from flask import render_template, g from sqlalchemy import * from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, deferred import re, random from urllib.parse import urlparse from files.helpers.lazy import lazy from files.__main__ import Base from .mix_ins import * from .flags import * from os import environ site = environ.get("DOMAIN").strip() class SubmissionAux(Base): __tablename__ = "submissions_aux" key_id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True) id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey("")) title = Column(String(500)) title_html = Column(String(500)) url = Column(String(500)) body = Column(String(10000), default="") body_html = Column(String(20000), default="") ban_reason = Column(String(128), default="") embed_url = Column(String(256), default="") class Submission(Base, Stndrd, Age_times, Scores, Fuzzing): __tablename__ = "submissions" id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True) submission_aux = relationship( "SubmissionAux", lazy="joined", uselist=False, innerjoin=True, primaryjoin="") author_id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey("")) edited_utc = Column(BigInteger, default=0) created_utc = Column(BigInteger, default=0) thumburl = Column(String) is_banned = Column(Boolean, default=False) views = Column(Integer, default=0) deleted_utc = Column(Integer, default=0) distinguish_level = Column(Integer, default=0) created_str = Column(String(255)) stickied = Column(Boolean, default=False) is_pinned = Column(Boolean, default=False) private = Column(Boolean, default=False) comments = relationship( "Comment", lazy="joined", primaryjoin="", ) flags = relationship("Flag", lazy="joined") is_approved = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), default=0) over_18 = Column(Boolean, default=False) author = relationship( "User", lazy="joined", innerjoin=True, primaryjoin="") is_pinned = Column(Boolean, default=False) is_bot = Column(Boolean, default=False) upvotes = Column(Integer, default=1) downvotes = Column(Integer, default=0) app_id=Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) oauth_app=relationship("OauthApp") approved_by = relationship( "User", uselist=False, primaryjoin="") awards = relationship("AwardRelationship", lazy="joined") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if "created_utc" not in kwargs: kwargs["created_utc"] = int(time.time()) kwargs["created_str"] = time.strftime( "%I:%M %p on %d %b %Y", time.gmtime( kwargs["created_utc"])) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return f"" @property @lazy def comment_count(self): return len(self.comments) @property @lazy def score(self): return self.upvotes - self.downvotes @property @lazy def hotscore(self): return 10000000*(self.upvotes - self.downvotes + 1)/(((self.age+3600)/1000)**(1.35)) @property @lazy def score_disputed(self): return (self.upvotes+1) * (self.downvotes+1) @property @lazy def fullname(self): return f"t2_{}" @property @lazy def permalink(self): output = self.title.lower() output = re.sub('&\w{2,3};', '', output) output = [re.sub('\W', '', word) for word in output.split()] output = [x for x in output if x][:6] output = '-'.join(output) if not output: output = '-' return f"/post/{}/{output}" def rendered_page(self, sort=None, comment=None, comment_info=None, v=None): # check for banned if v and (v.admin_level >= 3 or self.author_id == template = "submission.html" elif self.is_banned: template = "submission_banned.html" else: template = "submission.html" # load and tree comments # calling this function with a comment object will do a comment # permalink thing if "replies" not in self.__dict__ and "_preloaded_comments" in self.__dict__: self.tree_comments(comment=comment) return render_template(template, v=v, p=self, sort=sort, linked_comment=comment, comment_info=comment_info, render_replies=True, ) @property @lazy def domain(self): if not self.url: return "text post" domain = urlparse(self.url).netloc if domain.startswith("www."): domain = domain.split("www.")[1] return domain.replace("", "") def tree_comments(self, comment=None, v=None): comments = self.