
870 lines
28 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

import functools
import random
import re
import signal
from functools import partial
from os import path, listdir
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse, unquote, ParseResult, urlencode, urlunparse
import time
import requests
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
import bleach
from bleach.css_sanitizer import CSSSanitizer
from bleach.linkifier import LinkifyFilter
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from mistletoe import markdown
from files.classes.domains import BannedDomain
from files.classes.mod_logs import ModAction
from files.classes.notifications import Notification
from files.classes.group import Group
from files.classes.follows import Follow
from files.helpers.config.const import *
from files.helpers.const_stateful import *
from files.helpers.regex import *
from files.helpers.get import *
from files.helpers.marsify import *
from files.helpers.owoify import *
from files.helpers.sharpen import *
from files.helpers.queenify import *
allowed_tags = ('a','audio','b','big','blink','blockquote','br','center','code','del','details','em','g','h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6','hr','i','img','li','lite-youtube','marquee','ol','p','pre','rp','rt','ruby','small','span','spoiler','strike','strong','sub','summary','sup','table','tbody','td','th','thead','tr','u','ul','video')
allowed_styles = ['background-color', 'color', 'filter', 'font-weight', 'text-align', 'transform']
def allowed_attributes(tag, name, value):
if name == 'style':
return True
if tag == 'marquee':
if name in {'direction', 'behavior', 'scrollamount'}: return True
if name in {'height', 'width'}:
try: value = int(value.replace('px', ''))
except: return False
if 0 < value <= 250: return True
if tag == 'a':
if name == 'href' and '\\' not in value and 'xn--' not in value:
return True
if name == 'rel' and value == 'nofollow noopener': return True
if name == 'target' and value == '_blank': return True
if tag == 'img':
if name in {'src','data-src'}: return is_safe_url(value)
if name == 'loading' and value == 'lazy': return True
if name == 'data-bs-toggle' and value == 'tooltip': return True
if name in {'g','b','glow','party'} and not value: return True
if name in {'alt','title'}: return True
if name == 'class' and value == 'img': return True
if name == 'data-user-submitted' and not value: return True
if tag == 'lite-youtube':
if name == 'params' and value.startswith('autoplay=1&modestbranding=1'): return True
if name == 'videoid': return True
if tag == 'video':
if name == 'controls' and value == '': return True
if name == 'preload' and value == 'none': return True
if name == 'src': return is_safe_url(value)
if tag == 'audio':
if name == 'src': return is_safe_url(value)
if name == 'controls' and value == '': return True
if name == 'preload' and value == 'none': return True
if tag == 'p':
if name == 'class' and value in {'mb-0','resizable','yt','text-center'}: return True
if tag == 'span':
if name == 'data-bs-toggle' and value == 'tooltip': return True
if name == 'title': return True
if name == 'alt': return True
if name == 'cide' and not value: return True
if name == 'bounce' and not value: return True
if tag == 'table':
if name == 'class' and value == 'table': return True
return False
def create_comment_duplicated(text_html):
new_comment = Comment(author_id=AUTOJANNY_ID,
new_comment.top_comment_id = new_comment.id
return new_comment.id
def send_repeatable_notification_duplicated(uid, text):
if uid in BOT_IDs: return
text_html = sanitize(text)
existing_comments = g.db.query(Comment.id).filter_by(author_id=AUTOJANNY_ID, parent_post=None, body_html=text_html, is_bot=True).order_by(Comment.id).all()
for c in existing_comments:
existing_notif = g.db.query(Notification.user_id).filter_by(user_id=uid, comment_id=c.id).one_or_none()
if not existing_notif:
notif = Notification(comment_id=c.id, user_id=uid)
cid = create_comment_duplicated(text_html)
notif = Notification(comment_id=cid, user_id=uid)
def execute_blackjack(v, target, body, kind):
if not blackjack or not body: return False
execute = False
for x in blackjack.split(','):
if all(i in body.lower() for i in x.split()):
execute = True
if not execute: return False
v.shadowbanned = AUTOJANNY_ID
ma = ModAction(
_note=f'reason: "Blackjack: {kind}"'
v.ban_reason = f"Blackjack: {kind}"
notified_ids = [x[0] for x in g.db.query(User.id).filter(User.admin_level >= PERMS['BLACKJACK_NOTIFICATIONS'])]
extra_info = kind
if target:
