security: validate YouTube link IDs

justcool393 2022-11-22 06:13:44 -06:00
parent 9b2122823b
commit 007e41e7d0
1 changed files with 7 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -717,11 +717,13 @@ def settings_song_change(v):
elif song.startswith(""):
id = song.split("")[1]
return render_template("settings/personal.html", v=v, error="Not a youtube link.")
return render_template("settings/personal.html", v=v, error="Not a YouTube link"), 400
if "?" in id: id = id.split("?")[0]
if "&" in id: id = id.split("&")[0]
if not yt_id_regex.fullmatch(id):
return render_template("settings/personal.html", v=v, error="Not a YouTube link"), 400
if path.isfile(f'/songs/{id}.mp3'): = id
@ -731,15 +733,15 @@ def settings_song_change(v):
req = requests.get(f"{id}&key={YOUTUBE_KEY}&part=contentDetails", timeout=5).json()
duration = req['items'][0]['contentDetails']['duration']
if duration == 'P0D':
return render_template("settings/personal.html", v=v, error="Can't use a live youtube video!")
return render_template("settings/personal.html", v=v, error="Can't use a live youtube video!"), 400
if "H" in duration:
return render_template("settings/personal.html", v=v, error="Duration of the video must not exceed 15 minutes.")
return render_template("settings/personal.html", v=v, error="Duration of the video must not exceed 15 minutes."), 400
if "M" in duration:
duration = int(duration.split("PT")[1].split("M")[0])
if duration > 15:
return render_template("settings/personal.html", v=v, error="Duration of the video must not exceed 15 minutes.")
return render_template("settings/personal.html", v=v, error="Duration of the video must not exceed 15 minutes."), 400
if and path.isfile(f"/songs/{}.mp3") and g.db.query(User).filter_by( == 1:
@ -761,7 +763,7 @@ def settings_song_change(v):
print(e, flush=True)
return render_template("settings/personal.html",
error="Age-restricted videos aren't allowed.")
error="Age-restricted videos aren't allowed."), 400
files = os.listdir("/songs/")
paths = [path.join("/songs/", basename) for basename in files]