fdMerge branch 'frost' of https://github.com/Aevann1/Drama into frost

Aevann1 2022-03-22 15:15:28 +00:00
commit 18f00bfb4a
7 changed files with 238 additions and 78 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import gevent.monkey
from os import environ, path
import secrets
from flask import *

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import math
from PIL import Image
import io
pat_frames = [
def getPat(avatar_file, format="webp"):
avatar_x = 5
avatar_y = 5
avatar_width = 150
avatar_height = 150
image_width = 160
image_height = 160
hand_x = 0
hand_y = 0
delay = 30
y_scale = [
x_scale = [
frames = []
avatar_img = Image.open(avatar_file)
for i in range(0, 10):
avatar_actual_x = math.ceil((1 - x_scale[i]) * avatar_width / 2 + avatar_x)
avatar_actual_y = math.ceil((1 - y_scale[i]) * avatar_height + avatar_y)
avatar_actual_width = math.ceil(avatar_width * x_scale[i])
avatar_actual_height = math.ceil(avatar_height * y_scale[i])
scaled_avatar_img = avatar_img.resize((avatar_actual_width, avatar_actual_height))
frame = Image.new(mode="RGBA", size=(image_width, image_height))
frame.paste(scaled_avatar_img, (avatar_actual_x, avatar_actual_y))
frame.paste(pat_frames[i], (hand_x, hand_y), pat_frames[i])
output = io.BytesIO()
frames[0].save(output, format,
save_all = True,
append_images = frames[1:],
duration = delay,
loop = 0
return output
def pat(emoji):
stream = getPat(open(f'files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji}.webp', "rb"), "webp")
open(f'files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji}pat.webp', "wb").write(stream.read())

