create table post_edits ( id integer primary key, post_id integer not null, old_title character varying(500), old_title_html character varying(1500), old_body character varying(100000), old_body_html character varying(200000), created_utc integer NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.post_edits_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.post_edits_id_seq OWNED BY; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.post_edits ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.post_edits_id_seq'::regclass); alter table only post_edits add constraint post_edits_post_fkey foreign key (post_id) references public.posts(id); create table comment_edits ( id integer primary key, comment_id integer not null, old_body character varying(100000), old_body_html character varying(200000), created_utc integer NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.comment_edits_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.comment_edits_id_seq OWNED BY; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.comment_edits ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.comment_edits_id_seq'::regclass); alter table only comment_edits add constraint comment_edits_comment_fkey foreign key (comment_id) references public.comments(id);