import time from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import * from files.classes import Base class Emoji(Base): __tablename__ = "emojis" name = Column(String, primary_key=True) kind = Column(String) author_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) tags = Column(String) count = Column(Integer, default=0) submitter_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) created_utc = Column(Integer) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if "created_utc" not in kwargs: kwargs["created_utc"] = int(time.time()) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}(name={})>" def tags_list(self): return self.tags.split(" ") + [[len("marsey"):]] # type: ignore def json(self): data = { "name":, "author_id": self.author_id, "submitter_id": self.submitter_id, "tags": self.tags_list(), "count": self.count, "created_utc": self.created_utc, "kind": self.kind, } if "author_username" in self.__dict__ and self.author_username: data["author_username"] = self.author_username if "author_original_username" in self.__dict__ and self.author_original_username: data["author_original_username"] = self.author_original_username if "author_prelock_username" in self.__dict__ and self.author_prelock_username: data["author_prelock_username"] = self.author_prelock_username return data