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bleach.linkifier import LinkifyFilter
from functools import partial
from .get import *
from .patter import pat
from os import path, environ
import re
from mistletoe import markdown
@ -243,7 +244,11 @@ def sanitize(sanitized, noimages=False, alert=False, comment=False, edit=False):
if path.isfile(f'files/assets/images/emojis/{remoji}.webp'):
new = re.sub(f'(?<!"):{emoji}:', f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":{emoji}:" title=":{emoji}:" class="{classes}" src="/e/{remoji}.webp">', new, flags=re.I|re.A)
if comment: marseys_used.add(emoji)
elif remoji.endswith('pat') and path.isfile(f"files/assets/images/emojis/{remoji.replace('pat','')}.webp"):
new = re.sub(f'(?<!"):{emoji}:', f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":{emoji}:" title=":{emoji}:" class="{classes}" src="/e/{remoji}.webp">', new, flags=re.I|re.A)
sanitized = sanitized.replace(old, new)
emojis = list(emoji_regex3.finditer(sanitized))
@ -263,10 +268,6 @@ def sanitize(sanitized, noimages=False, alert=False, comment=False, edit=False):
old = emoji
if emoji == 'marseyrandom': emoji = choice(marseys_const2)
else: emoji = old
if path.isfile(f'files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji}.webp'):
sanitized = re.sub(f'(?<!"):{i.group(1).lower()}:', f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":!{old}:" title=":!{old}:" class="{classes}" src="/e/{emoji}.webp">', sanitized, flags=re.I|re.A)
if comment: marseys_used.add(emoji)
classes = 'emoji'
if not edit and random() < 0.0025 and ('marsey' in emoji or emoji in marseys_const2): classes += ' golden'
@ -275,9 +276,13 @@ def sanitize(sanitized, noimages=False, alert=False, comment=False, edit=False):
if emoji == 'marseyrandom': emoji = choice(marseys_const2)
else: emoji = old
if path.isfile(f'files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji}.webp'):
sanitized = re.sub(f'(?<!"):{i.group(1).lower()}:', f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":{old}:" title=":{old}:" class="{classes}" src="/e/{emoji}.webp">', sanitized, flags=re.I|re.A)
if comment: marseys_used.add(emoji)
if path.isfile(f'files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji}.webp'):
sanitized = re.sub(f'(?<!"):{i.group(1).lower()}:', f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":{old}:" title=":{old}:" class="{classes}" src="/e/{emoji}.webp">', sanitized, flags=re.I|re.A)
if comment: marseys_used.add(emoji)
elif emoji.endswith('pat') and path.isfile(f"files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji.replace('pat','')}.webp"):
sanitized = re.sub(f'(?<!"):{i.group(1).lower()}:', f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":!{old}:" title=":!{old}:" class="{classes}" src="/e/{emoji}.webp">', sanitized, flags=re.I|re.A)
for rd in ["://reddit.com", "://new.reddit.com", "://www.reddit.com", "://redd.it", "://libredd.it"]:
@ -353,10 +358,7 @@ def filter_emojis_only(title, edit=False, graceful=False):
old = emoji
if emoji == 'marseyrandom': emoji = choice(marseys_const2)
else: emoji = old
if path.isfile(f'files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji}.webp'):
title = re.sub(f'(?<!"):!{old}:', f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":!{old}:" title=":!{old}:" src="/e/{emoji}.webp" class="{classes}">', title, flags=re.I|re.A)
old = '!' + emoji
classes = 'emoji'
if not edit and random() < 0.0025 and ('marsey' in emoji or emoji in marseys_const2): classes += ' golden'
@ -365,8 +367,13 @@ def filter_emojis_only(title, edit=False, graceful=False):
if emoji == 'marseyrandom': emoji = choice(marseys_const2)
else: emoji = old
if path.isfile(f'files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji}.webp'):
title = re.sub(f'(?<!"):{old}:', f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":{old}:" title=":{old}:" class="{classes}" src="/e/{emoji}.webp">', title, flags=re.I|re.A)
if path.isfile(f'files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji}.webp'):
title = re.sub(f'(?<!"):{old}:', f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":{old}:" title=":{old}:" class="{classes}" src="/e/{emoji}.webp">', title, flags=re.I|re.A)
elif emoji.endswith('pat') and path.isfile(f"files/assets/images/emojis/{emoji.replace('pat','')}.webp"):
title = re.sub(f'(?<!"):{old}:', f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":{old}:" title=":{old}:" class="{classes}" src="/e/{emoji}.webp">', title, flags=re.I|re.A)
title = strikethrough_regex.sub(r'<del>\1</del>', title)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from files.helpers.const import SITE
if SITE in ('pcmemes.net', 'localhost'):
import sys
if "load_chat" in sys.argv:
from files.helpers.const import SITE_FULL
import time
from files.helpers.wrappers import auth_required
from files.helpers.sanitize import sanitize
@ -10,29 +10,34 @@ if SITE in ('pcmemes.net', 'localhost'):
from flask import render_template
import sys
socketio = SocketIO(app, async_mode='gevent')
socketio = SocketIO(app, async_mode='gevent', cors_allowed_origins=[SITE_FULL])
typing = []
online = []
messages = []
def chat( v):
return render_template("chat.html", v=v)
return render_template("chat.html", v=v, messages=messages)
def speak(data, v):
if not data: abort(403)
global messages
text = data[:1000].strip()
if not text: abort(403)
"avatar": v.profile_url,
"time": time.strftime("%d %b %Y at %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(time.time())))
messages = messages[:20]
emit('speak', data, broadcast=True)
return '', 204

View File

@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ def thumbnail_thread(pid):
for i in data:
if i["author"] == 'GoMarsey': continue
if i["subreddit"] == 'PokemonGoRaids': continue
body_html = sanitize(f'New {word} mention: https://old.reddit.com{i["permalink"]}?context=89', noimages=True)

