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Raw Normal View History

2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
<div class="hidden xl:block xl:col-start-10 xl:col-end-13 flex flex-col flex-shrink-0 py-4">
2021-11-28 18:04:00 +00:00
<!-- <div v-cloak class="flex flex-col rounded-md border border-gray-300 overflow-hidden mb-4">
2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
{% if v %}
2021-11-28 17:33:21 +00:00
<button @click="store.vote(1)" class="group flex justify-between w-full px-4 py-3 bg-gradient-to-t hover:from-yellow-500 hover:to-yellow-600 border-b border-gray-300 rounded-t-md text-shadow-t shadow-inset-t-white-10 text-base font-medium text-gray-300 active:text-yellow-500 active:shadow-inner active:outline-none" v-bind:class="[[ store.voteType === 1 ? 'from-yellow-600 to-yellow-500' : 'from-gray-700 to-gray-700']]">
2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
🕋 Halal
<span class="leading-none ml-3 px-2 py-1 border rounded text-sm font-bold group-hover:bg-yellow-700 group-hover:border-yellow-700" style="border-top-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07);" v-bind:class="[[ store.voteType === 1 ? 'bg-yellow-700 border-yellow-700' : 'border-gray-800 bg-gray-800']]">
[[ store.voteType === 1 ? store.ups + 1 : store.ups ]]
{% if environ.get('DISABLE_DOWNVOTES') != '1' %}
2021-12-03 18:33:01 +00:00
<button v-cloak @click="store.vote(-1)" class="group flex justify-between w-full px-4 py-3 bg-gradient-to-t hover:from-red-700 hover:to-red-800 rounded-b-md text-shadow-t shadow-inset-t-white-10 text-base font-medium text-gray-300 active:text-red-500 active:shadow-inner active:outline-none" v-bind:class="[[ store.voteType === -1 ? 'from-red-800 to-red-700' : 'from-gray-800 to-gray-700']]">
2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
🐷 Haram
2021-12-03 18:33:01 +00:00
<span class="leading-none ml-3 px-2 py-1 border rounded text-sm font-bold group-hover:bg-red-800 group-hover:border-red-800" style="border-top-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07);" v-bind:class="[[ store.voteType === -1 ? 'bg-red-800 border-red-800' : 'border-gray-800 bg-gray-800']]">
2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
[[ store.voteType === -1 ? store.downs + 1 : store.downs ]]
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
2021-11-28 18:04:00 +00:00
<hr class="mt-6 mb-5 h-0.5 border-b border-gray-300 shadow-inset-t-white-05"/> -->
2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
<h2 class="ml-2 font-bold text-lg font-heading leading-normal mb-2">
2021-11-28 18:04:19 +00:00
2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
<!-- Give awards if none -->
{% if not p.awards %}
<p class="text-sm text-gray-500">No awards earned yet...</p>
2021-12-03 18:33:01 +00:00
<button class="text-sm text-red-600 hover:text-red-500" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#awardModal" onclick="awardModal('/post/{{p.id}}/awards')">
2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
Give award
{% endif %}
<!-- Icons -->
<ul class="flex flex-wrap gap-3 items-center">
<!-- Awards -->
{% if p.awards %}
{% for a in p.awards %}
<i class="{{a.class_list}} fa-sm fa-fw" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" data-bs-original-title="{{a.title}} Award given by @{{a.user.username}}"></i>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
2021-11-28 17:33:21 +00:00
<hr class="mt-6 mb-5 h-0.5 border-b border-gray-300 shadow-inset-t-white-05"/>
2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
<h2 class="ml-2 font-bold text-lg font-heading leading-normal mb-2">
2021-11-30 23:47:52 +00:00
<input type="text" onclick="this.select()" value="https://rdrama.net/post/{{ p.id }}" class="m-0.5 p-0.5 bg-white border border-gray-300 text-xs text-black w-44">
2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
2021-11-28 17:33:21 +00:00
<hr class="mt-6 mb-5 h-0.5 border-b border-gray-300 shadow-inset-t-white-05"/>
2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
<h2 class="ml-2 font-bold text-lg font-heading leading-normal mb-2">
Share Post
<div class="flex flex-wrap items-center space-x-2">
<a class="leading-4 text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-300" href="">
<img src="/assets/images/icons/reddit.gif" class="w-7 h-7 object-contain" alt="Share this post on Reddit"/>
<a class="leading-4 text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-300" href="">
<img src="/assets/images/icons/twitter.gif" class="w-7 h-7 object-contain" alt="Share this post on Twitter"/>
2021-11-28 17:33:21 +00:00
<hr class="mt-6 mb-5 h-0.5 border-b border-gray-300 shadow-inset-t-white-05"/>
2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
<h2 class="ml-2 font-bold text-lg font-heading leading-normal mb-2">
<ul class="flex flex-col space-y-1 text-gray-500">
<p class="text-sm">
<strong>{{ p.views }}</strong> {{ 'view' if p.views == 1 else 'views' }} on this post
<p class="text-sm">
2021-12-03 18:33:01 +00:00
<strong class="text-red-600">{{ ups + downs }}</strong> {{ 'vote' if ups + downs == 1 else 'votes' }} on this post
2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
<p class="text-sm">
2021-12-03 18:33:01 +00:00
<strong class="text-red-600">{{ p.views }} {{ 'member' if p.views == 1 else 'members' }}</strong> following this post
2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
2021-12-03 20:09:20 +00:00
<!-- Banned -->
<ul class="flex flex-col mb-0">
2021-12-04 17:17:52 +00:00
{% if p.club %}
<span class="badge badge-red">Country Club</span>
{% endif %}
2021-12-03 20:09:20 +00:00
{% if p.bannedfor and p.author.banned_by %}
<i class="fad fa-gavel fa-sm fa-fw text-red-600" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" title="" data-bs-original-title="User was banned for this post by @{{p.author.banned_by.username}}"></i>
{% endif %}
<!-- Stickied -->
{% if p.stickied %}
<i id="pinned-{{p.id}}" class="fas fa-thumbtack fa-rotate--45 fa-sm fa-fw text-admin" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom"></i>
<span class="font-heading text-xs text-red-500">
Pinned {% if p.stickied.startswith('t:') %}until {{p.stickied[2:]}}{% else %}by @{{p.stickied}}{%endif%}
{% endif %}
<!-- Pinned -->
{% if p.is_pinned %}
<i class="fas fa-thumbtack fa-rotate--45 fa-sm fa-fw text-admin" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" data-bs-original-title="Pinned to profile"></i>
{% endif %}
<!-- NSFW -->
{% if p.over_18 %}
<span class="px-2 py-1 rounded-sm bg-gradient-to-t from-red-700 to-red-500 shadow-inner text-xs text-white">+18</span>
{% endif %}
<!-- Private -->
{% if p.private %}
<span class="badge border-warning border-1 text-small-extra">Draft</span>
{% endif %}
2021-11-24 16:48:06 +00:00
{% block scripts %}
<script type="module">
import { createApp, reactive } from 'https://unpkg.com/petite-vue?module'
const store = reactive({
ups: {{ ups }},
downs: {{ downs }},
voteType: {{ voted }},
count: {{ score }},
vote(type) {
this.voteType = this.voteType === type ? 0 : type;
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", "/vote/post/" + {{ p.id }} + "/" + this.voteType, true);
const form = new FormData()
form.append("formkey", formkey());
$delimiters: ['[[', ']]']
{% endblock %}