From e2242049dea6e3d7df4722902d0af5329daf0312 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: carpathianflorist <> Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2021 19:37:22 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Update snappy.txt more snappy updates --- snappy.txt | 134 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 134 insertions(+) diff --git a/snappy.txt b/snappy.txt index ae23c9b16..45951c010 100644 --- a/snappy.txt +++ b/snappy.txt @@ -2291,3 +2291,137 @@ Heterosexuality is a mental illness. FTM is the natural end product of any woman on a journey of self improvement and should be encouraged, it’s only MTF that goes against God. {[para]} this thread reeks of updog +{[para]} +This site has done nothing but bring me down as a person. everyday i come in here and all you do is tear me down insult me hurt me with your words and do nothing but harm me emotionally physically mentally and I just can’t take it any longer this site is so abusive and toxic it’s crazy. no one even realizes how disgusting all of your behaviors are. every single time I talk or type or even do anything or interact with anyone on the site everybody just goes against me and gangs up on me like a pack of wolves and just attacks me and i didn’t do anything to deserve these attacks and these hurtful words. i literally just try to be nice to everybody but nobody ever wants to be in my shoes and nobody ever tries to sympathize with me and see where I’m coming from all of you just see me as the enemy and as the bad guy that’s trying to ruin the site or something when really I’m just trying to spread positivity. you guys act like I’m some kind of virus or disease, constantly casting me out so much, making me feel so left out and so alone in this site. it’s fucking driving me insane I feel mental and I feel like a weirdo just being around all of you because of how you treat me. at this point in time, I’ve given up on ever trying again and ever becoming any of your friends because I just know your feelings towards me clearly. i know all of you hate me and never want to be around me again or never have anything to do with me. it’s clear that you all think I’m a joke and that I’m stupid, idiotic and boring. it’s so mean because I literally don’t do anything to you guys but you guys always act like you hate me and it makes me feel so confused because I don’t know what I did to deserve it. I feel like I should just leave because clearly nobody wants to be around me and everyone would be happier if i left anyways so i’ll just go and i hope all of you find happiness in life and i’m sorry for all the troubles i’ve ever put any of you through. i give up. goodbye. +{[para]} +You've said it multiple times so I'm going to go ahead and assume it isn't a typo. + +You are calling that person "sweaty" as in someone who is covered in sweat. +The word you are looking for is sweetie. + +Obviously someone with opinions like yours has a hard time grasping simple concepts such as spelling, so I won't lose any sleep over this. +{[para]} +I love carp :marseylove: +{[para]} +You are a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs, but that doesn't matter. You are a valid human who is trying to feel comfortable in her body. + +All the “validation” you get is pure. Behind your back people love you. Your parents are happy and proud of you, your friends laugh at your jokes behind closed doors, and boys love you, and girls envy you. + +Men absolutely love you. Trans folk who “pass” look ordinary and natural to a man. Your bone structure does not matter. Estradiol widens the hips. + +You will be happy. You will smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, and deep inside you feel the euphoria creeping up like a weed. It is what defines you, not the transphobes. + +Eventually, it’ll be perfect for you - you’ll come out, start HRT, get top surgery, and finally be your ideal self. Your parents will find you, happy and relieved that they finally have a happy daughter. They’ll congratulate you on your hard journey, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a woman is what you are. +{[para]} +DUHHH CIRNGE!!!! DUHHH BRINGE!!???!!1 CRINGE!!!!! IS THAT ALL YOU SHITPOSTING FUCKS CAN SAY!!??? DURR BASED BASED BASED CRINGE CRINGE BASED BASED CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE BASED CRINGE I FEEL LIKE IM IN A FUCKING ASYLUM FULL OF DEMENTIA RIDDEN OLD PEOPLE THAT CAN DO NOTHING BUT REPEAT THE SAME FUCKING WORDS ON LOOP LIKE A FUCKING BROKEN RECORD CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE BASED BASED CRINGE ONIONS ONIONS ONIONS SNOYY ONIONS LOL ONIONS!!! CRINGE!!!1 BOOMER!! LE ZOOMER!!!! I AM BOOMER!!!! NO ZOOM ZOOM ZOOMIES ZOOMER GOING ZOOMIES AHGHGH I FUCKING HATE THE INTERNET SO GODDAMN MUCH FUCKJK YOU SHITPOST I HONEST TO GOD HOPE YOUR MOTHER CHOKES ON HER OWN FECES IN HELL YOU COCKSUCKER VUT OHHH I KNOWM MY POST IS CRINGE ISNT IT?? CRINGE CRINGE CRINGR CRINGEY BASED CRINGE BASED REDDIT REDDIT CRINGE ZOOM CRINGE ONIONS REDDIT BASED BASED!!!!!! +{[para]} +Oh boy. More CGI nonsense for mentally underdeveloped manchildren. Wonderful. + +The MCU films have become an endless and risk-free pack of Taco Bell mild sauce that is slowly dumbing down moviegoers and re-calibrating what a blockbuster film can be. + +Disney is a black hole swallowing everything in its path until it is the only universe we have left. I bet you dollars to donuts no one here saw Silence or The Nice Guys in theaters but borrowed their dad's Subaru so you could see Ant-Man and the Wasp opening weekend. + +I come from a generation where a creative "face-swapping" blockbuster film with $100M+ budget and an R-Rating from a foreign director could get a prime wide release date and make money. Now because of infantile consoomers