
605 lines
29 KiB
Raw Normal View History

[DO NOT MERGE] Chat restructure (#360) * Create new subdirectory for chat-related stuff * Gitignore * Have new code show up on chat * Have new code show up on chat * Fix config issue * More script stuff * Create UserInput components * More chat changes * More updates to chat * Add chat:watch script * Move up state and pass down * Match up existing functionality entirely * Match up existing functionality entirely * Send a message when hitting Enter * feature based directories * First crack at emoji drawer * Leave everything in a fucked up state ugh * Leave it in a better state * Stop for the night * Decouple by abstract chat functionality to provider * Wait a minute... * Small chat restructure * Prepare for notifications * Add root context * Flash number of messages * Read this and u die * Add quote functionality * Couple tweaks * Shallowenize the features dir/ * Add activity list * Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes * Enable moving drawer * Hover style on activities * UserList changes * Add emoji processing logic * Duhhhh * Scroll to top when changing query * Put the emoji in the drawer * Improve emoji drawer * Add emoji genres * Do not show activities * Add feature flag technology * Fix issue where own messages were triggering notifications * Adjust startup scripts * Responsive part 1 * Styling changes for emoji genres * More emoji drawer styling * Add QuickEmojis * Re-add classnames * Set version * Modify build script * Modify build script * Mild renaming * Lots of styling changes * Leggo.
2022-09-24 03:49:40 +00:00
# yarn lockfile v1
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[DO NOT MERGE] Chat restructure (#360) * Create new subdirectory for chat-related stuff * Gitignore * Have new code show up on chat * Have new code show up on chat * Fix config issue * More script stuff * Create UserInput components * More chat changes * More updates to chat * Add chat:watch script * Move up state and pass down * Match up existing functionality entirely * Match up existing functionality entirely * Send a message when hitting Enter * feature based directories * First crack at emoji drawer * Leave everything in a fucked up state ugh * Leave it in a better state * Stop for the night * Decouple by abstract chat functionality to provider * Wait a minute... * Small chat restructure * Prepare for notifications * Add root context * Flash number of messages * Read this and u die * Add quote functionality * Couple tweaks * Shallowenize the features dir/ * Add activity list * Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes * Enable moving drawer * Hover style on activities * UserList changes * Add emoji processing logic * Duhhhh * Scroll to top when changing query * Put the emoji in the drawer * Improve emoji drawer * Add emoji genres * Do not show activities * Add feature flag technology * Fix issue where own messages were triggering notifications * Adjust startup scripts * Responsive part 1 * Styling changes for emoji genres * More emoji drawer styling * Add QuickEmojis * Re-add classnames * Set version * Modify build script * Modify build script * Mild renaming * Lots of styling changes * Leggo.
2022-09-24 03:49:40 +00:00
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2022-09-24 20:34:32 +00:00
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"@types/lodash" "*"
[DO NOT MERGE] Chat restructure (#360) * Create new subdirectory for chat-related stuff * Gitignore * Have new code show up on chat * Have new code show up on chat * Fix config issue * More script stuff * Create UserInput components * More chat changes * More updates to chat * Add chat:watch script * Move up state and pass down * Match up existing functionality entirely * Match up existing functionality entirely * Send a message when hitting Enter * feature based directories * First crack at emoji drawer * Leave everything in a fucked up state ugh * Leave it in a better state * Stop for the night * Decouple by abstract chat functionality to provider * Wait a minute... * Small chat restructure * Prepare for notifications * Add root context * Flash number of messages * Read this and u die * Add quote functionality * Couple tweaks * Shallowenize the features dir/ * Add activity list * Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes * Enable moving drawer * Hover style on activities * UserList changes * Add emoji processing logic * Duhhhh * Scroll to top when changing query * Put the emoji in the drawer * Improve emoji drawer * Add emoji genres * Do not show activities * Add feature flag technology * Fix issue where own messages were triggering notifications * Adjust startup scripts * Responsive part 1 * Styling changes for emoji genres * More emoji drawer styling * Add QuickEmojis * Re-add classnames * Set version * Modify build script * Modify build script * Mild renaming * Lots of styling changes * Leggo.
