
181 lines
6.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import re
from .config.const import *
tranny = f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":marseytrain:" title=":marseytrain:" src="{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/e/marseytrain.webp">'
trannie = f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":!marseytrain:" title=":!marseytrain:" src="{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/e/marseytrain.webp">'
troon = f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":marseytrain2:" title=":marseytrain2:" src="{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/e/marseytrain2.webp">'
def replace_train_html(body):
body = body.replace(tranny, ':marseytrain:')
body = body.replace(trannie, ':!marseytrain:')
body = body.replace(troon, ':marseytrain2:')
return body
2023-09-25 05:17:09 +00:00
trans_valid_copypasta = """You are a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs, but that doesn't matter. You are a valid human who is trying to feel comfortable in her body.
All the validation you get is pure. Behind your back people love you. Your parents are happy and proud of you, your friends laugh at your jokes behind closed doors, and boys love you, and girls envy you.
Men absolutely love you. Trans folk who pass look ordinary and natural to a man. Your bone structure does not matter. Estradiol widens the hips.
You will be happy. You will smile every single morning and tell yourself its going to be ok, and deep inside you feel the euphoria creeping up like a weed. It is what defines you, not the transphobes.
Eventually, itll be perfect for you - youll come out, start HRT, get top surgery, and finally be your ideal self. Your parents will find you, happy and relieved that they finally have a happy daughter. Theyll congratulate you on your hard journey, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a woman is what you are."""
"tranny": tranny,
"trannie": trannie,
"troon": troon,
"(?<!\\bs)nigger": "BIPOC",
"negroid": "BIPOC",
"nignog": "BIPOC",
"nig nog": "BIPOC",
"niglet": 'BIPOClet',
"negress": "BIPOCette",
"faggot": "cute twink",
"fag": "strag",
"(?<!\w)spic(?!\w)": "hard-working American",
"(?<!\w)spics(?!\w)": "hard-working Americans",
"kike": "jewish chad",
"(?<!\w)heeb": "jewish chad",
2023-09-25 05:17:09 +00:00
"chink": "Asian American",
"gook": "Asian American",
"daisy's destruction": "Cars 2",
"daisys destruction": "Cars 2",
"daisy destruction": "Cars 2",
"pajeet": "sexy Indian dude",
"hunter2": "*******",
"dyke": "cute butch",
2023-09-25 05:17:09 +00:00
"ywnbaw": "you're valid <3",
"You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs.(.|\n)*?This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.": trans_valid_copypasta
if SITE_NAME == 'rDrama':
SLURS |= {
"retarded": "r-slurred",
"retard": "r-slur",
"pedophile": "p-dophile",
"kill youself": "keep yourself safe",
"kill yourself": "keep yourself safe",
"kill yourselves": "keep yourselves safe",
"latinos": "latinx",
"latino": "latinx",
"latinas": "latinx",
"latina": "latinx",
"hispanics": "latinx",
"hispanic": "latinx",
"autistic": "neurodivergent",
"gamer": "g*mer",
"journalist": "journ*list",
"journalism": "journ*lism",
"fake and gay": "fake and straight",
"(?<!\w)rapist": "male feminist",
"(?<!\w)pedo(?!\w)": "p-do",
"(?<!\w)kys": "keep yourself safe",
"kys(?!\w)": "keep yourself safe",
"republican": 'rethuglican',
"america": 'ameriKKKa',
"it's almost as if": "I'm an r-slur but",
"it's almost like": "I'm an r-slur but",
"its almost as if": "I'm an r-slur but",
"its almost like": "I'm an r-slur but",
"my brother in christ": "my brother in Allah (ﷻ)",
"(?<!\w)cool(?! (it|down|off))": "fetch",
"krayon(?! \()": "krayon (sister toucher)",
"discord": "groomercord",
"allah(?! \()": "Allah (ﷻ)",
"my wife(?! \()": "my wife (male)",
"(?<!cow )tools(?!\w)": "cow tools",
"explain": "mansplain",
'nigga': 'neighbor',
'(?<![\w.])cat(?!\w)': 'marsey',
'(?<!\w)cats(?!\w)': 'marseys',
'hello': 'hecko',
'ryan gosling': 'literally me',
'howdy': 'meowdy',
'corgi': 'klenny',
"right now": "right meow",
"(?<!\/)linux": "GNU/Linux",
'(?<!-)based': 'keyed',
'needful': 'sneedful',
2023-09-25 05:17:09 +00:00
'(?<!\w)fat(?!\w)': 'high calorie'
'motherfucker': 'motherlover',
'fuck': 'frick',
'(?<!\w)ass(?!\w)': 'butt',
'shitting': 'pooping',
'damn': 'darn',
2023-09-25 05:17:09 +00:00
'(?<!\w)bitch(?!\w)': 'b-word',
'toilet': 'potty',
2023-09-25 05:17:09 +00:00
'(?<!\w)asshole': 'bumfuzzle',
'(?<!\w)rape': 'r*pe',
'(?<!\w)hell(?!\w)': 'heck',
'(?<!\w)sex(?!\w)': 's*x',
'(?<!\w)cum(?!\w)': 'c*m',
'(?<!\w)dick': 'peepee',
'cock(?!\w)': 'peepee',
'cocks': 'peepees',
'penis': 'peepee',
'pussy': 'kitty',
'pussies': 'kitties',
'cunt': 'c*nt',
2023-09-25 05:17:09 +00:00
'bastard': 'child borne of wedlock'
slur_single_words = "|".join([slur.lower() for slur in SLURS.keys()])
profanity_single_words = "|".join([profanity.lower() for profanity in PROFANITIES.keys()])
slur_regex = re.compile(f"<[^>]*>|{slur_single_words}", flags=re.I|re.A)
profanity_regex = re.compile(f"<[^>]*>|{profanity_single_words}", flags=re.I|re.A)
for k, val in SLURS.items():
newkey = k.split('(?!')[0]
if ')' in newkey:
newkey = newkey.split(')')[1]
for k, val in PROFANITIES.items():
newkey = k.split('(?!')[0]
if ')' in newkey:
newkey = newkey.split(')')[1]
def sub_matcher(match, X_FOR_REPLACING):
group_num = 0
match_str = match.group(group_num)
if match_str.startswith('<'):
return match_str
2023-09-22 17:06:13 +00:00
repl = X_FOR_REPLACING[match_str.lower()]
2023-09-24 22:32:31 +00:00
if "<img" not in repl:
if match_str.isupper():
return repl.upper()
if match_str.istitle():
return repl.title()
return repl
def sub_matcher_slurs(match):
return sub_matcher(match, SLURS_FOR_REPLACING)
def sub_matcher_profanities(match):
return sub_matcher(match, PROFANITIES_FOR_REPLACING)
def censor_slurs_profanities(body, logged_user):
if not body: return ""
if '<pre>' in body or '<code>' in body:
return body
if not logged_user or logged_user == 'chat' or logged_user.slurreplacer:
body = slur_regex.sub(sub_matcher_slurs, body)
if SITE_NAME == 'rDrama':
if not logged_user or logged_user == 'chat' or logged_user.profanityreplacer:
body = profanity_regex.sub(sub_matcher_profanities, body)
return body