from sqlalchemy import * from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship from files.__main__ import Base import time from files.helpers.lazy import lazy from copy import deepcopy from files.helpers.const import * from files.helpers.regex import censor_slurs class ModAction(Base): __tablename__ = "modactions" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) kind = Column(String) target_user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) target_submission_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) target_comment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) _note=Column(String) created_utc = Column(Integer) user = relationship("User", primaryjoin="") target_user = relationship("User", primaryjoin="") target_post = relationship("Submission") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if "created_utc" not in kwargs: kwargs["created_utc"] = int(time.time()) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return f"" @property @lazy def age_string(self): age = int(time.time()) - self.created_utc if age < 60: return "just now" elif age < 3600: minutes = int(age / 60) return f"{minutes}m ago" elif age < 86400: hours = int(age / 3600) return f"{hours}hr ago" elif age < 2678400: days = int(age / 86400) return f"{days}d ago" now = time.gmtime() ctd = time.gmtime(self.created_utc) months = now.tm_mon - ctd.tm_mon + 12 * (now.tm_year - ctd.tm_year) if now.tm_mday < ctd.tm_mday: months -= 1 if months < 12: return f"{months}mo ago" else: years = int(months / 12) return f"{years}yr ago" @property def note(self): if self.kind=="ban_user": if self.target_post: return f'for post' elif self.target_comment_id: return f'for comment' else: return self._note else: return self._note or "" @note.setter def note(self, x): self._note=x @property @lazy def string(self): output = ACTIONTYPES[self.kind]["str"].format(self=self, cc=CC_TITLE) if self.note: output += f" ({self.note})" return output @property @lazy def target_link(self): if self.target_user: return f'{self.target_user.username}' elif self.target_post: if return f'{CC} ONLY' return censor_slurs(f'{self.target_post.title_html}', None) elif self.target_comment_id: return f'comment' @property @lazy def icon(self): return ACTIONTYPES[self.kind]['icon'] @property @lazy def color(self): return ACTIONTYPES[self.kind]['color'] @property @lazy def permalink(self): return f"{SITE_FULL}/log/{}" ACTIONTYPES = { 'agendaposter': { "str": 'set chud theme on {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-snooze', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'approve_app': { "str": 'approved an application by {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-robot', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'badge_grant': { "str": 'granted badge to {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-badge', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'badge_remove': { "str": 'removed badge from {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-badge', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'ban_comment': { "str": 'removed {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-comment', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'ban_domain': { "str": 'banned a domain', "icon": 'fa-globe', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'ban_post': { "str": 'removed post {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-feather-alt', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'ban_user': { "str": 'banned user {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-user-slash', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'change_sidebar': { "str": 'changed the sidebar', "icon": 'fa-columns', "color": 'bg-primary' }, 'check': { "str": 'gave {self.target_link} a checkmark', "icon": 'fa-badge-check', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'club_allow': { "str": 'allowed user {self.target_link} into the {cc}', "icon": 'fa-golf-club', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'club_ban': { "str": 'disallowed user {self.target_link} from the {cc}', "icon": 'fa-golf-club', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'delete_report': { "str": 'deleted report on {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-flag', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'disable_Bots': { "str": 'disabled Bots', "icon": 'fa-robot', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'disable_Fart mode': { "str": 'disabled fart mode', "icon": 'fa-gas-pump-slash', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'disable_Read-only mode': { "str": 'disabled readonly mode', "icon": 'fa-book', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'disable_Signups': { "str": 'disabled Signups', "icon": 'fa-users', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'disable_login_required': { "str": 'disabled Login Required', "icon": 'fa-users', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'disable_under_attack': { "str": 'disabled under attack mode', "icon": 'fa-shield', "color": 'bg-muted' }, 'distinguish_comment': { "str": 'distinguished {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-crown', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'distinguish_post': { "str": 'distinguished {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-crown', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'distribute': { "str": 'distributed bet winnings to voters on {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-dollar-sign', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'dump_cache': { "str": 'dumped cache', "icon": 'fa-trash-alt', "color": 'bg-muted' }, 'edit_post': { "str": 'edited {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-edit', "color": 'bg-primary' }, 'enable_Bots': { "str": 'enabled Bots', "icon": 'fa-robot', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'enable_Fart mode': { "str": 'enabled fart