remove country club system and replace it with a 3 tier thing: #41

Snakes merged 3 commits from cc into master 2022-12-04 18:39:07 +00:00
  • /h/masterbaiters: 1 TS - for gayops

  • /h/countryclub: 1000 TS - for anything requiring secrecy and doesnt need critical mass - have to make it a rule that u cant post gayops in /h/countryclub

  • /h/chudrama: 5000 TS - for chad+stud posts

EDIT: i removed the /h/masterbaiters gate, but u can bring it back if u want

- /h/masterbaiters: 1 TS - for gayops - /h/countryclub: 1000 TS - for anything requiring secrecy and doesnt need critical mass - have to make it a rule that u cant post gayops in /h/countryclub - /h/chudrama: 5000 TS - for chad+stud posts EDIT: i removed the /h/masterbaiters gate, but u can bring it back if u want
Aevann added 1 commit 2022-12-04 17:00:07 +00:00
8f1943b50a remove country club system and replace it with a 3 tier thing:
- /h/masterbaiters: 1 TS - for gayops
- /h/countryclub: 1000 TS - for anything requiring secrecy and doesnt need critical mass - have to make it a rule that u cant post gayops in /h/countryclub
- /h/chudrama: 5000 TS - for chad+stud posts
Aevann added 1 commit 2022-12-04 17:08:49 +00:00
Snakes added 1 commit 2022-12-04 18:38:01 +00:00
cc: punch list code review.
 - Use User.can_see consistently to deduplicate.
 - Constantify truescore limits.
 - Delete removed modlog kinds in migration.
 - Restore logged-in requirement for masterbaiters.
Snakes merged commit e105035272 into master 2022-12-04 18:39:07 +00:00
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