{% for p in listing %} {% set ups=p.upvotes_fuzzed %} {% set downs=p.downvotes_fuzzed %} {% set score=ups-downs %} {% if v %} {% set voted= p.voted %} {% else %} {% set voted=-2 %} {% endif %}
{% if v and request.path.startswith('/@') and v.admin_level == 0 %} {% if voted==1 %}
{% endif %} {{score}} {% if voted==-1 %}
{% endif %} {% elif v %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if p.is_image %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% if p.thumb_url and p.is_image %} {% elif p.thumb_url and not p.embed_url %} {% elif p.embed_url %} generic youtube embed thumbnail {% elif not p.realurl(v) %} text post thumbnail {% elif p.realurl(v) and not p.thumb_url and not p.embed_url %} generic link post thumbnail {% endif %}
{{p.realtitle(v) | safe}}
{% if p.thumb_url %}
post image
{% endif %}
{% if p.realbody(v) %}
{{p.realbody(v) | safe}}
{% endif %} {% if p.flags %}
Reported by:
{% endif %}
{% else %} {% if request.path.endswith('/admin/queue') %}
This queue is empty. (That's a good thing.)
{% elif b %}
+{{b.name}} is barren and needs posts!
{% if v and b and b.can_submit(v) %} {% endif %}
{% elif u %} {% if v and v.id == u.id %}

You haven't {% if "saved" in request.full_path %}saved{% else %}made{% endif %} a post yet

Your {% if "saved" in request.full_path %}saved posts{% else %}posting history{% endif %} will show here.

{% if "saved" not in request.full_path %}Create a post{% endif %}
{% else %}

@{{u.username}} hasn't made a post yet

Their posting history will show here.

{% endif %} {% else %}

There are no posts here.

But the magic gnomes tell us there will be (eventually).

{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% include "delete_post_modal.html" %}