View File

@ -22,10 +22,12 @@
<div class="pl-md-3 text-muted">
<img class="mobile-avatar profile-pic-30 mr-2 d-inline-block d-md-none" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right">
<img class="mobile-avatar profile-pic-30 mr-1 d-inline-block d-md-none" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right">
<a href="" class="font-weight-bold text-black userlink" target="_blank"></a>
<div style="overflow:hidden">
<span class="chat-message text-black text-break"></span>
<span class="text d-none"></span>
<button class="quote-btn btn d-inline-block pt-0" onclick="quote2()"><i class="fas fa-reply" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
@ -33,9 +35,29 @@
<div class="container p-md-0 chat-container">
<div class="container py-0 chat-container">
<div id="chat-window">
<div id="chat-text" class="fullchat">
{% for m in messages %}
<div class="chat-line my-2">
<div class="d-flex align-items-center">
<span class="rounded mb-auto d-none d-md-block chat-profile">
<img class="desktop-avatar rounded-circle w-100" src="{{m['avatar']}}">
<div class="pl-md-3 text-muted">
<img src="{{m['avatar']}}" class="mobile-avatar profile-pic-30 mr-1 d-inline-block d-md-none" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right">
<a class="font-weight-bold text-black userlink" style="color:#{{m['namecolor']}}" target="_blank" href="/@{{m['username']}}">{{m['username']}}</a>
<div style="overflow:hidden">
<span class="chat-message text-black text-break">{{m['text_html'] | safe}}</span>
{% set text=m['text'] %}
<button class="btn d-inline-block pt-0"><i onclick="quote('{{text}}')" class="fas fa-reply" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
{% endfor %}
<div id="system-template">
<div class="system-line">
@ -49,40 +71,14 @@
<span id="loading-indicator" class="d-none"></span>
<i class="btn btn-secondary mr-2 fas fa-smile-beam" style="padding-top:0.65rem" onclick="loadEmojis('input-text')" aria-hidden="true" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#emojiModal" data-bs-placement="bottom" title="Add Emoji"></i>
<input id="input-text" minlength="1" maxlength="1000" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Message" autocomplete="off" autofocus>
<textarea id="input-text" minlength="1" maxlength="1000" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Message" autocomplete="off" autofocus rows="1"></textarea>
<button id="chatsend" onclick="send()" class="btn btn-primary ml-3" type="submit">Send</button>
<script src="/assets/js/socketio.js"></script>
<script data-cfasync="false" src="/assets/js/socketio.js"></script>
#chat-window {
max-height:calc(100vh - 300px);
overflow-y: scroll;
.fullchat .chat-profile {
min-width: 42px;
width: 42px;
height: 42px;
#chat-window::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;
#chat-window {
-ms-overflow-style: none;
scrollbar-width: none;
.chat-mention {
background-color: var(--primary);
<script data-cfasync="false">
let socket=io()
let chatline = document.getElementsByClassName('chat-line')[0]
let box = document.getElementById('chat-window')
@ -94,6 +90,8 @@
let is_typing = false;
let alert=true;
box.scrollTo(0, box.scrollHeight)
function flash(){
let title = document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0]
if (notifs >= 1 && !focused){
@ -118,8 +116,9 @@
socket.on('speak', function(json) {
let text = json['text']
let text_html = json['text_html']
if (text.includes('<a href="/id/{{v.id}}">')){
if (text_html.includes('<a href="/id/{{v.id}}">')){
else {
@ -133,26 +132,45 @@
scrolled_down = (box.scrollHeight - box.scrollTop <= window.innerHeight-109)
document.getElementsByClassName('desktop-avatar')[0].src = json['avatar']
document.getElementsByClassName('mobile-avatar')[0].src = json['avatar']
document.getElementsByClassName('userlink')[0].href = '/@' + json['username']
document.getElementsByClassName('userlink')[0].innerHTML = json['username']
document.getElementsByClassName('userlink')[0].style.color = '#' + json['namecolor']
document.getElementsByClassName('chat-message')[0].innerHTML = text
document.getElementsByClassName('text')[0].innerHTML = text
document.getElementsByClassName('chat-message')[0].innerHTML = text_html
if (scrolled_down) box.scrollTo(0, box.scrollHeight)
function send() {
socket.emit('speak', textbox.value);
textbox.value = ''
is_typing = false
socket.emit('typing', false);
text = textbox.value.trim()
if (text)
socket.emit('speak', text);
textbox.value = ''
textbox.style.height = '40px'
is_typing = false
socket.emit('typing', false);
function quote(text) {
textbox.style.height = '80px'
textbox.value = '> ' + text + '\n\n'
textbox.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
if (event.key === 'Enter') {
function quote2() {
textbox.style.height = '80px'
text = document.getElementsByClassName('text')[0].innerHTML
textbox.value = '> ' + text + '\n\n'
textbox.addEventListener("keyup", function(e) {
if (!e.shiftKey && e.key === 'Enter') {
@ -211,6 +229,46 @@
#chat-window {
max-height:calc(100vh - 300px);
overflow-y: scroll;
.fullchat .chat-profile {
min-width: 42px;
width: 42px;
height: 42px;
#chat-window::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;
#chat-window {
-ms-overflow-style: none;
scrollbar-width: none;
.chat-mention {
background-color: var(--primary55);
border-radius: 5px;
.profile-pic-30 {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
border-radius: 50%;
text-align: center;
object-fit: cover;
.chat-message p {
display: inline-block;
{% include "emoji_modal.html" %}
{% endblock %}

