
240 lines
6.4 KiB

import atexit
import time
import uuid
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit
from flask import request
from files.helpers.actions import *
from files.helpers.alerts import *
from files.helpers.config.const import *
from files.helpers.regex import *
from files.helpers.media import *
from files.helpers.sanitize import *
from files.helpers.alerts import push_notif
from files.routes.wrappers import *
from files.classes.orgy import *
from files.__main__ import app, cache, limiter
socketio = SocketIO(
typing = []
online = []
sessions = []
cache.set(CHAT_ONLINE_CACHE_KEY, len(online), timeout=0)
muted = cache.get(f'muted') or {}
messages = cache.get(f'messages') or {}
def is_not_banned_socketio(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
v = get_logged_in_user()
if not v: return '', 401
if v.is_suspended: return '', 403
return make_response(f(*args, v=v, **kwargs))
wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__
return wrapper
def is_not_permabanned_socketio(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
v = get_logged_in_user()
if not v: return '', 401
if v.is_permabanned: return '', 403
return make_response(f(*args, v=v, **kwargs))
wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__
return wrapper
CHAT_ERROR_MESSAGE = f"To prevent spam, you'll need {TRUESCORE_CHAT_MINIMUM} truescore (this is {TRUESCORE_CHAT_MINIMUM} votes, either up or down, on any threads or comments you've made) in order to access chat. Sorry! I love you 💖"
@limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400)
@limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID)
def chat(v):
if not v.allowed_in_chat:
orgy = get_orgy()
displayed_messages = {k: val for k, val in messages.items() if val["user_id"] not in v.userblocks}
if orgy:
return render_template("orgy.html", v=v, messages=displayed_messages, orgy=orgy, site=SITE)
return render_template("chat.html", v=v, messages=displayed_messages)
@limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400)
@limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID)
def old_chat(v):
if not v.allowed_in_chat:
displayed_messages = {k: val for k, val in messages.items() if val["user_id"] not in v.userblocks}
return render_template("chat.html", v=v, messages=displayed_messages)
def speak(data, v):
image = None
if data['file']:
name = f'/chat_images/{time.time()}'.replace('.','') + '.webp'
with open(name, 'wb') as f:
image = process_image(name, v)
if not v.allowed_in_chat:
return '', 403
global messages
text = data['message'][:CHAT_LENGTH_LIMIT]
if image: text += f'\n\n{image}'
if not text: return '', 400
text_html = sanitize(text, count_emojis=True, chat=True)
if isinstance(text_html , tuple):
return text_html
quotes = data['quotes']
id = str(uuid.uuid4())
self_only = False
vname = v.username.lower()
if vname in muted:
if time.time() < muted[vname]:
self_only = True
del muted[vname]
emit("online", [online, muted], broadcast=True)
if SITE == 'rdrama.net':
def shut_up():
self_only = True
muted_until = int(time.time() + 600)
muted[vname] = muted_until
emit("online", [online, muted], broadcast=True)
if not self_only:
identical = [x for x in list(messages.values())[-5:] if v.id == x['user_id'] and text == x['text']]
if len(identical) >= 3: shut_up()
if not self_only:
count = len([x for x in list(messages.values())[-12:] if v.id == x['user_id']])
if count >= 10: shut_up()
if not self_only:
count = len([x for x in list(messages.values())[-25:] if v.id == x['user_id']])
if count >= 20: shut_up()
data = {
"id": id,
"quotes": quotes if messages.get(quotes) else '',
"hat": v.hat_active(v)[0],
"user_id": v.id,
"username": v.username,
"namecolor": v.name_color,
"patron": v.patron,
"text": text,
"text_censored": censor_slurs(text, 'chat'),
"text_html": text_html,
"text_html_censored": censor_slurs(text_html, 'chat'),
"time": int(time.time()),
if v.admin_level >= PERMS['USER_BAN']:
text = text.lower()
for i in mute_regex.finditer(text):
username = i.group(1).lower()
muted_until = int(int(i.group(2)) * 60 + time.time())
muted[username] = muted_until
emit("online", [online, muted], broadcast=True)
self_only = True
if self_only or v.shadowbanned or execute_blackjack(v, None, text, "chat"):
emit('speak', data)
emit('speak', data, broadcast=True)
messages[id] = data
messages = dict(list(messages.items())[-250:])
typing = []
return '', 204
def refresh_online():
emit("online", [online, muted], broadcast=True)
cache.set(CHAT_ONLINE_CACHE_KEY, len(online), timeout=0)
def connect(v):
if any(v.id in session for session in sessions) and [v.username, v.id, v.name_color, v.patron] not in online:
# user has previous running sessions with a different username or name_color
for chat_user in online:
if v.id == chat_user[1]:
sessions.append([v.id, request.sid])
if [v.username, v.id, v.name_color, v.patron] not in online:
online.append([v.username, v.id, v.name_color, v.patron])
emit('typing', typing)
return '', 204
def disconnect(v):
if ([v.id, request.sid]) in sessions:
sessions.remove([v.id, request.sid])
if any(v.id in session for session in sessions):
# user has other running sessions
return '', 204
for chat_user in online:
if v.id == chat_user[1]:
if chat_user[0] in typing:
return '', 204
def typing_indicator(data, v):
if data and v.username not in typing:
elif not data and v.username in typing:
emit('typing', typing, broadcast=True)
return '', 204
def delete(id, v):
del messages[id]
emit('delete', id, broadcast=True)
return '', 204
def close_running_threads():
cache.set(f'messages', messages)
cache.set(f'muted', muted)