import datetime import time import os from sys import stdout from shutil import make_archive from hashlib import md5 from collections import Counter from sqlalchemy.orm import load_only import click import requests import files.helpers.offsitementions as offsitementions import files.helpers.stats as stats import files.routes.static as route_static from files.__main__ import cache from files.classes import * from files.helpers.alerts import send_repeatable_notification from files.helpers.config.const import * from files.helpers.get import * from files.helpers.lottery import check_if_end_lottery_task from files.helpers.roulette import spin_roulette_wheel from files.helpers.useractions import * from files.cli import app, db_session, g @app.cli.command('cron', help='Run scheduled tasks.') @click.option('--every-5m', is_flag=True, help='Call every 5 minutes.') @click.option('--every-1h', is_flag=True, help='Call every 1 hour.') @click.option('--every-1d', is_flag=True, help='Call every 1 day.') @click.option('--every-1mo', is_flag=True, help='Call every 1 month.') def cron(every_5m, every_1h, every_1d, every_1mo): g.db = db_session() g.v = None #I put commit under each task to release database locks and prevent main flask app crashing if every_5m: t = time.time() _award_timers_task() g.db.commit() print(f'_award_timers_task: {time.time() - t}', flush=True) if FEATURES['GAMBLING']: t = time.time() check_if_end_lottery_task() g.db.commit() print(f'check_if_end_lottery_task: {time.time() - t}', flush=True) t = time.time() spin_roulette_wheel() g.db.commit() print(f'spin_roulette_wheel: {time.time() - t}', flush=True) #offsitementions.offsite_mentions_task(cache) if every_1h: t = time.time() _generate_emojis_zip() g.db.commit() print(f'_generate_emojis_zip: {time.time() - t}', flush=True) t = time.time() _leaderboard_task() g.db.commit() print(f'_leaderboard_task: {time.time() - t}', flush=True) if every_1d: t = time.time() stats.generate_charts_task(SITE) g.db.commit() print(f'generate_charts_task: {time.time() - t}', flush=True) t = time.time() _sub_inactive_purge_task() g.db.commit() print(f'_sub_inactive_purge_task: {time.time() - t}', flush=True) t = time.time() cache.set('stats', stats.stats()) g.db.commit() print(f'stats: {time.time() - t}', flush=True) g.db.commit() g.db.close() del g.db stdout.flush() def _sub_inactive_purge_task(): if not HOLE_INACTIVITY_DELETION: return False one_week_ago = time.time() - 604800 active_holes = [x[0] for x in g.db.query(Submission.sub).distinct() \ .filter(Submission.sub != None, Submission.created_utc > one_week_ago, Submission.private == False, Submission.is_banned == False, Submission.deleted_utc == 0).all()] active_holes.extend(['changelog','countryclub','museumofrdrama']) # holes immune from deletion dead_holes = g.db.query(Sub).filter( names = [ for x in dead_holes] admins = [x[0] for x in g.db.query( >= PERMS['NOTIFICATIONS_HOLE_INACTIVITY_DELETION']).all()] mods = g.db.query(Mod).filter(Mod.sub.in_(names)).all() for x in mods: if x.user_id in admins: continue send_repeatable_notification(x.user_id, f":marseyrave: /h/{x.sub} has been deleted for inactivity after one week without new posts. All posts in it have been moved to the main feed :marseyrave:") for name in names: first_mod_id = g.db.query(Mod.user_id).filter_by(sub=name).order_by(Mod.created_utc).first() if first_mod_id: first_mod = get_account(first_mod_id[0]) badge_grant( user=first_mod, badge_id=156, description=f'Let a hole they owned die (/h/{name})' ) for admin in admins: send_repeatable_notification(admin, f":marseyrave: /h/{name} has been deleted for inactivity after one week without new posts. All posts in it have been moved to the main feed :marseyrave:") posts = g.db.query(Submission).filter(Submission.sub.in_(names)).all() for post in posts: if post.sub == 'programming': post.sub = 'slackernews' else: post.sub = None post.hole_pinned = None g.db.add(post) to_delete = mods \ + g.db.query(Exile).filter(Exile.sub.in_(names)).all() \ + g.db.query(SubBlock).filter(SubBlock.sub.in_(names)).all() \ + g.db.query(SubJoin).filter(SubJoin.sub.in_(names)).all() \ + g.db.query(SubSubscription).filter(SubSubscription.sub.in_(names)).all() \ + g.db.query(SubAction).filter(SubAction.sub.in_(names)).all() for x in to_delete: g.db.delete(x) g.db.flush() for x in dead_holes: g.db.delete(x) return True