if kind == 'post':
extra_info = target.permalink
elif kind == 'report':
extra_info = f"reports on {target.permalink}"
elif kind in {'comment', 'message'}:
for id in notified_ids:
n = Notification(comment_id=target.id, user_id=id)
extra_info = None
if extra_info:
for id in notified_ids:
send_repeatable_notification_duplicated(id, f"Blackjack by @{v.username}: {extra_info}")
return True
def find_all_emoji_endings(emoji):
endings = []
is_non_ending_found = False
while not is_non_ending_found:
if emoji.endswith('pat'):
if 'pat' in endings:
is_non_ending_found = True
emoji = emoji[:-3]
if emoji.endswith('talking'):
if 'talking' in endings:
is_non_ending_found = True
emoji = emoji[:-7]
if emoji.endswith('genocide'):
if 'genocide' in endings:
is_non_ending_found = True
emoji = emoji[:-8]
if emoji.endswith('love'):
if 'love' in endings:
is_non_ending_found = True
emoji = emoji[:-4]
is_non_ending_found = True
if emoji.endswith('random'):
kind = emoji.split('random')[0].title()
if kind == 'Donkeykong': kind = 'Donkey Kong'
elif kind == 'Marseyflag': kind = 'Marsey Flags'
elif kind == 'Marseyalphabet': kind = 'Marsey Alphabet'
if kind in EMOJI_KINDS:
emoji = g.db.query(Emoji.name).filter_by(kind=kind, nsfw=False).order_by(func.random()).first()[0]
return endings, emoji
def render_emoji(html, regexp, golden, emojis_used, b=False, is_title=False):
emojis = list(regexp.finditer(html))
captured = set()
for i in emojis:
if i.group(0) in captured: continue
emoji = i.group(1).lower()
attrs = ''
if b: attrs += ' b'
if is_title: emoji = emoji.replace('#','')
if golden and len(emojis) <= 20 and ('marsey' in emoji or emoji in MARSEYS_CONST2):
if random.random() < 0.005:
attrs += ' ' + random.choice(('g', 'glow', 'party'))
old = emoji
emoji = emoji.replace('!','').replace('#','')
emoji_partial_pat = '<img alt=":{0}:" loading="lazy" src="{1}"{2}>'
emoji_partial = '<img alt=":{0}:" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" loading="lazy" src="{1}" title=":{0}:"{2}>'
emoji_html = None
ending_modifiers, emoji = find_all_emoji_endings(emoji)
is_talking = 'talking' in ending_modifiers
is_patted = 'pat' in ending_modifiers
is_talking_first = ending_modifiers.index('pat') > ending_modifiers.index('talking') if is_talking and is_patted else False
is_loved = 'love' in ending_modifiers
is_genocided = 'genocide' in ending_modifiers
is_user = emoji.startswith('@')
end_modifier_length = 3 if is_patted else 0
end_modifier_length = end_modifier_length + 7 if is_talking else end_modifier_length
hand_html = f'<img loading="lazy" src="{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/i/hand.webp">' if is_patted and emoji != 'marseyunpettable' else ''
talking_html = f'<img loading="lazy" src="{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/i/talking.webp">' if is_talking else ''
loved_html = f'<img loading="lazy" src="{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/i/love-foreground.webp" alt=":{old}:" {attrs}><img loading="lazy" alt=":{old}:" src="{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/i/love-background.webp" {attrs}>'
genocide_attr = ' cide' if is_genocided else ''
modifier_html = ''
if (is_talking and is_patted):
modifier_html = f'{talking_html}{hand_html}' if is_talking_first else f'{hand_html}{talking_html}'
elif (is_patted):
modifier_html = hand_html
elif (is_talking):
modifier_html = talking_html
modifier_html = f'{modifier_html}{loved_html}'
if (is_patted and emoji != 'marseyunpettable') or is_talking or is_genocided or is_loved:
if path.isfile(f"files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji}.webp"):
emoji_html = f'<span alt=":{old}:" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title=":{old}:"{genocide_attr}>{modifier_html}{emoji_partial_pat.format(old, f"{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/e/{emoji}.webp", attrs)}</span>'
elif is_user:
if u := get_user(emoji[1:], graceful=True):
emoji_html = f'<span alt=":{old}:" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title=":{old}:"{genocide_attr}>{modifier_html}{emoji_partial_pat.format(old, f"/pp/{u.id}", attrs)}</span>'
elif path.isfile(f'files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji}.webp'):
emoji_html = emoji_partial.format(old, f'{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/e/{emoji}.webp', attrs)
if emoji_html:
html = re.sub(f'(?<!"){i.group(0)}(?![^<]*<\/(code|pre)>)', emoji_html, html)
return html
def with_sigalrm_timeout(timeout):
'Use SIGALRM to raise an exception if the function executes for longer than timeout seconds'
