import requests from os import environ import piexif import time from urllib.parse import urlparse from PIL import Image as IImage import imagehash from os import remove import base64 import io from drama.classes.images import * from drama.__main__ import db_session from .base36 import hex2bin CF_KEY = environ.get("CLOUDFLARE_KEY").strip() CF_ZONE = environ.get("CLOUDFLARE_ZONE").strip() imgurkey = environ.get("imgurkey").strip() def check_phash(db, name): return db.query(BadPic).filter( func.levenshtein( BadPic.phash, hex2bin(str(imagehash.phash( ) < 10 ).first() def crop_and_resize(img, resize): i = img # get constraining dimension org_ratio = i.width / i.height new_ratio = resize[0] / resize[1] if new_ratio > org_ratio: crop_height = int(i.width / new_ratio) box = (0, (i.height // 2) - (crop_height // 2), i.width, (i.height // 2) + (crop_height // 2)) else: crop_width = int(new_ratio * i.height) box = ((i.width // 2) - (crop_width // 2), 0, (i.width // 2) + (crop_width // 2), i.height) return i.resize(resize, box=box) def upload_file(name, file, resize=None): if resize: tempname = name.replace("/", "_") print(type(file)) if tempname.split('.')[-1] in ['jpg', 'jpeg']: piexif.remove(tempname) i = i = crop_and_resize(i, resize) img = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') req ='', headers = {"Authorization": f"Client-ID {imgurkey}"}, data = {'image': base64.b64encode(img.getvalue())}) remove(tempname) try: resp = req.json()['data'] except Exception as e: print(e) print(req) print(req.text) else: req ='', headers = {"Authorization": f"Client-ID {imgurkey}"}, data = {'image': base64.b64encode(}) try: resp = req.json()['data'] except Exception as e: print(e) print(req) print(req.text) try: url = resp['link'].replace(".png", "_d.png").replace(".jpg", "_d.jpg").replace(".jpeg", "_d.jpeg") + "?maxwidth=9999" except Exception as e: print(e) print(req) print(req.text) if "File type invalid" in str(req.text): return "sex" else: return new_image = Image( text=url, deletehash=resp["deletehash"], ) g.db.add(new_image) return(url) def upload_from_file(name, filename, resize=None): tempname = name.replace("/", "_") if filename.split('.')[-1] in ['jpg', 'jpeg']: piexif.remove(tempname) i = if resize: i = crop_and_resize(i, resize) img = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') try: req ='', headers = {"Authorization": f"Client-ID {imgurkey}"}, data = {'image': base64.b64encode(img.getvalue())}) resp = req.json()['data'] remove(filename) url = resp['link'].replace(".png", "_d.png").replace(".jpg", "_d.jpg").replace(".jpeg", "_d.jpeg") + "?maxwidth=9999" except Exception as e: print(e) print(req) print(req.text) return new_image = Image( text=url, deletehash=resp["deletehash"], ) g.db.add(new_image) return(url) def delete_file(name): image = g.db.query(Image).filter(Image.text == name).first() if image: requests.delete(f'{image.deletehash}', headers = {"Authorization": f"Client-ID {imgurkey}"}) headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {CF_KEY}", "Content-Type": "application/json"} data = {'files': [name]} url = f"{CF_ZONE}/purge_cache", headers=headers, json=data) def check_csam(post): # Relies on Cloudflare's photodna implementation # 451 returned by CF = positive match # ignore non-link posts if not post.url: return parsed_url = urlparse(post.url) headers = {"User-Agent": "Drama webserver"} for i in range(10): x = requests.get(post.url, headers=headers) if x.status_code in [200, 451]: break else: time.sleep(20) db=db_session() if x.status_code == 451: # ban user and alts"Sexualizing Minors" db.add(v) for alt in alt.ban_reason="Sexualizing Minors" alt.is_banned=1 db.add(alt) # remove content post.is_banned = True db.add(post) db.commit() # nuke aws delete_file(parsed_url.path.lstrip('/')) db.close() return #check phash tempname = f"test_post_{post.base36id}" with open(tempname, "wb") as file: for chunk in x.iter_content(1024): file.write(chunk) h=check_phash(db, tempname) if h: now=int(time.time()) unban=now+60*60*24*h.ban_time if h.ban_time else 0 # ban user and alts = unban db.add(v) for alt in alt.ban_reason=h.ban_reason alt.is_banned=1 alt.unban_utc = unban db.add(alt) # remove content post.is_banned = True db.add(post) db.commit() # nuke aws delete_file(parsed_url.path.lstrip('/')) remove(tempname) db.close() def check_csam_url(url, v, delete_content_function): parsed_url = urlparse(url) headers = {"User-Agent": "Drama webserver"} for i in range(10): x = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if x.status_code in [200, 451]: break else: time.sleep(20) db=db_session() if x.status_code == 451: v.ban_reason="Sexualizing Minors" v.is_banned=1 db.add(v) for alt in v.alts_threaded(db): alt.ban_reason="Sexualizing Minors" alt.is_banned=1 db.add(alt) delete_content_function() db.commit() db.close() delete_file(parsed_url.path.lstrip('/')) return tempname=f"test_from_url_{parsed_url.path}" tempname=tempname.replace('/','_') with open(tempname, "wb") as file: for chunk in x.iter_content(1024): file.write(chunk) h=check_phash(db, tempname) if h: now=int(time.time()) unban=now+60*60*24*h.ban_time if h.ban_time else 0 # ban user and alts v.ban_reason=h.ban_reason v.is_banned=1 v.unban_utc = unban db.add(v) for alt in v.alts_threaded(db): alt.ban_reason=h.ban_reason alt.is_banned=1 alt.unban_utc = unban db.add(alt) delete_content_function() db.commit() # nuke aws delete_file(parsed_url.path.lstrip('/')) remove(tempname) db.close()