2022-09-24 03:49:40 +00:00
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"@types/lodash" "*"
[DO NOT MERGE] Chat restructure (#360) * Create new subdirectory for chat-related stuff * Gitignore * Have new code show up on chat * Have new code show up on chat * Fix config issue * More script stuff * Create UserInput components * More chat changes * More updates to chat * Add chat:watch script * Move up state and pass down * Match up existing functionality entirely * Match up existing functionality entirely * Send a message when hitting Enter * feature based directories * First crack at emoji drawer * Leave everything in a fucked up state ugh * Leave it in a better state * Stop for the night * Decouple by abstract chat functionality to provider * Wait a minute... * Small chat restructure * Prepare for notifications * Add root context * Flash number of messages * Read this and u die * Add quote functionality * Couple tweaks * Shallowenize the features dir/ * Add activity list * Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes * Enable moving drawer * Hover style on activities * UserList changes * Add emoji processing logic * Duhhhh * Scroll to top when changing query * Put the emoji in the drawer * Improve emoji drawer * Add emoji genres * Do not show activities * Add feature flag technology * Fix issue where own messages were triggering notifications * Adjust startup scripts * Responsive part 1 * Styling changes for emoji genres * More emoji drawer styling * Add QuickEmojis * Re-add classnames * Set version * Modify build script * Modify build script * Mild renaming * Lots of styling changes * Leggo.
2022-09-24 03:49:40 +00:00
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[DO NOT MERGE] Chat restructure (#360) * Create new subdirectory for chat-related stuff * Gitignore * Have new code show up on chat * Have new code show up on chat * Fix config issue * More script stuff * Create UserInput components * More chat changes * More updates to chat * Add chat:watch script * Move up state and pass down * Match up existing functionality entirely * Match up existing functionality entirely * Send a message when hitting Enter * feature based directories * First crack at emoji drawer * Leave everything in a fucked up state ugh * Leave it in a better state * Stop for the night * Decouple by abstract chat functionality to provider * Wait a minute... * Small chat restructure * Prepare for notifications * Add root context * Flash number of messages * Read this and u die * Add quote functionality * Couple tweaks * Shallowenize the features dir/ * Add activity list * Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes * Enable moving drawer * Hover style on activities * UserList changes * Add emoji processing logic * Duhhhh * Scroll to top when changing query * Put the emoji in the drawer * Improve emoji drawer * Add emoji genres * Do not show activities * Add feature flag technology * Fix issue where own messages were triggering notifications * Adjust startup scripts * Responsive part 1 * Styling changes for emoji genres * More emoji drawer styling * Add QuickEmojis * Re-add classnames * Set version * Modify build script * Modify build script * Mild renaming * Lots of styling changes * Leggo.
2022-09-24 03:49:40 +00:00
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[DO NOT MERGE] Chat restructure (#360) * Create new subdirectory for chat-related stuff * Gitignore * Have new code show up on chat * Have new code show up on chat * Fix config issue * More script stuff * Create UserInput components * More chat changes * More updates to chat * Add chat:watch script * Move up state and pass down * Match up existing functionality entirely * Match up existing functionality entirely * Send a message when hitting Enter * feature based directories * First crack at emoji drawer * Leave everything in a fucked up state ugh * Leave it in a better state * Stop for the night * Decouple by abstract chat functionality to provider * Wait a minute... * Small chat restructure * Prepare for notifications * Add root context * Flash number of messages * Read this and u die * Add quote functionality * Couple tweaks * Shallowenize the features dir/ * Add activity list * Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes * Enable moving drawer * Hover style on activities * UserList changes * Add emoji processing logic * Duhhhh * Scroll to top when changing query * Put the emoji in the drawer * Improve emoji drawer * Add emoji genres * Do not show activities * Add feature flag technology * Fix issue where own messages were triggering notifications * Adjust startup scripts * Responsive part 1 * Styling changes for emoji genres * More emoji drawer styling * Add QuickEmojis * Re-add classnames * Set version * Modify build script * Modify build script * Mild renaming * Lots of styling changes * Leggo.