# while trying to test this using time.sleep I discovered that gunicorn does in fact do some
# async so if we timeout on that (or on a db op) then the process is crashed without returning
# a proper 500 error. Oh well.
def sig_handler(signum, frame):
print("Timeout!", flush=True)
raise Exception("Timeout")
def inner(func):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, sig_handler)
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
return inner
def remove_cuniform(sanitized):
if not sanitized: return ""
sanitized = sanitized.replace('\u200e','').replace('\u200b','').replace('\u202e','').replace("\ufeff", "").replace("\u033f","").replace("\u0589", ":")
sanitized = sanitized.replace("𒐪","").replace("𒐫","").replace("","")
sanitized = sanitized.replace("\r\n", "\n")
sanitized = sanitized.replace("", "'")
return sanitized.strip()
def get_youtube_id_and_t(url):
params = parse_qs(urlparse(url).query, keep_blank_values=True)
id = params.get('v')
if not id: return (None, None)
id = id[0]
t = None
split = id.split('?t=')
if len(split) == 2:
id = split[0]
t = split[1]
id = id.split('?')[0]
return (id, t)
def handle_youtube_links(url):
url = url.replace('&amp;','&')
params = parse_qs(urlparse(url).query, keep_blank_values=True)
html = None
id, t = get_youtube_id_and_t(url)
if not id: return None
if yt_id_regex.fullmatch(id):
if not t:
t = params.get('t', params.get('start', [0]))[0]
if isinstance(t, str):
t = t.replace('s','').replace('S','')
split = t.split('m')
if len(split) == 2:
minutes = int(split[0])
if split[1]: seconds = int(split[1])
else: seconds = 0
t = minutes*60 + seconds
html = f'<lite-youtube videoid="{id}" params="autoplay=1&modestbranding=1'
if t:
html += f'&start={int(t)}'
html += '"></lite-youtube>'
return html
def sanitize(sanitized, golden=True, limit_pings=0, showmore=False, count_emojis=False, snappy=False, chat=False, blackjack=None, commenters_ping_post_id=None, obj=None, author=None):
def error(error):
if chat:
return error, 403
abort(403, error)
sanitized = html_comment_regex.sub('', sanitized)
sanitized = remove_cuniform(sanitized)
if not sanitized: return ''
v = getattr(g, 'v', None)
if blackjack and execute_blackjack(v, None, sanitized, blackjack):
return '<p>g</p>'
if obj and not obj.is_effortpost:
if author.owoify:
sanitized = owoify(sanitized, author.chud_phrase)
if author.marsify:
sanitized = marsify(sanitized, author.chud_phrase)
if obj and obj.sharpened:
sanitized = sharpen(sanitized, author.chud_phrase)
if '```' not in sanitized and '<pre>' not in sanitized:
sanitized = linefeeds_regex.sub(r'\1\n\n\2', sanitized)
sanitized = greentext_regex.sub(r'\1<g>\>\2</g>', sanitized)
sanitized = image_sub_regex.sub(r'![](\1)', sanitized)
sanitized = image_check_regex.sub(r'\1', sanitized)
sanitized = link_fix_regex.sub(r'\1https://\2', sanitized)
sanitized = command_regex.sub(command_regex_matcher, sanitized)
sanitized = numbered_list_regex.sub(r'\1\. ', sanitized)
sanitized = strikethrough_regex.sub(r'\1<del>\2</del>', sanitized)
sanitized = sanitized.replace('_', '')
sanitized = markdown(sanitized)
sanitized = sanitized.replace('', '_').replace('%E2%96%94', '_')
if obj and obj.queened:
sanitized = queenify_html(sanitized)
sanitized = sanitized.replace('<a href="/%21', '<a href="/!')
