fully remove route

justcool393 2022-12-08 13:34:58 -06:00
parent 5e2f5d328f
commit b8e419dda2
1 changed files with 0 additions and 111 deletions

View File

@ -356,117 +356,6 @@ def comment(v:User):
if v.client: return c.json(db=g.db)
return {"comment": render_template("comments.html", v=v, comments=[c])}
#- API
def wall_comment(v):
if v.is_suspended: abort(403, "You can't perform this action while banned.")
parent_fullname = request.values.get("parent_fullname").strip()
if len(parent_fullname) < 3: abort(400)
id = parent_fullname[2:]
parent_comment_id = None
if parent_fullname.startswith("u_"):
parent = get_account(id, v=v)
parent_user = parent
parent_author = parent
elif parent_fullname.startswith("c_"):
parent = get_comment(id, v=v)
if parent.deleted_utc != 0: abort(404)
parent_user = parent.wall_user
parent_comment_id = parent.id
parent_author = parent.author
else: abort(400)
level = 1 if isinstance(parent, User) else parent.level + 1
# if not User.can_see(v, parent): abort(404)
if level > COMMENT_MAX_DEPTH: abort(400, f"Max comment level is {COMMENT_MAX_DEPTH}")
body = sanitize_raw_body(request.values.get("body", ""), False)
if v.longpost and (len(body) < 280 or ' [](' in body or body.startswith('[](')):
abort(403, "You have to type more than 280 characters!")
elif v.bird and len(body) > 140:
abort(403, "You have to type less than 140 characters!")
if not body and not request.files.get('file'):
abort(400, "You need to actually write something!")
if v.admin_level < PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION'] and parent_author.any_block_exists(v):
abort(403, "You can't reply to users who have blocked you or users that you have blocked.")
body, _, options, choices = sanitize_poll_options(v, body, False)
if request.files.get("file") and not g.is_tor:
files = request.files.getlist('file')[:4]
for file in files:
if file.content_type.startswith('image/'):
oldname = f'/images/{time.time()}'.replace('.','') + '.webp'
image = process_image(oldname, v)
if image == "": abort(400, "Image upload failed")
body += f"\n\n![]({image})"
elif file.content_type.startswith('video/'):
body += f"\n\n{SITE_FULL}{process_video(file, v)}"
elif file.content_type.startswith('audio/'):
body += f"\n\n{SITE_FULL}{process_audio(file, v)}"
body = body.strip()[:COMMENT_BODY_LENGTH_LIMIT]
body_for_sanitize = body
if v.owoify:
body_for_sanitize = owoify(body_for_sanitize)
if v.marsify:
body_for_sanitize = marsify(body_for_sanitize)
torture = (v.agendaposter and not v.marseyawarded)
body_html = sanitize(body_for_sanitize, limit_pings=5, count_marseys=not v.marsify, torture=torture)
if '!wordle' not in body.lower() and AGENDAPOSTER_PHRASE not in body.lower():
existing = g.db.query(Comment.id).filter(
Comment.author_id == v.id,
Comment.deleted_utc == 0,
Comment.parent_comment_id == parent_comment_id,
Comment.parent_submission == None,
Comment.wall_user_id == parent_user.id,
Comment.body_html == body_html
if existing: abort(409, f"You already made that comment: /comment/{existing.id}")
is_bot = (v.client is not None
and v.id not in PRIVILEGED_USER_BOTS
or (SITE == 'pcmemes.net' and v.id == SNAPPY_ID))
execute_antispam_comment_check(body, v)
execute_antispam_duplicate_comment_check(v, body_html)
if len(body_html) > COMMENT_BODY_HTML_LENGTH_LIMIT: abort(400)
c = Comment(author_id=v.id,
app_id=v.client.application.id if v.client else None,
c.upvotes = 1
if v.client: return c.json(db=g.db)
return {"comment": render_template("comments.html", v=v, comments=[c])}