__dict__.get('_preloaded_comments',[]) if not comments: return pinned_comment=[] index = {} for c in comments: if c.is_pinned and c.parent_fullname==self.fullname: pinned_comment+=[c] continue if c.parent_fullname in index: index[c.parent_fullname].append(c) else: index[c.parent_fullname] = [c] for c in comments: c.__dict__["replies"] = index.get(c.fullname, []) if comment: self.__dict__["replies"] = [comment] else: self.__dict__["replies"] = pinned_comment + index.get(self.fullname, []) @property @lazy def thumb_url(self): if self.over_18: return f"https://{site}/assets/images/nsfw.png" elif not self.url: return f"https://{site}/assets/images/default_thumb_text.png" elif self.thumburl: return self.thumburl elif "" in self.domain or "" in self.domain: return f"https://{site}/assets/images/default_thumb_yt.png" else: return f"https://{site}/assets/images/default_thumb_link.png" @property def json_raw(self): flags = {} for f in self.flags: flags[f.user.username] = f.reason data = {'author_name':, 'permalink': self.permalink, 'is_banned': bool(self.is_banned), 'deleted_utc': self.deleted_utc, 'created_utc': self.created_utc, 'id':, 'title': self.title, 'is_nsfw': self.over_18, 'is_bot': self.is_bot, 'thumb_url': self.thumb_url, 'domain': self.domain, 'url': self.url, 'body': self.body, 'body_html': self.body_html, 'created_utc': self.created_utc, 'edited_utc': self.edited_utc or 0, 'comment_count': self.comment_count, 'score': self.score_fuzzed, 'upvotes': self.upvotes_fuzzed, 'downvotes': self.downvotes_fuzzed, 'stickied': self.stickied, 'distinguish_level': self.distinguish_level, #'award_count': self.award_count, 'meta_title': self.meta_title, 'meta_description': self.meta_description, 'voted': self.voted, 'flags': flags, } if self.ban_reason: data["ban_reason"]=self.ban_reason return data @property def json_core(self): if self.is_banned: return {'is_banned': True, 'deleted_utc': self.deleted_utc, 'ban_reason': self.ban_reason, 'id':, 'title': self.title, 'permalink': self.permalink, } elif self.deleted_utc: return {'is_banned': bool(self.is_banned), 'deleted_utc': True, 'id':, 'title': self.title, 'permalink': self.permalink, } return self.json_raw @property def json(self): data=self.json_core if self.deleted_utc > 0 or self.is_banned: return data data["author"] data["comment_count"]=self.comment_count if "replies" in self.__dict__: data["replies"]=[x.json_core for x in self.replies] if "_voted" in self.__dict__: data["voted"] = self._voted return data def has_award(self, kind): return bool(len([x for x in self.awards if x.kind == kind])) @property def voted(self): return self._voted if "_voted" in self.__dict__ else 0 @property def title(self): return self.submission_aux.title @title.setter def title(self, x): self.submission_aux.title = x g.db.add(self.submission_aux) @property def url(self): return self.submission_aux.url @url.setter def url(self, x): self.submission_aux.url = x g.db.add(self.submission_aux) def realurl(self, v): if v and v.agendaposter and random.randint(1, 10) < 4: return '' elif self.url: if v and not v.oldreddit: return self.url.replace("", "") if self.url: return self.url return "" @property def body(self): return self.submission_aux.body @body.setter def body(self, x): self.submission_aux.body = x g.db.add(self.submission_aux) @property def body_html(self): return self.submission_aux.body_html @body_html.setter def body_html(self, x): self.submission_aux.body_html = x g.db.add(self.submission_aux) def realbody(self, v): body = self.submission_aux.body_html if not v or v.slurreplacer: body = body.replace(" nigger"," 🏀").replace(" Nigger"," 🏀").replace(" NIGGER"," 🏀").replace(" pedo"," libertarian").replace(" Pedo"," Libertarian ").replace(" PEDO"," LIBERTARIAN ").replace(" tranny"," 🚄").replace(" Tranny"," 🚄").replace(" TRANNY"," 🚄").replace(" fag"," cute twink").replace(" Fag"," Cute twink").replace(" FAG"," CUTE TWINK").replace(" faggot"," cute twink").replace(" Faggot"," Cute twink").replace(" FAGGOT"," CUTE TWINK").replace(" trump"," DDR").replace(" Trump"," DDR").replace(" TRUMP"," DDR").replace(" biden"," DDD").replace(" Biden"," DDD").replace(" BIDEN"," DDD").replace(" steve akins"," penny verity