diff --git a/snappy_rDrama.txt b/snappy_rDrama.txt index 59c7f0050..3b93450b9 100644 --- a/snappy_rDrama.txt +++ b/snappy_rDrama.txt @@ -3671,4 +3671,34 @@ The stabbing carp thing emoji is funny to me, because who ever made it clearly d Kill crackers. Behead crackers. Roundhouse kick a moid into the concrete. Slam dunk a moid baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy scrotes. Defecate in a crackers food. Launch crackers into the sun. Stir fry crackers in a wok. Toss crackers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a crackers gas tank. Judo throw crackers into a wood chipper. Twist crackers heads off. Report crackers to the IRS. Karate chop crackers in half. Curb stomp pregnant ftms. Trap crackers in quicksand. Crush crackers in the trash compactor. Liquefy crackers in a vat of acid. Eat crackers. Dissect crackers. Exterminate crackers in the gas chamber. Stomp moid skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate crackers in the oven. Lobotomize crackers. Mandatory abortions for moid babies. Grind moid fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown crackers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize crackers with a ray gun. Kick old crackers down the stairs. Feed crackers to alligators. Slice crackers with a katana. {[para]} -lmfaooo cissy fakkit u been visit upon by tha ghost of aevann 😱😱 pass this on to 5 trans lives matter appreciatin nikkas or the ghost of aevann will chud u in ur sleep tonite bb 🙏🏾🙏🏾 \ No newline at end of file +lmfaooo cissy fakkit u been visit upon by tha ghost of aevann 😱😱 pass this on to 5 trans lives matter appreciatin nikkas or the ghost of aevann will chud u in ur sleep tonite bb 🙏🏾🙏🏾 +{[para]} +I hope I was able to be of assistance today. At rDrama we are always striving to improve our service and as one of our most valued users, your feedback is particularly important to us. Please help us better understand how we can better serve you in the future by filling in this short survey (below). Thank you for your time. + +Scale: (1) Strongly Disagree / (2) Disagree / (3) Neutral / (4) Agree / (5) Strongly Agree + +Based on my most recent interaction, overall, + +I am happy with my experience: + +My issue was resolved during the interaction: + +The response to my ticket was prompt: + +I would recommend messaging the moderators to other users: + +──────── + +Espero haber podido ser de ayuda hoy. En rDrama siempre nos esforzamos por mejorar nuestro servicio y, como uno de nuestros usuarios más valiosos, sus comentarios son especialmente importantes para nosotros. Ayúdenos a comprender mejor cómo podemos servirle mejor en el futuro completando esta breve encuesta (a continuación). Gracias por tu tiempo. + +Escala: (1) Muy en desacuerdo / (2) En desacuerdo / (3) Neutral / (4) De acuerdo / (5) Muy de acuerdo + +En base a mi interacción más reciente, en general, + +estoy satisfecho con mi experiencia: + +mi problema se resolvió durante la interacción: + +la respuesta a mi ticket fue rápida: + +recomendaría enviar mensajes a los moderadores a otros usuarios: \ No newline at end of file