from files.classes.chats import * from files.routes.wrappers import * from files.helpers.config.const import * from files.helpers.get import * from files.__main__ import app, limiter @app.get("/chat") @app.get("/orgy") def chat_redirect(): return redirect("/chat/1")"/@/chat") @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath) @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath, key_func=get_ID) @limiter.limit("10/minute;20/hour;50/day", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit("10/minute;20/hour;50/day", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def chat_user(v, username): user = get_user(username, v=v, include_blocks=True) if hasattr(user, 'is_blocking') and user.is_blocking: abort(403, f"You're blocking @{user.username}") if v.admin_level <= PERMS['MESSAGE_BLOCKED_USERS'] and hasattr(user, 'is_blocked') and user.is_blocked: abort(403, f"@{user.username} is blocking you!") if user.has_muted(v): abort(403, f"@{user.username} is muting notifications from you, so you can't chat with them!") sq = g.db.query(, == 2).subquery() existing = g.db.query( == == 2).one_or_none() if existing: return redirect(f"/chat/{}") chat = Chat(name=f"@{v.username}, @{user.username}") g.db.add(chat) g.db.flush() chat_membership = ChatMembership(,, ) g.db.add(chat_membership) chat_membership = ChatMembership(,, ) g.db.add(chat_membership) return redirect(f"/chat/{}") @app.get("/chat/") @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def chat(v, chat_id): chat = g.db.get(Chat, chat_id) if not chat: abort(404, "Chat not found!") if == 1: if not v.allowed_in_chat: abort(403, f"To prevent spam, you'll need {TRUESCORE_MINIMUM} truescore (this is {TRUESCORE_MINIMUM} votes, either up or down, on any threads or comments you've made) in order to access chat. Sorry! I love you 💖") else: membership = g.db.query(ChatMembership).filter_by(, chat_id=chat_id).one_or_none() if v.admin_level < PERMS['VIEW_CHATS'] and not membership: abort(403, "You're not a member of this chat!") displayed_messages = reversed(g.db.query(ChatMessage).options(joinedload(ChatMessage.quoted_message)).filter_by( displayed_messages = { m for m in displayed_messages} if == 1: sorted_memberships = None else: if not session.get("GLOBAL") and membership: membership.notification = False g.db.add(membership) g.db.commit() #to clear notif count query = g.db.query(ChatMembership).filter_by( sorted_memberships = query.filter(ChatMembership.user_id != chat.owner_id).join(ChatMembership.user).order_by(func.lower(User.username)).all() owner_membership = query.filter_by(user_id=chat.owner_id).one_or_none() if owner_membership: sorted_memberships = [owner_membership] + sorted_memberships return render_template("chat.html", v=v, messages=displayed_messages, chat=chat, sorted_memberships=sorted_memberships)"/chat//name") @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def change_chat_name(v, chat_id): chat = g.db.get(Chat, chat_id) if not chat: abort(404, "Chat not found!") if != chat.owner_id: abort(403, "Only the chat owner can change its name!") new_name = request.values.get("new_name").strip() if len(new_name) > 40: abort(400, "New name is too long (max 40 characters)") = new_name g.db.add(chat) return redirect(f"/chat/{}")"/chat//leave") @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def leave_chat(v, chat_id): chat = g.db.get(Chat, chat_id) if not chat: abort(404, "Chat not found!") if == chat.owner_id: abort(403, "The chat owner can't leave it!") membership = g.db.query(ChatMembership).filter_by(, chat_id=chat_id).one_or_none() if not membership: abort(400, "You're not a member of this chat!") g.db.delete(membership) chat_leave = ChatLeave(, chat_id=chat_id, ) g.db.add(chat_leave) return {"message": "Chat left successfully!"}