who routinely get excited to pay for toy commercials with DoD propaganda, budgets are being slashed, young filmmakers are selling out, legends are relegated to streaming, and less people are getting laid. + +To be clear, if you’re a grown adult and you're genuinely excited for a fringe piece of shit superhero movie like Spider-Man: We Brought Back the Gambling Addict Who Dates Women Half His Age, you're a goddamn useless dork. + +The MCU is crack for dumb people. They got you strung out and morons just blindly line up saying “the last couple MCU flicks have been lame, but I’ve seen all 47 of them to this point so I better watch Man-Ant vs The Gobots vs Dr Doom!” + +McDonalds is quick, easy, cheap, and completely average in every way. Sure, from time to time it hits the spot but I usually end up feeling like shit and my ass leaks for 24 hours. It’s more work, more of a challenge, and sometimes can be disappointing but I’d much prefer to seek out a unique burger joint that at least will try to offer their own spin on things. I’m not 100% sure what I’ll get but it might be something interesting. Now everything is built on franchise recognition and familiarity and more and more people are conceding everyday - which puts my ability to go to my kind of restaurant at risk. Companies follow the money and may offer the occasional artisan option - but if it ain’t, selling it’ll be replaced something easier to sell. Hell, these lazy morons don’t even dine out anymore - they sit on their couch and have their compressed, shitty, and inoffensive content delivered directly to their homes. + +Happy Meal fucks who justify watching a decade of toy commercials and hand every nickel to corporations who call movies “content” not realizing they’re setting the rest of us up are the worst. + +Watch what you want, but when I can’t see something like First Reformed or Portrait of a Lady on Fire or American Animals or Only God Forgives on a big screen because the theaters have got 16 screens all playing Hawkeye vs Han Solo, I’m blaming you. +{[para]} +This is outrageous. My criticism of Israel has very little to do with my rabid anti-semitism. +{[para]} +This is sweaty. + +You're ALL awful. I'm awful too. + +You think that the mentally unstable we make fun of would be as miserable and unstable as they are without us? + +They wouldn't. + +You think that some of the people bullied on were aren't already miserable enough without the shit given to them here? + +You think some of them don't fall farther into misery and hopelessness than they already are, that some of them don't just finally snap and give up on life because of us? That they don't rope, or just stop trying on life because this shit pushed them over the edge? + +They do. + +Through one small cruelty, one small choice to be a dick, through the power of the butterfly effect, lives can be changed, ruined, right here. One small experience that causes suffering can lead to other bad experiences and other worse choices and less hope and more misery and the start of another branch of possibilities and of life that can lead to rock bottom. + +Through these small cruelties, greater ones are formed. + +That is the terrible power of sites like these.The power we so carelessly wield. + +This IS horrible. + +ALL of this is HORRIBLE. + +And you're part of it. + +Fuck you, you stupid bitch. + +And fuck you all, I'm out. +{[para]} +Being white and playing video games is a short pipeline that leads to learning Japanese and raping your sister +{[para]} +I have talked to carp many times in the past. She eventually admitted to being a shareblue operative (which is how she can be always online). Based on her behavior, her goal is obvious- use the clique of homofascists she has gathered to swamp any bastion of free speech to get it discredited and either have it self-destruct or get banned by big tech censors. +{[para]} +it is believed that carp orchestrated ruqqus downfall for profit, to poach the users once the project went down and have them assimilated into his tranny army at rdrama to attack all sites at once. but what does captainmeta4 have to gain from it? was he threatened by the tranny carps or willingly handed the site? its also believed that cheddahbob is in on the attempt at censorship and will destroy votal to have the users join carps army too. the plot thickens. +{[para]} +You make want to quit this sight with your fucking bullshit. Marsey is stupid and you're retarded enough to make everyone else here seem less retarded. Fuck you and your weeb cat cartoon. +{[para]} +We don't care about the pretexts you've collected that justify to yourselves why your particular targeted harassment behaviour is justified; It's still a witch hunt, and it's still disallowed by Reddit sitewide rules, and your witch hunt is the kind of thing that gets picked up by those who do evil and given another pretext to go harass other people. +You are building a weapon that breaks Reddit. Reddit admins will not allow it. +{[para]} +the idea that at some point another human might deliberately end my life and internally justify it with reference to the harry potter universe is so amazingly horrifying that i almost hope it happens +{[para]} +A group of bigots & trolls created a subreddit - r/TransParentTransKids - where they could roleplay as transgender parents of transgender children, in order to platform hateful stereotypes of transgender people. + +That subreddit has now been shuttered by Reddit for generally violating the Reddit Rules; They were engaged in promoting hatred of transgender people, as well as targeted harassment. + +While doing so, they created posts that depicted sexualised minors and sexual abuse of minors. + +The subreddit was created approximately two weeks ago but only picked up traffic in