{% extends "default.html" %} {% set ups=p.upvotes %} {% set downs=p.downvotes %} {% set score=ups-downs %} {% if v %} {% set voted=p.voted if p.voted else 0 %} {% else %} {% set voted=-2 %} {% endif %} {% block title %} {% if v and (v.id == p.author_id or v.admin_level == 6 and v.id in [1,28,995,2513]) %} {% endif %} {% if 'rama' not in request.host %} {% if v %} {% include "award_modal.html" %} {% include "emoji_modal.html" %} {% include "gif_modal.html" %} {% if v.admin_level == 6 %} {% include "ban_modal.html" %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% include "expanded_image_modal.html" %} {% endif %} {% if p.award_count("shit") %} {% set minbugs = 10*p.award_count("shit") if p.award_count("shit") < 3 else 20 %} {% set maxbugs = 20*p.award_count("shit") if p.award_count("shit") < 3 else 40 %} {% endif %} {% if p.award_count("fireflies") %} {% set minbugs = 10*p.award_count("fireflies") if p.award_count("fireflies") < 3 else 20 %} {% set maxbugs = 20*p.award_count("fireflies") if p.award_count("fireflies") < 3 else 40 %} {% endif %} {% if comment_info and not comment_info.is_banned and not linked_comment.deleted_utc > 0 %}
This comment section is a ghost town...
{% else %}This comment section is a ghost town. Sign in
{% endif %}