sanitized = reddit_mention_regex.sub(r'<a href="https://old.reddit.com/\1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">/\1</a>', sanitized)
sanitized = hole_mention_regex.sub(r'<a href="/\1">/\1</a>', sanitized)
names = set(m.group(1) for m in mention_regex.finditer(sanitized))
if limit_pings and len(names) > limit_pings and v.admin_level < PERMS['POST_COMMENT_INFINITE_PINGS']:
error("Max ping limit is 5 for comments and 50 for posts!")
users_list = get_users(names, graceful=True)
users_dict = {}
for u in users_list:
users_dict[u.username.lower()] = u
if u.original_username:
users_dict[u.original_username.lower()] = u
if u.prelock_username:
users_dict[u.prelock_username.lower()] = u
def replacer(m):
u = users_dict.get(m.group(1).lower())
if not u or (v and u.id in v.all_twoway_blocks) or (v and u.has_muted(v)):
return m.group(0)
return f'<a href="/id/{u.id}"><img loading="lazy" src="/pp/{u.id}">@{u.username}</a>'
sanitized = mention_regex.sub(replacer, sanitized)
def group_replacer(m):
name = m.group(1)
if name == 'everyone':
return f'<a href="/users">!{name}</a>'
elif name == 'jannies':
return f'<a href="/admins">!{name}</a>'
elif name == 'commenters' and commenters_ping_post_id:
return f'<a href="/!commenters/{commenters_ping_post_id}/{int(time.time())}">!{name}</a>'
elif name == 'followers':
return f'<a href="/id/{v.id}/followers">!{name}</a>'
elif g.db.get(Group, name.lower()):
return f'<a href="/!{name.lower()}">!{name}</a>'
return m.group(0)
sanitized = group_mention_regex.sub(group_replacer, sanitized)
soup = BeautifulSoup(sanitized, 'lxml')
for tag in soup.find_all("img"):
if tag.get("src") and not tag["src"].startswith('/pp/') and not (snappy and tag["src"].startswith(f'{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/e/')):
if not is_safe_url(tag["src"]):
a = soup.new_tag("a", href=tag["src"], rel="nofollow noopener", target="_blank")
a.string = tag["src"]
del tag["g"]
del tag["glow"]
del tag["party"]
tag["loading"] = "lazy"
tag["data-src"] = tag["src"]
tag["src"] = f"{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/i/l.webp"
tag['alt'] = tag["data-src"]
tag['class'] = "img"
if tag.parent.name != 'a':
a = soup.new_tag("a", href=tag["data-src"])
if not is_site_url(a["href"]):
a["rel"] = "nofollow noopener"
a["target"] = "_blank"
tag = tag.replace_with(a)
tag["data-src"] = tag["data-src"]
tag["data-user-submitted"] = ""
sanitized = str(soup).replace('<html><body>','').replace('</body></html>','').replace('/>','>')
sanitized = spoiler_regex.sub(r'<spoiler>\1</spoiler>', sanitized)
emojis_used = set()
emojis = list(emoji_regex.finditer(sanitized))
if len(emojis) > 20: golden = False
captured = []
for i in emojis:
if i.group(0) in captured: continue
old = i.group(0)
if 'marseylong1' in old or 'marseylong2' in old or 'marseylongcockandballs' in old or 'marseyllama1' in old or 'marseyllama2' in old:
new = old.lower().replace(">", " class='mb-0'>")
else: new = old.lower()
new = render_emoji(new, emoji_regex2, golden, emojis_used, True)
sanitized = sanitized.replace(old, new)
emojis = list(emoji_regex2.finditer(sanitized))
if len(emojis) > 20: golden = False
sanitized = render_emoji(sanitized, emoji_regex2, golden, emojis_used)
sanitized = sanitized.replace('&amp;','&')
sanitized = video_sub_regex.sub(r'<p class="resizable"><video controls preload="none" src="\1"></video></p>', sanitized)
sanitized = audio_sub_regex.sub(r'<audio controls preload="none" src="\1"></audio>', sanitized)
if count_emojis:
for emoji in g.db.query(Emoji).filter(Emoji.submitter_id==None, Emoji.name.in_(emojis_used)):
emoji.count += 1
if obj:
for emoji in emojis_used:
if emoji in OVER_18_EMOJIS:
obj.nsfw = True
sanitized = sanitized.replace('<p></p>', '')
allowed_css_properties = allowed_styles.copy()
if v and v.chud:
css_sanitizer = CSSSanitizer(allowed_css_properties=allowed_css_properties)
sanitized = bleach.Cleaner(tags=allowed_tags,
protocols=['http', 'https'],
filters=[partial(LinkifyFilter, skip_tags=["pre"],
parse_email=False, url_re=sanitize_url_regex)]
#doing this here cuz of the linkifyfilter right above it (therefore unifying all link processing logic)
soup = BeautifulSoup(sanitized, 'lxml')
has_transform = bool(soup.select('[style*=transform i]'))
links = soup.find_all("a")
if v and v.admin_level >= PERMS["IGNORE_DOMAIN_BAN"]:
banned_domains = []
banned_domains = [x.domain for x in g.db.query(BannedDomain.domain)]
for link in links:
#remove empty links
if not link.contents or not str(link.contents[0]).strip():
href = link.get("href")
if not href: continue
link["href"] = normalize_url(href)
if link.string == href:
link.string = link["href"]
href = link["href"]
def unlinkfy():
link.string = href
del link["href"]
#\ in href right after / makes most browsers ditch site hostname and allows for a host injection bypassing the check, see <a href="/\google.com">cool</a>
if "\\" in href:
#don't allow something like this https://rdrama.net/post/78376/reminder-of-the-fact-that-our/2150032#context
domain = tldextract.extract(href).registered_domain
if domain and not allowed_domain_regex.fullmatch(domain):
#check for banned domain
combined = (domain + urlparse(href).path).lower()
if any((combined.startswith(x) for x in banned_domains)):
#don't allow something like this [@Aevann2](https://iplogger.org/1fRKk7)
if str(link.string).startswith('@') and not href.startswith('/'):
#don't allow something like this [!jannies](https://iplogger.org/1fRKk7)
if str(link.string).startswith('!') and not href.startswith('/'):
#don't allow something like this [https://rԁrama.net/leaderboard](https://iplogger.org/1fRKk7)
if not snappy:
string_domain = tldextract.extract(str(link.string)).registered_domain
if string_domain and string_domain != tldextract.extract(href).registered_domain:
link.string = href
#insert target="_blank" and ref="nofollower noopener" for external link
if not href.startswith('/') and not href.startswith(f'{SITE_FULL}/'):
link["target"] = "_blank"
link["rel"] = "nofollow noopener"
if has_transform:
del link["href"]
sanitized = str(soup).replace('<html><body>','').replace('</body></html>','').replace('/>','>')
captured = []
for i in youtube_regex.finditer(sanitized):
if i.group(0) in captured: continue
html = handle_youtube_links(i.group(1))
if html:
if not chat:
html = f'<p class="resizable yt">{html}</p>'
sanitized = sanitized.replace(i.group(0), html)
if '<pre>' not in sanitized and blackjack != "rules":
sanitized = sanitized.replace('\n','')
if showmore:
# Insert a show more button if the text is too long or has too many paragraphs
pos = 0
for _ in range(20):
pos = sanitized.find('</p>', pos + 4)
if pos < 0:
if (pos < 0 and len(sanitized) > CHARLIMIT) or pos > CHARLIMIT:
pos = CHARLIMIT - 500
if pos >= 0:
sanitized = (sanitized[:pos] + showmore_regex.sub(r'\1<p><button class="showmore">SHOW MORE</button></p><d class="d-none">\2</d>', sanitized[pos:], count=1))
if "style" in sanitized and "filter" in sanitized:
if sanitized.count("blur(") + sanitized.count("drop-shadow(") > 5:
error("Max 5 usages of 'blur' and 'drop-shadow'!")
