let userSearchDictionaryState = "inactive"; let globalUsers = []; const usersSearchDictionary = { array: [], updateTag: function(userName) { if (userName === undefined) return; let low = 0; let high = this.array.length; while (low < high) { let mid = (low + high) >>> 1; if (this.array[mid] < userName) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; } let target = low; this.array.splice(target, 0, userName); }, completeSearch: function(query) { query = query.toLowerCase() const result = new Set(); for (let i = 0; i < this.array.length; i++) if (this.array[i].toLowerCase().includes(query)) result.add(this.array[i]) return result; } }; function makeUsersSearchDictionary() { // get public users list const headers = new Headers({xhr: "xhr"}) const user_params = document.getElementById('user_params').value return fetch(`/users.csv${user_params}`, { headers, }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(users => { for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { const user = users[i]; usersSearchDictionary.updateTag(user); globalUsers.push(user); } userSearchDictionaryState = "ready"; }) } function curr_word_is_user() { return current_word && current_word.charAt(0) == "@" && current_word.charAt(current_word.length-1) != "@"; } function openUserSpeedModal() { switch (userSearchDictionaryState) { case "inactive": userSearchDictionaryState = "loading" return makeUsersSearchDictionary(); case "loading": // this works because once the fetch completes, the first keystroke callback will fire and use the current value return Promise.reject(); case "ready": return Promise.resolve(); default: throw Error("Unknown user engine state"); } } function populate_inline_user_modal(results, textbox) { selecting = true; if (!results || results.size === 0) { inline_carot_modal.style.display = "none"; return -1; } user_index = 0; inline_carot_modal.scrollTop = 0; inline_carot_modal.innerHTML = ""; const MAXXX = 50; // Not sure why the results is a Set... but oh well let i = 0; for (let name of results) { if (i++ > MAXXX) return i; let user_option = document.createElement("div"); user_option.className = "inline-modal-option user-option " + (i === 1 ? "selected" : ""); user_option.tabIndex = 0; let user_option_img = document.createElement("img"); user_option_img.className = "pp20"; // This is a bit user_option_img.src = `/@${name}/pic` let user_option_text = document.createElement("span"); user_option_text.textContent = name; user_option.addEventListener('click', () => { close_inline_emoji_modal() textbox.value = textbox.value.replace(new RegExp(current_word+"(?=\\s|$)", "gi"), `@${name}`) textbox.focus() if (typeof markdown === "function" && textbox.dataset.preview) { markdown(textbox) } }); // Pack user_option.appendChild(user_option_img); user_option.appendChild(user_option_text); inline_carot_modal.appendChild(user_option); } if (i === 0) inline_carot_modal.style.display = "none"; else inline_carot_modal.style.display = "initial"; return i; }