from sqlalchemy import or_, not_ from sqlalchemy.orm import load_only from import Post from files.classes.votes import Vote from files.helpers.config.const import * from files.helpers.get import * from files.helpers.sorting_and_time import * from files.helpers.useractions import * from files.routes.wrappers import * from files.__main__ import app, cache, limiter, redis_instance @app.get("/") @app.get("/h/") @limiter.limit("30/minute;5000/hour;10000/day", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @auth_desired_with_logingate def front_all(v, sub=None): if sub: sub = get_sub_by_name(sub, graceful=True) if sub and not User.can_see(v, sub): abort(403) if (request.path.startswith('/h/') or request.path.startswith('/s/')) and not sub: abort(404) page = get_page() if v: defaultsorting = v.defaultsorting if sub or SITE_NAME != 'rDrama': defaulttime = 'all' else: defaulttime = v.defaulttime else: defaultsorting = "hot" if sub or SITE_NAME != 'rDrama': defaulttime = 'all' else: defaulttime = DEFAULT_TIME_FILTER sort=request.values.get("sort", defaultsorting) t=request.values.get('t', defaulttime) try: gt=int(request.values.get("after", 0)) except: gt=0 try: lt=int(request.values.get("before", 0)) except: lt=0 if sort == 'hot': default = True else: default = False pins = session.get(sort, default) if not v: result = cache.get(f'frontpage_{sort}_{t}_{page}_{sub}_{pins}') if result: calc_users() return result ids, total, size = frontlist(sort=sort, page=page, t=t, v=v, filter_words=v.filter_words if v else [], gt=gt, lt=lt, sub=sub, pins=pins, ) posts = get_posts(ids, v=v, eager=True) if v and v.hidevotedon: posts = [x for x in posts if not hasattr(x, 'voted') or not x.voted] if v and v.client: return {"data": [x.json for x in posts], "total": total} result = render_template("home.html", v=v, listing=posts, total=total, sort=sort, t=t, page=page, sub=sub, home=True, pins=pins, size=size) if not v: cache.set(f'frontpage_{sort}_{t}_{page}_{sub}_{pins}', result, timeout=3600) return result LIMITED_WPD_HOLES = ('fights', 'gore', 'aftermath', 'selfharm', 'request', 'meta', 'discussion', 'social', 'music') @cache.memoize() def frontlist(v=None, sort="hot", page=1, t="all", ids_only=True, filter_words='', gt=0, lt=0, sub=None, pins=True): posts = g.db.query(Post) if v and v.hidevotedon: posts = posts.outerjoin(Vote, and_(Vote.post_id ==, Vote.user_id == ).filter(Vote.post_id == None) if sub: posts = posts.filter(Post.sub == elif v: posts = posts.filter(or_(Post.sub == None, Post.sub.notin_(v.sub_blocks))) else: stealth = [x[0] for x in g.db.query(] posts = posts.filter(or_(Post.sub == None, Post.sub.notin_(stealth))) if gt: posts = posts.filter(Post.created_utc > gt) if lt: posts = posts.filter(Post.created_utc < lt) if not gt and not lt: posts = apply_time_filter(t, posts, Post) posts = posts.filter( Post.is_banned == False, Post.private == False, Post.deleted_utc == 0, ) if pins and not gt and not lt: if sub: posts = posts.filter(Post.hole_pinned == None) else: posts = posts.filter(Post.stickied == None) if v: posts = posts.filter(Post.author_id.notin_(v.userblocks)) if v and filter_words: for word in filter_words: word = word.replace('\\', '').replace('_', '\_').replace('%', '\%').strip() posts=posts.filter(not_(Post.title.ilike(f'%{word}%'))) total = posts.count() posts = sort_objects(sort, posts, Post) if v: size = v.frontsize or 0 else: size = PAGE_SIZE posts = posts.options(load_only( * (page - 1)) if SITE_NAME == 'WPD' and sort == "hot" and sub == None: posts = posts.limit(200).all() to_remove = [] for h in LIMITED_WPD_HOLES: to_remove += [ for x in posts if x.sub == h][1:] posts = [x for x in posts if not in to_remove][:size] else: posts = posts.limit(size).all() if pins and page == 1 and not gt and not lt: if sub: pins = g.db.query(Post).options(load_only( ==, Post.hole_pinned != None) else: pins = g.db.query(Post).options(load_only( != None, Post.is_banned == False) if v: pins = pins.filter(or_(Post.sub == None, Post.sub.notin_(v.sub_blocks))) for pin in pins: if pin.stickied_utc and int(time.time()) > pin.stickied_utc: pin.stickied = None pin.stickied_utc = None g.db.add(pin) if v: pins = pins.filter(Post.author_id.notin_(v.userblocks)) if SITE_NAME == 'rDrama': pins = pins.order_by(Post.author_id != LAWLZ_ID) pins = pins.order_by(Post.created_utc.desc()).all() posts = pins + posts if v and (time.time() - v.created_utc) > (364 * 86400): badge_grant(user=v, badge_id=134) if v and (time.time() - v.created_utc) > (729 * 86400): badge_grant(user=v, badge_id=237) if ids_only: posts = [ for x in posts] return posts, total, size @app.get("/random_post") @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def random_post(v:User): p = g.db.query( == 0, Post.is_banned == False, Post.private == False).order_by(func.random()).first() if p: p = p[0] else: abort(404) return redirect(f"/post/{p}") @app.get("/random_user") @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def random_user(v:User): u = g.db.query(User.username).filter( != None).order_by(func.random()).first() if u: u = u[0] else: abort(404, "No users have set a profile anthem so far!") return redirect(f"/@{u}") @cache.memoize() def comment_idlist(v=None, page=1, sort="new", t="day", gt=0, lt=0): comments = g.db.query(Comment) \ .outerjoin( \ .options(load_only( \ .filter( or_(Comment.parent_post != None, Comment.wall_user_id != None), ) if v.admin_level < PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION']: comments = comments.filter( Comment.is_banned == False, Comment.deleted_utc == 0, Comment.author_id.notin_(v.userblocks), or_(Comment.parent_post == None, Post.private == False), ) if gt: comments = comments.filter(Comment.created_utc > gt) if lt: comments = comments.filter(Comment.created_utc < lt) if not gt and not lt: comments = apply_time_filter(t, comments, Comment) total = comments.count() comments = sort_objects(sort, comments, Comment) comments = comments.offset(PAGE_SIZE * (page - 1)).limit(PAGE_SIZE).all() return [ for x in comments], total @app.get("/comments") @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def all_comments(v:User): page = get_page() sort=request.values.get("sort", "new") t=request.values.get("t", "hour") try: gt=int(request.values.get("after", 0)) except: gt=0 try: lt=int(request.values.get("before", 0)) except: lt=0 idlist, total = comment_idlist(v=v, page=page, sort=sort, t=t, gt=gt, lt=lt, ) comments = get_comments(idlist, v=v) if v.client: return {"data": [x.json for x in comments]} return render_template("home_comments.html", v=v, sort=sort, t=t, page=page, comments=comments, standalone=True, total=total, size = PAGE_SIZE)