{% if not ajax %} {% if comment_info and not request.full_path.endswith('#context') %} {% endif %} {% if v %} {% include "award_modal.html" %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% macro single_comment(c, level=1) %} {% set ups=c.upvotes %} {% set downs=c.downvotes %} {% set score=ups-downs %} {% if v and (v.shadowbanned or v.admin_level > 1) %} {% set replies=c.replies3 %} {% else %} {% set replies=c.replies %} {% endif %} {% if (c.is_banned or c.deleted_utc or c.is_blocking) and not (v and v.admin_level > 1) and not (v and v.id==c.author_id) %}
{% if render_replies %} {% if level<9 %}
{% set standalone=False %} {% for reply in replies %} {{single_comment(reply, level=level+1)}} {% endfor %}
{% elif replies and "notifications" in request.path %}
{% set standalone=False %} {% for reply in replies %} {{single_comment(reply, level=level+1)}} {% endfor %}
{% elif replies %}
More comments
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% else %} {% set score=c.score %} {% if v %} {% set voted=c.voted %} {% else %} {% set voted=-2 %} {% endif %} {% if standalone and level==1 %}
{% if c.post and c.post.over_18 %}+18{% endif %} {% if c.post %} {% if c.author_id==v.id and replies and is_notification_page%} Comment {{'Replies' if (replies | length)>1 else 'Reply'}}: {{c.post.realtitle(v) | safe}} {% elif c.post.author_id==v.id and c.level == 1 and is_notification_page%} Post Reply: {{c.post.realtitle(v) | safe}} {% elif is_notification_page and c.parent_submission in v.subscribed_idlist() %} Subscribed Thread: {{c.post.realtitle(v) | safe}} {% elif is_notification_page %} Username Mention: {{c.post.realtitle(v) | safe}} {% else %} {{c.post.realtitle(v) | safe}} {% endif %} {% elif c.author_id==NOTIFICATIONS_ID or c.author_id==AUTOJANNY_ID %} Notification {% else %} {% if c.sentto == 0 %} Sent to admins {% else %} Sent to @{{c.senttouser.username}} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if c.sentto and c.level > 2 and c.created_utc > 1641340623 %} {% set isreply = True %} {% else %} {% set isreply = False %} {% endif %} {% if c.blackjack_result %} {% set split_result = c.blackjack_result.split('_') %} {% set blackjack_status = split_result[3] %} {% set player_hand = split_result[0].replace('X', '10') %} {% set dealer_hand = split_result[1].split('/')[0] if blackjack_status == 'active' else split_result[1] %} {% set dealer_hand = dealer_hand.replace('X', '10') %} {% set wager = split_result[4] %} {% set kind = split_result[5] %} {% endif %}
{% if not isreply %} {% endif %}
{% if c.active_flags %}
Reported by:

    {% for f in c.flags %}
  • {{f.user.username}}{% if f.reason %}: {{f.realreason(v) | safe}}{% endif %} {% if v and v.admin_level > 1 %}[remove]{% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if c.is_banned and c.ban_reason %}
removed by @{{c.ban_reason}}
{% endif %} {% if c.award_count("tilt") %} {% endif %}
{{c.realbody(v) | safe}}
{% if c.parent_submission %} {% if v and v.id==c.author_id %} {% endif %}
  • {% if v and v.admin_level > 1 %} {% endif %}
  • {% if v %} {% endif %}
  • {% if v and request.path.startswith('/@') and v.admin_level < 2 %}
  • {% if voted==1 %} {% endif %} {{score}} {% if voted==-1 %} {% endif %}
  • {% elif v %}
  • {{score}}
  • {% else %}
  • {{score}}
  • {% endif %}
  • {% if v and request.path.startswith('/@') and v.admin_level == 0%} {% if voted==1 %} {% endif %} {% elif v %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if v and request.path.startswith('/@') and v.admin_level == 0 %} {% if voted==-1 %}
  • {% endif %} {% elif v %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if not c.ghost %}Votes{% endif %} {% if v %} {% endif %} Context {% if v %} {% endif %} {% if c.parent_submission %} {% if v and c.author_id == v.id %} {% if c.deleted_utc %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% elif c.body %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if v and v.admin_level and v.id==c.author_id %} {% endif %} {% if v and v.id != c.author_id and not c.ghost %} {% endif %} {% if v and c.post %} {% if v.admin_level > 1%} {% elif v.id == c.post.author_id or c.post.sub and v.mods(c.post.sub) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if v and v.admin_level > 1 %} {% if "/reported/" in request.path %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if v and c.parent_submission and (c.author_id==v.id or v.admin_level > 1) %} {% endif %} {% if v and v.admin_level > 1 and v.id != c.author_id %} {% endif %} {% if v and v.admin_level > 1 and c.oauth_app %} API App {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if c.body and not (v and v.id == c.author_id) %}
{% endif %}
{% if render_replies %} {% if request.path == '/notifications' and not replies and c.sentto != None and not c.parent_submission and c.author_id not in (NOTIFICATIONS_ID, AUTOJANNY_ID) %} Reply

		{% elif level<9 or request.path == '/notifications' %}
{% for reply in replies %} {{single_comment(reply, level=level+1)}} {% endfor %}
{% elif replies %}
More comments
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if v and v.admin_level > 1 %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% for comment in comments %} {{single_comment(comment)}} {% endfor %} {% if not ajax %} {% if v %} {% include "gif_modal.html" %} {% include "emoji_modal.html" %} {% if v.admin_level > 1 %} {% include "ban_modal.html" %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if v %} {% endif %} {% if v and v.admin_level > 1 %} {% endif %} {% include "expanded_image_modal.html" %} {% endif %} {% if offset %} {% if p %} {% set pid = p.id %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}