return sanitized.strip()
def allowed_attributes_emojis(tag, name, value):
if tag == 'img':
if name == 'src':
if '\\' in value: return False
if value.startswith('/') : return True
if value.startswith(f'{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/') : return True
if name == 'loading' and value == 'lazy': return True
if name == 'data-bs-toggle' and value == 'tooltip': return True
if name in {'g','glow','party'} and not value: return True
if name in {'alt','title'}: return True
if tag == 'span':
if name == 'data-bs-toggle' and value == 'tooltip': return True
if name == 'title': return True
if name == 'alt': return True
if name == 'cide' and not value: return True
return False
def filter_emojis_only(title, golden=True, count_emojis=False, obj=None, author=None):
title = title.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").replace("\t", "").replace('<','&lt;').replace('>','&gt;')
title = remove_cuniform(title)
if obj and not obj.is_effortpost:
if author.owoify:
title = owoify(title, author.chud_phrase)
if author.marsify:
title = marsify(title, author.chud_phrase)
if obj and obj.sharpened:
title = sharpen(title, author.chud_phrase)
emojis_used = set()
title = render_emoji(title, emoji_regex2, golden, emojis_used, is_title=True)
if count_emojis:
for emoji in g.db.query(Emoji).filter(Emoji.submitter_id==None, Emoji.name.in_(emojis_used)):
emoji.count += 1
if obj:
for emoji in emojis_used:
if emoji in OVER_18_EMOJIS:
obj.nsfw = True
title = strikethrough_regex.sub(r'\1<del>\2</del>', title)
title = bleach.clean(title, tags=['img','del','span'], attributes=allowed_attributes_emojis, protocols=['http','https']).replace('\n','')
abort(400, "Rendered title is too big!")
title = title.strip()
return title
def is_whitelisted(domain, k):
if domain.endswith('pullpush.io'):
return True
if 'sort' in k.lower() or 'query' in k.lower():
return True
if k in {'_x_tr_hl','_x_tr_pto','_x_tr_sl','_x_tr_tl','abstract_id','after','article','bill_id','c','clip','commentID','comments','context','count','f','fbid','format','forum_id','i','ID','id','lb','list','oldid','p','page','post_id','postid','q','run','scrollToComments','search','sl','sp','story_fbid','tab','term','text','thread_id','threadid','ticket_form_id','time_continue','title','title_no','tl','token','topic','type','tz1','tz2','u','udca','url','v','vid','viewkey'}:
return True
if k == 't' and domain != 'twitter.com':
return True
if k == 'oid' and domain != 'quora.com':
return True
return False
def normalize_url(url):
url = unquote(url)
url = url.replace("reddit.com/user/", "reddit.com/u/")
url = reddit_domain_regex.sub(r'\1https://old.reddit.com/\5', url)
url = url.replace("https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=", "https://youtube.com/watch?v=") \
.replace("https://www.youtube.com", "https://youtube.com") \
.replace("https://m.youtube.com", "https://youtube.com") \
.replace("https://youtube.com/shorts/", "https://youtube.com/watch?v=") \
.replace("https://youtube.com/live/", "https://youtube.com/watch?v=") \
.replace("https://youtube.com/v/", "https://youtube.com/watch?v=") \
.replace("https://mobile.twitter.com", "https://twitter.com") \
.replace("https://x.com", "https://twitter.com") \
.replace("https://www.twitter.com", "https://twitter.com") \
.replace("https://nitter.net/", "https://twitter.com/") \
.replace("https://nitter.42l.fr/", "https://twitter.com/") \
.replace("https://nitter.net/", "https://twitter.com/") \
.replace("https://m.facebook.com", "https://facebook.com") \
.replace("https://en.m.wikipedia.org", "https://en.wikipedia.org") \
.replace("https://www.instagram.com", "https://instagram.com") \
.replace("https://www.tiktok.com", "https://tiktok.com") \
.replace("https://imgur.com/", "https://i.imgur.com/") \