View File

@ -6,7 +6,12 @@
<script src="/static/assets/js/bootstrap.js?v=245"></script>
{% if v %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/assets/css/main.css?v=186">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/assets/css/{{v.theme}}.css?v=30">
{% if v.agendaposter %}
@ -229,19 +234,21 @@
{% if '@' not in request.path %}
{% if v %}
{% if sub %}
<img alt="/h/{{sub.name}} banner" role="button" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#expandImageModal" onclick="expandDesktopImage('{{sub.banner_url}}')" loading="lazy" src="{{sub.banner_url}}" width=100% style="object-fit:cover;max-height:25vw">
{% elif SITE_NAME == 'Drama' %}
{% set path = "assets/images/" + SITE_NAME + "/banners" %}
{% set image = "/static/" + path + "/" + listdir('files/' + path)|random() + '?v=23' %}
{% if request.path != '/chat' %}
{% if sub %}
<img alt="/h/{{sub.name}} banner" role="button" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#expandImageModal" onclick="expandDesktopImage('{{sub.banner_url}}')" loading="lazy" src="{{sub.banner_url}}" width=100% style="object-fit:cover;max-height:25vw">
{% elif SITE_NAME == 'Drama' %}
{% set path = "assets/images/" + SITE_NAME + "/banners" %}
{% set image = "/static/" + path + "/" + listdir('files/' + path)|random() + '?v=23' %}
<a href="https://secure.transequality.org/site/Donation2?df_id=1480">
<img alt="site banner" src="{{image}}" width="100%">
{% else %}
<a href="/">
<img alt="site banner" src="/static/assets/images/{{SITE_NAME}}/banner.webp?v=1042" width="100%">
<a href="https://secure.transequality.org/site/Donation2?df_id=1480">
<img alt="site banner" src="{{image}}" width="100%">
{% else %}
<a href="/">
<img alt="site banner" src="/static/assets/images/{{SITE_NAME}}/banner.webp?v=1042" width="100%">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
@ -263,7 +270,7 @@
{% block postNav %}
{% endblock %}
<div class="container{% if request.path=='/' or '/post/' in request.path or '/comment/' in request.path %} transparent{% endif %}">
<div class="container {% if request.path=='/' or '/post/' in request.path or '/comment/' in request.path %}transparent{% elif request.path == '/chat' %}pb-0{% endif %}">
<div class="row justify-content-around" id="main-content-row">
<div class="col h-100 {% block customPadding %}{% if request.path.startswith('/@') %}user-gutters{% else %}custom-gutters{% endif %}{% endblock %}" id="main-content-col">