import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from "react"; import debounce from "lodash.debounce"; const FAVORITES_STORAGE_KEY = "Emojis/Favorites"; const MINIMUM_SEARCH_INTERVAL = 350; interface MarseyListEmoji { author: string; class: string; count: number; name: string; tags: string[]; } export function useEmojis() { const emojiDictionary = useRef(new EmojiDictionary()); const [error, setError] = useState(""); const [emojis, setEmojis] = useState([]); const [genres, setGenres] = useState([]); const [collections, setCollections] = useState>({}); const [favorites, setFavorites] = useState([]); const [queries, setQueries] = useState([]); const [mostRecentQuery, setMostRecentQuery] = useState(""); const [visible, setVisible] = useState([]); const addQuery = useCallback( (query: string) => setQueries((prev) => prev.concat(query)), [] ); const debouncedQueryAdder = useMemo( () => debounce(addQuery, MINIMUM_SEARCH_INTERVAL), [] ); // Retrieve the list. useEffect(() => { fetch("/marsey_list.json") .then((res) => res.json()) .then(setEmojis) .catch(setError); }, []); // Load favorites. useEffect(() => { const persisted = window.localStorage.getItem(FAVORITES_STORAGE_KEY); if (persisted) { setFavorites(JSON.parse(persisted)); } }, []); // Persist favorites. useEffect(() => { window.localStorage.setItem( FAVORITES_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(Array.from(new Set(favorites))) ); }, [favorites]); // When emojis are received, update the dictionary. useEffect(() => { const dictionary = emojiDictionary.current; const genreCollections: Record = {}; for (const emoji of emojis) { dictionary.updateTag(,; if (typeof !== "undefined" && !== null) { dictionary.updateTag(,; } if (emoji.tags instanceof Array) { for (const tag of emoji.tags) { dictionary.updateTag(tag,; } } dictionary.classes.add(emoji.class); if (!genreCollections[emoji.class]) { genreCollections[emoji.class] = []; } genreCollections[emoji.class].push(; } setGenres(Array.from(dictionary.classes.values()) as string[]); setCollections(genreCollections); }, [emojis]); // Process queries as they come in. useEffect(() => { if (queries.length > 0) { const lastQuery = queries[queries.length - 1].toLowerCase(); setQueries([]); setMostRecentQuery(lastQuery); if (lastQuery.length === 0) { return setVisible([]); } const results = emojiDictionary.current.completeSearch(lastQuery); const nextVisible = Array.from(results.values()) as string[]; setVisible(nextVisible); } }, [queries]); // Clean up any debounced calls before exit. useEffect(() => { return () => { debouncedQueryAdder.cancel(); }; }, []); return { error, ready: emojis.length > 0, visible, genres, collections, favorites, mostRecentQuery, addQuery, updateVisible: setVisible, updateFavorites: setFavorites }; } class EmojiDictionaryNode { tag = ""; names = []; constructor(tag: string, name: string) { this.tag = tag; this.names = [name]; } } class EmojiDictionary { dictionary = []; classes = new Set(); updateTag(tag: string, name: string) { let low = 0; let high = this.dictionary.length; while (low < high) { let mid = (low + high) >>> 1; if (this.dictionary[mid].tag.length < tag.length) { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid; } } let target = low; if ( typeof this.dictionary[target] !== "undefined" && this.dictionary[target].tag === tag ) { this.dictionary[target].names.push(name); } else { this.dictionary.splice(target, 0, new EmojiDictionaryNode(tag, name)); } } searchFor(query: string) { query = query.toLowerCase(); const result = new Set(); if (this.dictionary.length === 0) { return result; } let low = 0; let high = this.dictionary.length; while (low < high) { let mid = (low + high) >>> 1; if (this.dictionary[mid].tag.length < query.length) { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid; } } let target = low; for ( let i = target; i >= 0 && this.dictionary[i].tag.startsWith(query); i-- ) { for (const name of this.dictionary[i].names) { result.add(name); } } for ( let i = target + 1; i < this.dictionary.length && this.dictionary[i].tag.startsWith(query); i++ ) { for (const name of this.dictionary[i].names) { result.add(name); } } return result; } completeSearch(query: string) { query = query.toLowerCase(); const result = new Set(); for (const { tag, names } of this.dictionary) { if (tag.includes(query)) { for (const name of names) { result.add(name); } } } return result; } }