Aevann1 2021-12-25 01:21:12 +02:00
parent 42394ef23b
commit 3fe5eda347
1 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -319,24 +319,24 @@
{% if v and request.path.startswith('/@') and v.admin_level == 0 %}
{% if voted==1 %}
<button class="btn caction m-0 py-0 px-2 nobackground arrow-up comment-{{}}-up active"></button>
<button class="btn caction m-0 py-0 pr-1 pl-2 nobackground arrow-up comment-{{}}-up active"></button>
{% endif %}
{% elif v %}
<button id="comment-mobile-{{}}-up" tabindex="0" onclick="vote('comment-mobile', '{{}}', '1')" class="btn caction m-0 py-0 px-2 nobackground arrow-up upvote-button comment-{{}}-up {% if voted==1 %}active{% endif %}"></button>
<button id="comment-mobile-{{}}-up" tabindex="0" onclick="vote('comment-mobile', '{{}}', '1')" class="btn caction m-0 py-0 pr-1 pl-2 nobackground arrow-up upvote-button comment-{{}}-up {% if voted==1 %}active{% endif %}"></button>
{% else %}
<button id="comment-{{}}-up" tabindex="0" onclick="vote('comment', '{{}}', '1')" class="btn caction m-0 py-0 px-2 nobackground arrow-up" onclick="location.href='/login';"></button>
<button id="comment-{{}}-up" tabindex="0" onclick="vote('comment', '{{}}', '1')" class="btn caction m-0 py-0 pr-1 pl-2 nobackground arrow-up" onclick="location.href='/login';"></button>
{% endif %}
<span style="font-size:14px" class="score caction btn m-0 p-0 nobackground comment-score-{{}} {% if voted==1 %}score-up{% elif voted==-1%}score-down{% endif %}" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-original-title="+{{ups}} | -{{downs}}" id="comment-mobile-score-{{}}">{{score}}</span>
{% if v and request.path.startswith('/@') and v.admin_level == 0 %}
{% if voted==-1 %}
<button class="btn caction m-0 p-0 pl-2 nobackground arrow-down comment-{{}}-up active"></button>
<button class="btn caction m-0 p-0 pl-1 nobackground arrow-down comment-{{}}-up active"></button>
{% endif %}
{% elif v %}
<button {% if environ.get('DISABLE_DOWNVOTES') == '1' %}style="display:None!important"{% endif %} id="comment-mobile-{{}}-down" tabindex="0" onclick="vote('comment-mobile', '{{}}', '-1')" class="btn caction m-0 p-0 pl-2 nobackground arrow-down downvote-button comment-{{}}-down {% if voted==-1 %}active{% endif %}"></button>
<button {% if environ.get('DISABLE_DOWNVOTES') == '1' %}style="display:None!important"{% endif %} id="comment-mobile-{{}}-down" tabindex="0" onclick="vote('comment-mobile', '{{}}', '-1')" class="btn caction m-0 p-0 pl-1 nobackground arrow-down downvote-button comment-{{}}-down {% if voted==-1 %}active{% endif %}"></button>
{% else %}
<a {% if environ.get('DISABLE_DOWNVOTES') == '1' %}style="display:None!important"{% endif %} id="comment-{{}}-down" tabindex="0" onclick="vote('comment', '{{}}', '-1')" class="arrow-down m-0 p-0 pl-2" onclick="location.href='/login';"></a>
<a {% if environ.get('DISABLE_DOWNVOTES') == '1' %}style="display:None!important"{% endif %} id="comment-{{}}-down" tabindex="0" onclick="vote('comment', '{{}}', '-1')" class="arrow-down m-0 p-0 pl-1" onclick="location.href='/login';"></a>
{% endif %}