2022-09-24 03:49:40 +00:00
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[DO NOT MERGE] Chat restructure (#360) * Create new subdirectory for chat-related stuff * Gitignore * Have new code show up on chat * Have new code show up on chat * Fix config issue * More script stuff * Create UserInput components * More chat changes * More updates to chat * Add chat:watch script * Move up state and pass down * Match up existing functionality entirely * Match up existing functionality entirely * Send a message when hitting Enter * feature based directories * First crack at emoji drawer * Leave everything in a fucked up state ugh * Leave it in a better state * Stop for the night * Decouple by abstract chat functionality to provider * Wait a minute... * Small chat restructure * Prepare for notifications * Add root context * Flash number of messages * Read this and u die * Add quote functionality * Couple tweaks * Shallowenize the features dir/ * Add activity list * Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes * Enable moving drawer * Hover style on activities * UserList changes * Add emoji processing logic * Duhhhh * Scroll to top when changing query * Put the emoji in the drawer * Improve emoji drawer * Add emoji genres * Do not show activities * Add feature flag technology * Fix issue where own messages were triggering notifications * Adjust startup scripts * Responsive part 1 * Styling changes for emoji genres * More emoji drawer styling * Add QuickEmojis * Re-add classnames * Set version * Modify build script * Modify build script * Mild renaming * Lots of styling changes * Leggo.
2022-09-24 03:49:40 +00:00
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[DO NOT MERGE] Chat restructure (#360) * Create new subdirectory for chat-related stuff * Gitignore * Have new code show up on chat * Have new code show up on chat * Fix config issue * More script stuff * Create UserInput components * More chat changes * More updates to chat * Add chat:watch script * Move up state and pass down * Match up existing functionality entirely * Match up existing functionality entirely * Send a message when hitting Enter * feature based directories * First crack at emoji drawer * Leave everything in a fucked up state ugh * Leave it in a better state * Stop for the night * Decouple by abstract chat functionality to provider * Wait a minute... * Small chat restructure * Prepare for notifications * Add root context * Flash number of messages * Read this and u die * Add quote functionality * Couple tweaks * Shallowenize the features dir/ * Add activity list * Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes * Enable moving drawer * Hover style on activities * UserList changes * Add emoji processing logic * Duhhhh * Scroll to top when changing query * Put the emoji in the drawer * Improve emoji drawer * Add emoji genres * Do not show activities * Add feature flag technology * Fix issue where own messages were triggering notifications * Adjust startup scripts * Responsive part 1 * Styling changes for emoji genres * More emoji drawer styling * Add QuickEmojis * Re-add classnames * Set version * Modify build script * Modify build script * Mild renaming * Lots of styling changes * Leggo.
2022-09-24 03:49:40 +00:00
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[DO NOT MERGE] Chat restructure (#360) * Create new subdirectory for chat-related stuff * Gitignore * Have new code show up on chat * Have new code show up on chat * Fix config issue * More script stuff * Create UserInput components * More chat changes * More updates to chat * Add chat:watch script * Move up state and pass down * Match up existing functionality entirely * Match up existing functionality entirely * Send a message when hitting Enter * feature based directories * First crack at emoji drawer * Leave everything in a fucked up state ugh * Leave it in a better state * Stop for the night * Decouple by abstract chat functionality to provider * Wait a minute... * Small chat restructure * Prepare for notifications * Add root context * Flash number of messages * Read this and u die * Add quote functionality * Couple tweaks * Shallowenize the features dir/ * Add activity list * Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes * Enable moving drawer * Hover style on activities * UserList changes * Add emoji processing logic * Duhhhh * Scroll to top when changing query * Put the emoji in the drawer * Improve emoji drawer * Add emoji genres * Do not show activities * Add feature flag technology * Fix issue where own messages were triggering notifications * Adjust startup scripts * Responsive part 1 * Styling changes for emoji genres * More emoji drawer styling * Add QuickEmojis * Re-add classnames * Set version * Modify build script * Modify build script * Mild renaming * Lots of styling changes * Leggo.