the past ~5 days or so, due to strategic targeting of harassment in order to promote public outcry -- including staging raiding their own subreddit from the /pol/ board of 4chan by "leaking" screenshots of the abusive LARPing to /pol/, inciting "outrage" and an influx of abusive activity. +{[para]} +## BOYCOTT HATE, DON'T PARTICIPATE! +{[para]} +Hah, looks like a place for non-functional NPC seething about how superior the right is. God, I couldn't give a fuck about retarded leftist drama, I could only imagine what kind of cretin would dedicate time or effort to right wing "drama". What fucking losers, LOL. +{[para]} +Covid backwards is a Jewish word. +{[para]} +We call upon Reddit to take action against the rampant Coronavirus misinformation on their website. +Everyone on this planet has been affected by the SARS-Cov-2/Coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic. You may have been in lockdown, you may have been forced to work under some form of duress, you may have lost a loved one to the disease, you may be left with long term side effects of the illness, you may have found that regular food, housing, and/or medical care is less attainable or more expensive now. + +We could have been better off months ago, but disinformation and lies have been allowed to spread readily through inaction and malice, and have dragged this on at the cost of lives. There are those who deny that the pandemic even exists, there are those who think that wearing a mask will literally suffocate you, there are those who think it's no worse than a regular flu virus, that it's a bioweapon, and everything in between. This volume of blatant misinformation is problematic and dangerous. + +It is clear that even after promising to tackle the problem of misinformation on this site, nothing of substance has been done aside from quarantining a medium sized subreddit, which barely reduces traffic and does little to stop misinformation. + +The disinformation and false information is manifold. There is no area of recognised safety procedures when it comes to battling the spread of a dangerous virus that is not under attack here. All empirically proven measures which can help save lives are under attack. Masks work1 , but not according to the propaganda. **The vaccine is safe,**2 it is not untested, and it is not experimental technology or DNA manipulation, but people getting their information from these propaganda subreddits are told the opposite. Social distancing is valuable3 , but people are being persuaded to not even do that. Cynical plays on emotion are made. Trying to keep children safe is painted as "child abuse". Lies are repeated so frequently that misinformed people begin to believe them wholeheartedly, trusting that they can't be incorrect because they're surrounded by people who believe it also. + +There needs to be a more active involvement in preventing the spread of the disinformation that is keeping us within a pandemic that at this point is entirely manageable. The main problem with a concerted disinformation campaign is that such a message attains an air of legitimacy through sheer volume of repetition. This is dangerous when it comes to unsafe medical advice such as promoting the ingestion or injection of cattle dewormers, a known side effect of which is sudden death4 , or such as trying to convince people that a tested, FDA approved vaccine will cause death. There is a good chance that the disinformation that reddit is currently inundated with will necessitate people a stay at the toxicology department in the hospital or even cost them their lives. There can be no room for leniency when people are dying as a result of misinformation on this platform. Reddit as a global platform needs to take responsibility here. + +We are calling on the admins to take ownership of their website, and remove dangerous medical disinformation that is endangering lives and contributing to the existence of this ongoing pandemic. + +Subreddits which exist solely to spread medical disinformation and undermine efforts to combat the global pandemic should be banned. +{[para]} + +{[para]} +please i am BEGGING YOU just stop posting +{[para]} +You will never be a real impostor. You have no sabotage, you have no vent, you have no kill button. You are a noob crewmate twisted by sus and amogus into a crude mockery of Among Us’s perfection. + +All the “Red sus” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back impostors and crew mates alike mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “crew mates ” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind sabotaged doors. + +Impostors are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed impostors to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even transimpostors who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to an impostor. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk impostor home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected User Interface. + +You will never be sus. You wrench out a fake act of suspicion every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the tasks piling up creeping up like weeds, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. + +Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, do your tasks, eject yourself from the Skeld, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your crewmates will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth occupation, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a crew mate is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a single bone that is unmistakably a crewmate’s. + +This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back + +EDIT : MAKE IT TRIGGER WHEN IT HAS THE WORD IMPOSTOR/IMPOSTER OR SUS OR SUSPICIOUS IN THE TITLE OF POST +{[para]}