.replace("/giphy.gif", "/giphy.webp") \
.replace('https://www.google.com/amp/s/', 'https://') \
.replace('https://amp.', 'https://') \
.replace('https://cnn.com/cnn/', 'https://edition.cnn.com/') \
.replace('/amp/', '/') \
.replace('https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=', 'https://google.com/search?q=') \
.replace('https://lmgtfy.app/?q=', 'https://google.com/search?q=') \
.replace(DONATE_LINK, f'{SITE_FULL}/donate') \
if url.endswith('.amp'):
url = url.split('.amp')[0]
url = giphy_regex.sub(r'\1.webp', url)
if not url.startswith('/') and not url.startswith('https://rdrama.net') and not url.startswith('https://watchpeopledie.tv'):
try: parsed_url = urlparse(url)
print(url, flush=True)
netloc = parsed_url.netloc
path = parsed_url.path.rstrip('/')
qd = parse_qs(parsed_url.query, keep_blank_values=True)
filtered = {}
if netloc == 'youtu.be':
filtered['v'] = path.lstrip('/')
netloc = 'youtube.com'
path = '/watch'
filtered |= {k: val for k, val in qd.items() if is_whitelisted(netloc, k)}
if netloc == 'old.reddit.com' and reddit_comment_link_regex.fullmatch(url):
filtered['context'] = 8
new_url = ParseResult(scheme="https",
query=urlencode(filtered, doseq=True),
url = urlunparse(new_url)
url = url.rstrip('/')
url = imgur_regex.sub(r'\1_d.webp?maxwidth=9999&fidelity=grand', url)
return url
def normalize_url_gevent(url):
url = requests.get(url, headers=HEADERS, timeout=2).url
return normalize_url(url)
def validate_css(css):
if '@import' in css:
return False, "CSS @import statements are not allowed!"
if '/*' in css:
return False, "CSS comments are not allowed!"
for i in css_url_regex.finditer(css):
url = i.group(1)
if not is_safe_url(url):
domain = tldextract.extract(url).registered_domain
return False, f"The domain '{domain}' is not allowed here!"
return True, ""
def torture_chud(string, username):
if not string: return string
for k, l in CHUD_REPLACEMENTS.items():
string = string.replace(k, l)
string = torture_regex.sub(rf'\1@{username}\3', string)
string = torture_regex2.sub(rf'\1@{username} is\3', string)
string = torture_regex3.sub(rf"\1@{username}'s\3", string)
return string
def complies_with_chud(obj):
#check for cases where u should leave
if not obj.chudded: return True
if obj.author.hieroglyphs: return True
if isinstance(obj, Post):
if obj.id in ADMIGGER_THREADS: return True
if obj.hole == "chudrama": return True
elif obj.parent_post:
if obj.parent_post in ADMIGGER_THREADS: return True
if obj.post.hole == "chudrama": return True
#perserve old body_html to be used in checking for chud phrase
old_body_html = obj.body_html
#torture body_html
if obj.body_html and '<p>&amp;&amp;' not in obj.body_html and '<p>$$' not in obj.body_html and '<p>##' not in obj.body_html:
soup = BeautifulSoup(obj.body_html, 'lxml')
tags = soup.html.body.find_all(lambda tag: tag.name not in {'blockquote','codeblock','pre'} and tag.string, recursive=False)
for tag in tags:
tag.string.replace_with(torture_chud(tag.string, obj.author.username))
obj.body_html = str(soup).replace('<html><body>','').replace('</body></html>','')
#torture title_html and check for chud_phrase in plain title and leave if it's there
if isinstance(obj, Post):
obj.title_html = torture_chud(obj.title_html, obj.author.username)
if not obj.author.chud or obj.author.chud_phrase in obj.title.lower():
return True
#check for chud_phrase in body_html
if old_body_html:
excluded_tags = {'del','sub','sup','marquee','spoiler','lite-youtube','video','audio'}
soup = BeautifulSoup(old_body_html, 'lxml')
tags = soup.html.body.find_all(lambda tag: tag.name not in excluded_tags and not tag.attrs, recursive=False)
for tag in tags:
for text in tag.find_all(text=True, recursive=False):
if not obj.author.chud or obj.author.chud_phrase in text.lower():
return True
return False