oaken").replace(" Steve Akins"," Penny Verity Oaken").replace(" STEVE AKINS"," PENNY VERITY OAKEN").replace(" RETARD"," RSLUR").replace(" rapist"," male feminist").replace(" Rapist"," Male feminist").replace(" RAPIST"," MALE FEMINIST").replace(" RETARD"," RSLUR").replace(" rapist"," male feminist").replace(" Rapist"," Male feminist").replace(" RAPIST"," MALE FEMINIST").replace(" RETARD"," RSLUR").replace(" rapist"," male feminist").replace(" Rapist"," Male feminist").replace(" RAPIST"," MALE FEMINIST").replace(" kill yourself"," keep yourself safe").replace(" KILL YOURSELF"," KEEP YOURSELF SAFE").replace(" trannie"," 🚄").replace(" Trannie"," 🚄").replace(" TRANNIE"," 🚄").replace(" troon"," 🚄").replace(" Troon"," 🚄").replace(" TROON"," 🚄") if v and not v.oldreddit: body = body.replace("", "") return body @property def title_html(self): return self.submission_aux.title_html @title_html.setter def title_html(self, x): self.submission_aux.title_html = x g.db.add(self.submission_aux) def realtitle(self, v): if self.title_html: title = self.title_html else: title = self.title if not v or v.slurreplacer: title = title.replace(" nigger"," 🏀").replace(" Nigger"," 🏀").replace(" NIGGER"," 🏀").replace(" pedo"," libertarian").replace(" Pedo"," Libertarian ").replace(" PEDO"," LIBERTARIAN ").replace(" tranny"," 🚄").replace(" Tranny"," 🚄").replace(" TRANNY"," 🚄").replace(" fag"," cute twink").replace(" Fag"," Cute twink").replace(" FAG"," CUTE TWINK").replace(" faggot"," cute twink").replace(" Faggot"," Cute twink").replace(" FAGGOT"," CUTE TWINK").replace(" trump"," DDR").replace(" Trump"," DDR").replace(" TRUMP"," DDR").replace(" biden"," DDD").replace(" Biden"," DDD").replace(" BIDEN"," DDD").replace(" steve akins"," penny verity oaken").replace(" Steve Akins"," Penny Verity Oaken").replace(" STEVE AKINS"," PENNY VERITY OAKEN").replace(" RETARD"," RSLUR").replace(" rapist"," male feminist").replace(" Rapist"," Male feminist").replace(" RAPIST"," MALE FEMINIST").replace(" RETARD"," RSLUR").replace(" rapist"," male feminist").replace(" Rapist"," Male feminist").replace(" RAPIST"," MALE FEMINIST").replace(" RETARD"," RSLUR").replace(" rapist"," male feminist").replace(" Rapist"," Male feminist").replace(" RAPIST"," MALE FEMINIST").replace(" kill yourself"," keep yourself safe").replace(" KILL YOURSELF"," KEEP YOURSELF SAFE").replace(" trannie"," 🚄").replace(" Trannie"," 🚄").replace(" TRANNIE"," 🚄").replace(" troon"," 🚄").replace(" Troon"," 🚄").replace(" TROON"," 🚄") return title @property def ban_reason(self): return self.submission_aux.ban_reason @ban_reason.setter def ban_reason(self, x): self.submission_aux.ban_reason = x g.db.add(self.submission_aux) @property def embed_url(self): return self.submission_aux.embed_url @embed_url.setter def embed_url(self, x): self.submission_aux.embed_url = x g.db.add(self.submission_aux) @property def meta_title(self): return self.submission_aux.meta_title @meta_title.setter def meta_title(self, x): self.submission_aux.meta_title=x g.db.add(self.submission_aux) @property def meta_description(self): return self.submission_aux.meta_description @meta_description.setter def meta_description(self, x): self.submission_aux.meta_description=x g.db.add(self.submission_aux) @property def is_blocked(self): return self.__dict__.get('_is_blocked', False) @property def is_blocking(self): return self.__dict__.get('_is_blocking', False) #@property #def award_count(self): #return len(self.awards) @property def is_image(self): if self.url: return self.url.lower().endswith('.jpg') or self.url.lower().endswith('.png') or self.url.lower().endswith('.gif') or self.url.lower().endswith('.jpeg') or self.url.lower().endswith('?maxwidth=9999') or self.url.lower().endswith('?maxwidth=8888') else: return False @property @lazy def active_flags(self): return len(self.flags) @property @lazy def ordered_flags(self): return self.flags.order_by( class SaveRelationship(Base, Stndrd): __tablename__="save_relationship" id=Column(Integer, primary_key=true) user_id=Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) submission_id=Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) type=Column(Integer)