account(ZOZBOT_ID) zozbot.comment_count += 3 zozbot.pay_account('coins', 1) g.db.add(zozbot) if posting_to_post: post.comment_count += 3 g.db.add(post) push_notif({}, f'New reply by @{c2.author_name}', "zoz", c2) def execute_longpostbot(c, level, body, body_html, post, v): if not LONGPOSTBOT_ID: return if not len(c.body.split()) >= 200: return if "" in body_html: return posting_to_post = isinstance(post, Post) if posting_to_post and post.hole and g.db.query(Exile.user_id).filter_by(user_id=LONGPOSTBOT_ID, hole=post.hole).one_or_none(): return body = random.choice(LONGPOSTBOT_REPLIES) if body.startswith('▼'): body = body[1:] vote = CommentVote(user_id=LONGPOSTBOT_ID, vote_type=-1,, real = True ) g.db.add(vote) c.downvotes = 1 body_html = sanitize(body) c2 = Comment(author_id=LONGPOSTBOT_ID, if posting_to_post else None, if not posting_to_post else None,, level=level+1, is_bot=True, body=body, body_html=body_html, top_comment_id=c.top_comment_id, ghost=c.ghost ) g.db.add(c2) longpostbot = get_account(LONGPOSTBOT_ID) longpostbot.comment_count += 1 longpostbot.pay_account('coins', 1) g.db.add(longpostbot) g.db.flush() n = Notification(, g.db.add(n) if posting_to_post: post.comment_count += 1 g.db.add(post) push_notif({}, f'New reply by @{c2.author_name}', c2.body, c2) def tempban_for_spam(v): text = "Your account has been banned for **1 day** for the following reason:\n\n> Too much spam!" send_repeatable_notification(, text) v.ban(reason="Spam", days=1) ma = ModAction( kind="ban_user", user_id=AUTOJANNY_ID,, _note=f'duration: for 1 day, reason: "Spam"' ) g.db.add(ma) def execute_antispam_post_check(title, v, url): if v.admin_level >= PERMS['BYPASS_ANTISPAM_CHECKS']: return True now = int(time.time()) cutoff = now - 60 * 60 * 24 similar_posts = g.db.query(Post).filter( Post.author_id ==, Post.title.op('<->')(title) < SPAM_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD, Post.created_utc > cutoff ).all() if url: similar_urls = g.db.query(Post).filter( Post.author_id ==, Post.url.op('<->')(url) < SPAM_URL_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD, Post.created_utc > cutoff ).all() else: similar_urls = [] threshold = SPAM_SIMILAR_COUNT_THRESHOLD if v.age >= (60 * 60 * 24 * 7): threshold *= 3 elif v.age >= (60 * 60 * 24): threshold *= 2 if max(len(similar_urls), len(similar_posts)) >= threshold: tempban_for_spam(v) for post in similar_posts + similar_urls: post.is_banned = True post.profile_pinned = False post.ban_reason = "AutoJanny" g.db.add(post) ma = ModAction( user_id=AUTOJANNY_ID,, kind="ban_post", _note="Spam" ) g.db.add(ma) return False return True def execute_antispam_duplicate_comment_check(v, body_html): if v.admin_level >= PERMS['BYPASS_ANTISPAM_CHECKS']: return if in ANTISPAM_BYPASS_IDS: return if v.age >= NOTIFICATION_SPAM_AGE_THRESHOLD: return if len(body_html) < 16: return ANTISPAM_DUPLICATE_THRESHOLD = 3 compare_time = int(time.time()) - 60 * 60 * 24 count = g.db.query( == body_html, Comment.created_utc >= compare_time).count() if count <= ANTISPAM_DUPLICATE_THRESHOLD: return tempban_for_spam(v) g.db.commit() abort(403, "Too much spam!") def execute_antispam_comment_check(body, v): if v.admin_level >= PERMS['BYPASS_ANTISPAM_CHECKS']: return if in ANTISPAM_BYPASS_IDS: return if len(body) <= COMMENT_SPAM_LENGTH_THRESHOLD: return now = int(time.time()) cutoff = now - 60 * 60 * 24 similar_comments = g.db.query(Comment).filter( Comment.author_id ==, Comment.body.op('<->')(body) < COMMENT_SPAM_SIMILAR_THRESHOLD, Comment.created_utc > cutoff ).all() threshold = COMMENT_SPAM_COUNT_THRESHOLD if v.age >= (60 * 60 * 24 * 7): threshold *= 3 elif v.age >= (60 * 60 * 24): threshold *= 2 if len(similar_comments) <= threshold: return tempban_for_spam(v) for comment in similar_comments: comment.is_banned = True comment.ban_reason = "AutoJanny" g.db.add(comment) ma = ModAction( user_id=AUTOJANNY_ID,, kind="ban_comment", _note="Spam" ) g.db.add(ma) g.db.commit() abort(403, "Too much spam!") def execute_under_siege(v, target, body, kind): if v.shadowbanned: return if v.admin_level >= PERMS['BYPASS_UNDER_SIEGE_MODE']: return thresholds = cache.get("under_siege_thresholds") if not thresholds: thresholds = DEFAULT_UNDER_SIEGE_THRESHOLDS cache.set("under_siege_thresholds", thresholds) if v.age > thresholds[kind] * 60: return unshadowbannedcels = [x[0] for x in g.db.query(ModAction.target_user_id).filter_by(kind='unshadowban')] if in unshadowbannedcels: return check_for_alts(v) if v.shadowbanned: return v.shadowbanned = AUTOJANNY_ID v.shadowban_reason = "Under Siege" g.db.add(v) if kind == "report": if isinstance(target, Post): reason = f'report on post' else: reason = f'report on comment' elif hasattr(target, 'permalink'): reason = f'{kind}' else: reason = kind minutes = math.ceil(v.age / 60) time_taken = f'{minutes} minute' if minutes > 1: time_taken += 's' ma = ModAction( kind="shadowban", user_id=AUTOJANNY_ID,, _note=f'reason: "Under Siege ({reason}, {time_taken})"' ) g.db.add(ma) def process_options(v, target): patterns = [(poll_regex, 0), (choice_regex, 1)] if v.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_BETS']: patterns.append((bet_regex, 2)) option_count = 0 option_objects = [] for pattern, exclusive in patterns: body_html = target.body_html.replace('&', '&') for i in pattern.finditer(body_html): option_count += 1 if option_count > POLL_MAX_OPTIONS: abort(400, f"Max number of poll options is {POLL_MAX_OPTIONS}") body = if len(body) > 500: abort(400, f"Poll option body is too long (Max 500 characters)") if isinstance(target, Post): cls = PostOption else: cls = CommentOption existing = g.db.query(cls).filter_by(, body_html=body, exclusive=exclusive, ).first() if not existing: option = cls(, body_html=body, exclusive=exclusive, ) option_objects.append(option) #shitty hack to bypass autoflush g.db.add_all(option_objects)