
107 lines
4.6 KiB

{% extends "settings2.html" %}
{% block content %}
{% if u %}
<h5 class="mt-3">Alts for <a href="/@{{u.username}}">@{{u.username}}</a></h5>
{% else %}
<h5 class="mt-3">Alts</h5>
{% endif %}
{%- import 'util/macros.html' as macros with context -%}
<section class="username-input-section mb-3">
<form action="/admin/alts" method="get">
<label for="link-input">Username</label>
<input autocomplete="off" id="link-input" type="text" class="form-control mb-2" name="username" value="{{u.username if u else ''}}" placeholder="Username">
<input type="submit" onclick="disable(this)" value="Submit" class="btn btn-primary">
{% if u %}
{% set count=alts|length %}
<section class="userinfo-section">
<p><a href="/@{{u.username}}">@{{u.username}}</a> created their account {{u.created_utc|timestamp}} and has {{count}} known alt{{macros.plural(count)}}.<br>
They are {% if not u.is_suspended_permanently %}not {% endif %}permanently banned{% if v.admin_level >= PERMS['USER_SHADOWBAN'] %} and they are {% if not u.shadowbanned %}not {% endif %}shadowbanned{% endif %}.</p>
<div class="overflow-x-auto">
<table class="table table-striped mb-5">
<thead class="bg-primary text-white">
<th>Account Created</th>
<th>Alt Link Created</th>
{% for user in alts %}
<td>{% include "admin/shadowbanned_tooltip.html" %}{% include "user_in_table.html" %}</td>
<button type="button" id="delink-alt-{{u.id}}-{{user.id}}" class="btn btn-danger {% if user._alt_deleted %}d-none{% endif %}" onclick="postToastSwitch(this,'/@{{u.username}}/alts/{{user.id}}/deleted', this.id, 'relink-alt-{{u.id}}-{{user.id}}', 'd-none', null, 'PUT')">Delink</button>
<button type="button" id="relink-alt-{{u.id}}-{{user.id}}" class="btn btn-danger {% if not user._alt_deleted %}d-none{% endif %}" onclick="postToastSwitch(this,'/@{{u.username}}/alts/{{user.id}}/deleted', this.id, 'delink-alt-{{u.id}}-{{user.id}}', 'd-none', null, 'DELETE')">Relink</button>
<a class="btn btn-secondary" href="/@{{user.username}}/alts">Alts</a>
{% if v.admin_level >= PERMS['VIEW_ALT_VOTES'] %}
<a class="btn btn-secondary" href="/admin/alt_votes/?u1={{u.username}}&u2={{user.username}}">Alt Votes</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<section id="add-alt" class="rounded rounded-section p-3">
<h5>Add Alt</h5>
<p>This tool allows you to add an alt either linked or delinked.<br>
Adding linked will link the two alts together manually, while adding delinked will attempt to delink alts whereever possible.<br>
You're on your own for reversing any propagation though.
<form onsubmit="return false;">
<label for="link-input-other">Other Username</label>
<input autocomplete="off" id="link-input-other" type="text" class="form-control mb-2" name="other_username" placeholder="Other Username">
<button id="add-alt-form-link" class="btn btn-danger mr-3" data-click="submitAddAlt(this)" onclick="areyousure(this)">Add Alt Linked</button>
<button id="add-alt-form-delink" class="btn btn-danger" data-click="submitAddAlt(this)" onclick="areyousure(this)">Add Alt Delinked</button>
{% endif %}
<script type="application/javascript">
function submitAddAlt(element) {
if (!element || !element.form) return;
const isLinking = element.id == 'add-alt-form-link';
const otherElement = isLinking ? document.getElementById('add-alt-form-delink') : document.getElementById('add-alt-form-link');
if (!otherElement) return;
element.disabled = true;
otherElement.disabled = true;
const form = new FormData();
if (!isLinking) form.append('deleted', 'true');
form.append('other_username', document.getElementById('link-input-other').value);
const xhr = createXhrWithFormKey('/@{{u.username}}/alts/', 'POST', form);
xhr[0].onload = function() {
let data;
try {
data = JSON.parse(xhr[0].response);
catch(e) {
if (xhr[0].status >= 200 && xhr[0].status < 300) {
showToast(true, getMessageFromJsonData(true, data));
} else {
showToast(false, getMessageFromJsonData(false, data));
element.disabled = false;
otherElement.disabled = false;
{% endblock %}