from collections import ChainMap import re from re import Match from files.helpers.const import SLURS def create_replace_map(): dicts = [{ slur: replacer, slur.title(): replacer.title(), slur.capitalize(): replacer.capitalize(), slur.upper(): replacer.upper(), } for (slur, replacer) in SLURS.items()] # flattens the list of dict to a single dict return dict(ChainMap(*dicts)) REPLACE_MAP = create_replace_map() def create_variations_slur_regex(slur: str): variations = [slur, slur.upper(), slur.capitalize()] # capitalize multiple words if there are multiple words (just in case) if " " in slur: variations.append(slur.title()) return [rf"(\s|>)({var})|({var})(\s|<)" for var in variations] def sub_matcher(match: Match): found = if ( is not None) else replacer = REPLACE_MAP[found] return ( or '') + replacer + ( or '') def censor_slurs(v, body): for (slur, replace) in SLURS.items(): for variation in create_variations_slur_regex(slur): try: body = re.sub(variation, sub_matcher, body) except: pass return body