from drama.helpers.wrappers import * from drama.helpers.get import * from drama.classes import * from flask import * from drama.__main__ import app @app.route("/api/v1/vote/post//", methods=["POST"]) @app.route("/api/vote/post//", methods=["POST"]) @is_not_banned @no_negative_balance("toast") @api("vote") @validate_formkey def api_vote_post(post_id, x, v): if x not in ["-1", "0", "1"]: abort(400) # disallow bots if request.headers.get("X-User-Type","") == "Bot": abort(403) x = int(x) if x==-1: count=g.db.query(Vote).filter( Vote.user_id.in_( tuple( []+[ for x in v.alts] ) ), Vote.created_utc > (int(time.time())-3600), Vote.vote_type==-1 ).count() if count >=15 and v.admin_level==0: return jsonify({"error": "You're doing that too much. Try again later."}), 403 post = get_post(post_id) if post.is_banned: return jsonify({"error":"That post has been removed."}), 403 elif post.deleted_utc > 0: return jsonify({"error":"That post has been deleted."}), 403 elif post.is_archived: return jsonify({"error":"That post is archived and can no longer be voted on."}), 403 # check for existing vote existing = g.db.query(Vote).filter_by(, if existing: existing.change_to(x) g.db.add(existing) else: vote = Vote(, vote_type=x, submission_id=base36decode(post_id), creation_ip=request.remote_addr, if v.client else None ) g.db.add(vote) try: g.db.flush() except: return jsonify({"error":"Vote already exists."}), 422 posts = [] posts.append(post) post.upvotes = post.downvotes = post.downs g.db.add(post) return "", 204 @app.route("/api/v1/vote/comment//", methods=["POST"]) @app.route("/api/vote/comment//", methods=["POST"]) @is_not_banned @no_negative_balance("toast") @api("vote") @validate_formkey def api_vote_comment(comment_id, x, v): if x not in ["-1", "0", "1"]: abort(400) # disallow bots if request.headers.get("X-User-Type","") == "Bot": abort(403) x = int(x) comment = get_comment(comment_id) # check for existing vote existing = g.db.query(CommentVote).filter_by(, if existing: existing.change_to(x) g.db.add(existing) else: vote = CommentVote(, vote_type=x, comment_id=base36decode(comment_id), creation_ip=request.remote_addr, if v.client else None ) g.db.add(vote) try: g.db.flush() except: return jsonify({"error":"Vote already exists."}), 422 comment.upvotes = comment.downvotes = comment.downs g.db.add(comment) return make_response(""), 204