mode', "icon": 'fa-gas-pump', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'enable_Read-only mode': { "str": 'enabled readonly mode', "icon": 'fa-book', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'enable_Signups': { "str": 'enabled Signups', "icon": 'fa-users', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'enable_login_required': { "str": 'enabled Login Required', "icon": 'fa-users', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'enable_under_attack': { "str": 'enabled under attack mode', "icon": 'fa-shield', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'flair_post': { "str": 'set a flair on {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-tag', "color": 'bg-primary' }, 'grant_awards': { "str": 'granted awards to {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-gift', "color": 'bg-primary' }, 'link_accounts': { "str": 'linked {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-link', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'make_admin': { "str": 'made {self.target_link} admin', "icon": 'fa-user-crown', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'mod_mute_user': { "str": 'muted reports from user {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-file-signature', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'mod_unmute_user': { "str": 'unmuted reports from user {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-file-signature', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'monthly': { "str": 'distributed monthly marseybux', "icon": 'fa-sack-dollar', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'move_hole': { "str": 'changed hole of {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-manhole', "color": 'bg-primary' }, 'nuke_user': { "str": 'removed all content of {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-radiation-alt', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'pin_comment': { "str": 'pinned a {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-thumbtack fa-rotate--45', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'pin_post': { "str": 'pinned post {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-thumbtack fa-rotate--45', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'purge_cache': { "str": 'purged cache', "icon": 'fa-memory', "color": 'bg-muted' }, 'reject_app': { "str": 'rejected an application request by {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-robot', "color": 'bg-muted' }, 'remove_admin': { "str": 'removed {self.target_link} as admin', "icon": 'fa-user-crown', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'revert': { "str": 'reverted {self.target_link} mod actions', "icon": 'fa-history', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'revoke_app': { "str": 'revoked an application by {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-robot', "color": 'bg-muted' }, 'set_flair_locked': { "str": "set {self.target_link}'s flair (locked)", "icon": 'fa-award', "color": 'bg-primary' }, 'set_flair_notlocked': { "str": "set {self.target_link}'s flair (not locked)", "icon": 'fa-award', "color": 'bg-primary' }, 'set_nsfw': { "str": 'set nsfw on post {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-eye-evil', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'set_nsfw_comment': { "str": 'set nsfw on a {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-eye-evil', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'shadowban': { "str": 'shadowbanned {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-eye-slash', "color": 'bg-danger' }, 'unagendaposter': { "str": 'removed chud theme from {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-snooze', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'unban_comment': { "str": 'reinstated {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-comment', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'unban_domain': { "str": 'unbanned a domain', "icon": 'fa-globe', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'unban_post': { "str": 'reinstated post {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-feather-alt', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'unban_user': { "str": 'unbanned user {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-user', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'uncheck': { "str": 'removed checkmark from {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-badge-check', "color": 'bg-muted' }, 'undistinguish_comment': { "str": 'un-distinguished {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-crown', "color": 'bg-muted' }, 'undistinguish_post': { "str": 'un-distinguished {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-crown', "color": 'bg-muted' }, 'unnuke_user': { "str": 'approved all content of {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-radiation-alt', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'unpin_comment': { "str": 'un-pinned a {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-thumbtack fa-rotate--45', "color": 'bg-muted' }, 'unpin_post': { "str": 'un-pinned post {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-thumbtack fa-rotate--45', "color": 'bg-muted' }, 'unset_nsfw': { "str": 'un-set nsfw on post {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-eye-evil', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'unset_nsfw_comment': { "str": 'un-set nsfw on a {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-eye-evil', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'unshadowban': { "str": 'unshadowbanned {self.target_link}', "icon": 'fa-eye', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'update_hat': { "str": 'updated hat image', "icon": 'fa-hat-cowboy', "color": 'bg-success' }, 'update_marsey': { "str": 'updated marsey image', "icon": 'fa-cat', "color": 'bg-success' } } ACTIONTYPES2 = deepcopy(ACTIONTYPES) ACTIONTYPES2.pop("shadowban") ACTIONTYPES2.pop("unshadowban")