#!/usr/bin/python3 import subprocess import sys # we want to leave the container in whatever state it currently is, so check to see if it's running docker_inspect = subprocess.run([ "docker", "container", "inspect", "-f", "{{.State.Status}}", "rDrama", ], capture_output = True, ).stdout.decode("utf-8").strip() was_running = docker_inspect == "running" # update containers, just in case they're out of date if was_running: print("Updating containers . . .") else: print("Starting containers . . .") subprocess.run([ "docker-compose", "up", "--build", "-d", ], check = True, ) # run the test print("Running test . . .") result = subprocess.run([ "docker", "exec", "rDrama", "bash", "-c", "cd service && python3 -m pytest -s" ]) if not was_running: # shut down, if we weren't running in the first place print("Shutting down containers . . .") subprocess.run([ "docker-compose", "stop", ], check = True, ) sys.exit(result.returncode)