def _generate_emojis_zip(): make_archive('files/assets/emojis', 'zip', 'files/assets/images/emojis') m = md5() with open('files/assets/', "rb") as f: data = m.update(data) cache.set('emojis_hash', m.hexdigest()) count = str(len(os.listdir('files/assets/images/emojis'))) cache.set('emojis_count', count) size = str(int(os.stat('files/assets/').st_size/1024/1024)) + ' MB' cache.set('emojis_size', size) def _leaderboard_task(): votes1 = g.db.query(Vote.user_id, func.count(Vote.user_id)).filter(Vote.vote_type==1).group_by(Vote.user_id).order_by(func.count(Vote.user_id).desc()).all() votes2 = g.db.query(CommentVote.user_id, func.count(CommentVote.user_id)).filter(CommentVote.vote_type==1).group_by(CommentVote.user_id).order_by(func.count(CommentVote.user_id).desc()).all() votes3 = Counter(dict(votes1)) + Counter(dict(votes2)) users14 = g.db.query(User).filter( users13 = [] for user in users14: users13.append((, votes3[]-user.post_count-user.comment_count)) if not users13: users13 = [(None,None)] users13 = sorted(users13, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) users13_1, users13_2 = zip(*users13[:25]) cache.set("users13", list(users13)) cache.set("users13_1", list(users13_1)) cache.set("users13_2", list(users13_2)) votes1 = g.db.query(Submission.author_id, func.count(Submission.author_id)).join(Vote).filter(Vote.vote_type==-1).group_by(Submission.author_id).order_by(func.count(Submission.author_id).desc()).all() votes2 = g.db.query(Comment.author_id, func.count(Comment.author_id)).join(CommentVote).filter(CommentVote.vote_type==-1).group_by(Comment.author_id).order_by(func.count(Comment.author_id).desc()).all() votes3 = Counter(dict(votes1)) + Counter(dict(votes2)) users8 = g.db.query( users9 = [] for user in users8: users9.append((, votes3[])) if not users9: users9 = [(None,None)] users9 = sorted(users9, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) users9_1, users9_2 = zip(*users9[:25]) cache.set("users9", list(users9)) cache.set("users9_1", list(users9_1)) cache.set("users9_2", list(users9_2)) def _process_timer(attr, badge_ids, text, extra_attrs={}): now = time.time() users = g.db.query(User).options(load_only( < attr, attr < now) uids = set([ for x in users]) #set user attributes attr_dict = {attr: 0} | extra_attrs users.update(attr_dict) #remove corresponding badges if badge_ids: g.db.query(Badge).options(load_only(Badge.badge_id)).filter(Badge.badge_id.in_(badge_ids), Badge.user_id.in_(uids)).delete() #notify users for uid in uids: send_repeatable_notification(uid, text) g.db.commit() def _award_timers_task(): #only awards _process_timer(User.deflector, [], "The deflector award you received has expired!") _process_timer(User.progressivestack, [94], "The progressive stack award you received has expired!") _process_timer(User.bird, [95], "The bird site award you received has expired!") _process_timer(User.longpost, [97], "The pizzashill award you received has expired!") _process_timer(User.marseyawarded, [98], "The marsey award you received has expired!") _process_timer(, [109], "The rehab award you received has expired!") _process_timer(User.owoify, [167], "The OwOify award you received has expired!") _process_timer(User.bite, [168], "Your vampire status has ended. You're now back in your original house!", { User.old_house, User.old_house: '', }) _process_timer(User.earlylife, [169], "The earlylife award you received has expired!") _process_timer(User.marsify, [170], "The marsify award you received has expired!") _process_timer(User.rainbow, [171], "The rainbow award you received has expired!") _process_timer(User.spider, [179], "The spider award you received has expired!") #both awards and janny powers _process_timer(User.unban_utc, [], "Your temporary ban has expired!", { User.is_banned: None, User.ban_reason: None, }) _process_timer(User.patron_utc, [22,23,24,25,26,27,28], f"Your {patron} status has expired!", { User.patron: 0, }) _process_timer(User.agendaposter, [58], "Your temporary chud status has expired!", { User.agendaposter_phrase: None, User.chudded_by: None, }) _process_timer(User.flairchanged, [96], "Your temporary flair-lock has expired. You can now change your flair!") _process_timer(User.namechanged, [], "Your temporary name-lock has expired. You're now back to your old username!", { User.username: User.prelock_username, User.prelock_username: None, })