{%- extends 'root.html' -%} {% block pagetitle -%}Chat{%- endblock %} {% block pagetype %}chat{% endblock %} {% block body_attributes %}class="has_header"{% endblock %} {% block body %} {% include "header.html" %} {% include "modals/expanded_image.html" %} {% include "modals/emoji.html" %} {% set vlink = '' %}
{% macro chat_group_template(id, m) %}
{% if m %}{{m['username']}}{% else %}NULL{% endif %}
{% if m %}{{m['time'] | timestamp}}{% else %}just now{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro chat_line_template(id, m) %} {% set quote_exists = m and m['quotes'] and messages.get(m['quotes']) %} {% set mentioned = m and vlink in m['text_html'] or (quote_exists and messages[m['quotes']]['user_id'] == v.id) %}
{% if m %} {% if v.slurreplacer %} {{m['text_censored'] | safe}} {% else %} {{m['text_html'] | safe}} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if m %}{{m['text']}}{% endif %} {% if v.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION'] %} {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% set messages_list = messages.items()|list %} {% for id, m in messages_list %} {% set same = loop.index > 1 and m['user_id'] == messages_list[loop.index-2][1]['user_id'] %} {% if not same %} {% if loop.index > 1 %}
{% endif %} {{chat_group_template(id, m)}} {% endif %} {{chat_line_template(id, m)}} {% endfor %}
Users Online
{% endblock %}