2022-09-24 03:49:40 +00:00
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2022-09-24 03:49:40 +00:00
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2022-09-24 20:34:32 +00:00
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[DO NOT MERGE] Chat restructure (#360) * Create new subdirectory for chat-related stuff * Gitignore * Have new code show up on chat * Have new code show up on chat * Fix config issue * More script stuff * Create UserInput components * More chat changes * More updates to chat * Add chat:watch script * Move up state and pass down * Match up existing functionality entirely * Match up existing functionality entirely * Send a message when hitting Enter * feature based directories * First crack at emoji drawer * Leave everything in a fucked up state ugh * Leave it in a better state * Stop for the night * Decouple by abstract chat functionality to provider * Wait a minute... * Small chat restructure * Prepare for notifications * Add root context * Flash number of messages * Read this and u die * Add quote functionality * Couple tweaks * Shallowenize the features dir/ * Add activity list * Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes * Enable moving drawer * Hover style on activities * UserList changes * Add emoji processing logic * Duhhhh * Scroll to top when changing query * Put the emoji in the drawer * Improve emoji drawer * Add emoji genres * Do not show activities * Add feature flag technology * Fix issue where own messages were triggering notifications * Adjust startup scripts * Responsive part 1 * Styling changes for emoji genres * More emoji drawer styling * Add QuickEmojis * Re-add classnames * Set version * Modify build script * Modify build script * Mild renaming * Lots of styling changes * Leggo.
2022-09-24 03:49:40 +00:00
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2022-09-24 03:49:40 +00:00
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[DO NOT MERGE] Chat restructure (#360) * Create new subdirectory for chat-related stuff * Gitignore * Have new code show up on chat * Have new code show up on chat * Fix config issue * More script stuff * Create UserInput components * More chat changes * More updates to chat * Add chat:watch script * Move up state and pass down * Match up existing functionality entirely * Match up existing functionality entirely * Send a message when hitting Enter * feature based directories * First crack at emoji drawer * Leave everything in a fucked up state ugh * Leave it in a better state * Stop for the night * Decouple by abstract chat functionality to provider * Wait a minute... * Small chat restructure * Prepare for notifications * Add root context * Flash number of messages * Read this and u die * Add quote functionality * Couple tweaks * Shallowenize the features dir/ * Add activity list * Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes * Enable moving drawer * Hover style on activities * UserList changes * Add emoji processing logic * Duhhhh * Scroll to top when changing query * Put the emoji in the drawer * Improve emoji drawer * Add emoji genres * Do not show activities * Add feature flag technology * Fix issue where own messages were triggering notifications * Adjust startup scripts * Responsive part 1 * Styling changes for emoji genres * More emoji drawer styling * Add QuickEmojis * Re-add classnames * Set version * Modify build script * Modify build script * Mild renaming * Lots of styling changes * Leggo.
2022-09-24 03:49:40 +00:00
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2022-09-24 03:49:40 +00:00
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[DO NOT MERGE] Chat restructure (#360) * Create new subdirectory for chat-related stuff * Gitignore * Have new code show up on chat * Have new code show up on chat * Fix config issue * More script stuff * Create UserInput components * More chat changes * More updates to chat * Add chat:watch script * Move up state and pass down * Match up existing functionality entirely * Match up existing functionality entirely * Send a message when hitting Enter * feature based directories * First crack at emoji drawer * Leave everything in a fucked up state ugh * Leave it in a better state * Stop for the night * Decouple by abstract chat functionality to provider * Wait a minute... * Small chat restructure * Prepare for notifications * Add root context * Flash number of messages * Read this and u die * Add quote functionality * Couple tweaks * Shallowenize the features dir/ * Add activity list * Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes * Enable moving drawer * Hover style on activities * UserList changes * Add emoji processing logic * Duhhhh * Scroll to top when changing query * Put the emoji in the drawer * Improve emoji drawer * Add emoji genres * Do not show activities * Add feature flag technology * Fix issue where own messages were triggering notifications * Adjust startup scripts * Responsive part 1 * Styling changes for emoji genres * More emoji drawer styling * Add QuickEmojis * Re-add classnames * Set version * Modify build script * Modify build script * Mild renaming * Lots of styling changes * Leggo.
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