from files.__main__ import app, limiter from files.helpers.wrappers import * from files.helpers.alerts import * from files.helpers.get import * from files.helpers.const import * from files.classes.award import * from .front import frontlist from flask import g, request from files.helpers.sanitize import filter_title AWARDS2 = { "ban": { "kind": "ban", "title": "1-Day Ban", "description": "Bans the author for a day.", "icon": "fas fa-gavel", "color": "text-danger", "price": 3000 }, "fireflies": { "kind": "fireflies", "title": "Fireflies", "description": "Puts fireflies on the post.", "icon": "fas fa-sparkles", "color": "text-warning", "price": 500 }, "shit": { "kind": "shit", "title": "Shit", "description": "Makes flies swarm a post.", "icon": "fas fa-poop", "color": "text-black-50", "price": 500 }, } @app.get("/shop") @app.get("/settings/shop") @auth_required def shop(v): if site_name == "Drama": AWARDS = { "shit": { "kind": "shit", "title": "Shit", "description": "Makes flies swarm a post.", "icon": "fas fa-poop", "color": "text-black-50", "owned": 0, "price": 500 }, "fireflies": { "kind": "fireflies", "title": "Fireflies", "description": "Puts fireflies on the post.", "icon": "fas fa-sparkles", "color": "text-warning", "owned": 0, "price": 500 }, "train": { "kind": "train", "title": "Train", "description": "Summons a train on the post.", "icon": "fas fa-train", "color": "text-pink", "owned": 0, "price": 500 }, "pin": { "kind": "pin", "title": "1-Hour Pin", "description": "Pins the post.", "icon": "fas fa-thumbtack fa-rotate--45", "color": "text-warning", "owned": 0, "price": 750 }, "unpin": { "kind": "unpin", "title": "1-Hour Unpin", "description": "Removes 1 hour from the pin duration of the post.", "icon": "fas fa-thumbtack fa-rotate--45", "color": "text-black", "owned": 0, "price": 1000 }, "flairlock": { "kind": "flairlock", "title": "1-Day Flairlock", "description": "Sets a flair for the author and locks it or 24 hours.", "icon": "fas fa-lock", "color": "text-black", "owned": 0, "price": 1250 }, "agendaposter": { "kind": "agendaposter", "title": "Agendaposter", "description": "Forces the agendaposter theme on the author for 24 hours.", "icon": "fas fa-snooze", "color": "text-purple", "owned": 0, "price": 2000 }, "ban": { "kind": "ban", "title": "1-Day Ban", "description": "Bans the author for a day.", "icon": "fas fa-gavel", "color": "text-danger", "owned": 0, "price": 3000 }, "unban": { "kind": "unban", "title": "1-Day Unban", "description": "Removes 1 day from the ban duration of the recipient.", "icon": "fas fa-gavel", "color": "text-success", "owned": 0, "price": 3500 }, "grass": { "kind": "grass", "title": "Grass", "description": "Ban the author permanently (must provide a timestamped picture of them touching grass to the admins to get unbanned)", "icon": "fas fa-seedling", "color": "text-success", "owned": 0, "price": 10000 }, "pause": { "kind": "pause", "title": "Pause", "description": "Gives the recipient the ability to pause profile anthems.", "icon": "fas fa-volume-mute", "color": "text-danger", "owned": 0, "price": 20000 }, "unpausable": { "kind": "unpausable", "title": "Unpausable", "description": "Makes the profile anthem of the recipient unpausable.", "icon": "fas fa-volume", "color": "text-success", "owned": 0, "price": 40000 }, } else: AWARDS = { "shit": { "kind": "shit", "title": "Shit", "description": "Makes flies swarm a post.", "icon": "fas fa-poop", "color": "text-black-50", "owned": 0, "price": 500 }, "fireflies": { "kind": "fireflies", "title": "Fireflies", "description": "Puts fireflies on the post.", "icon": "fas fa-sparkles", "color": "text-warning", "owned": 0, "price": 500 }, "train": { "kind": "train", "title": "Train", "description": "Summons a train on the post.", "icon": "fas fa-train", "color": "text-pink", "owned": 0, "price": 50 }, "pin": { "kind": "pin", "title": "1-Hour Pin", "description": "Pins the post.", "icon": "fas fa-thumbtack fa-rotate--45", "color": "text-warning", "owned": 0, "price": 750 }, "unpin": { "kind": "unpin", "title": "1-Hour Unpin", "description": "Removes 1 hour from the pin duration of the post.", "icon": "fas fa-thumbtack fa-rotate--45", "color": "text-black", "owned": 0, "price": 1000 }, "pause": { "kind": "pause", "title": "Pause", "description": "Gives the recipient the ability to pause profile anthems.", "icon": "fas fa-volume-mute", "color": "text-danger", "owned": 0, "price": 20000 }, "unpausable": { "kind": "unpausable", "title": "Unpausable", "description": "Makes the profile anthem of the recipient unpausable.", "icon": "fas fa-volume", "color": "text-success", "owned": 0, "price": 40000 }, } for useraward in g.db.query(AwardRelationship).filter(AwardRelationship.user_id ==, AwardRelationship.submission_id == None, AwardRelationship.comment_id == None).all(): AWARDS[useraward.kind]["owned"] += 1 if v.patron: for val in AWARDS.values(): if v.patron == 1: val["price"] = int(val["price"]*0.90) elif v.patron == 2: val["price"] = int(val["price"]*0.85) elif v.patron == 3: val["price"] = int(val["price"]*0.80) elif v.patron == 4: val["price"] = int(val["price"]*0.75) else: val["price"] = int(val["price"]*0.70) sales = g.db.query( + g.db.query( - g.db.query(func.sum(User.coins)).scalar() return render_template("shop.html", awards=list(AWARDS.values()), v=v, sales=sales)"/buy/") @auth_required def buy(v, award): if site_name == "Drama": AWARDS = { "shit": { "kind": "shit", "title": "Shit", "description": "Makes flies swarm a post.", "icon": "fas fa-poop", "color": "text-black-50", "price": 500 }, "fireflies": { "kind": "fireflies", "title": "Fireflies", "description": "Puts fireflies on the post.", "icon": "fas fa-sparkles", "color": "text-warning", "price": 500 }, "train": { "kind": "train", "title": "Train", "description": "Summons a train on the post.", "icon": "fas fa-train", "color": "text-pink", "price": 500 }, "pin": { "kind": "pin", "title": "1-Hour Pin", "description": "Pins the post.", "icon": "fas fa-thumbtack fa-rotate--45", "color": "text-warning", "price": 750 }, "unpin": { "kind": "unpin", "title": "1-Hour Unpin", "description": "Removes 1 hour from the pin duration of the post.", "icon": "fas fa-thumbtack fa-rotate--45", "color": "text-black", "price": 1000 }, "flairlock": { "kind": "flairlock", "title": "1-Day Flairlock", "description": "Sets a flair for the author and locks it or 24 hours.", "icon": "fas fa-lock", "color": "text-black", "price": 1250 }, "agendaposter": { "kind": "agendaposter", "title": "Agendaposter", "description": "Forces the agendaposter theme on the author for 24 hours.", "icon": "fas fa-snooze", "color": "text-purple", "price": 2000 }, "ban": { "kind": "ban", "title": "1-Day Ban", "description": "Bans the author for a day.", "icon": "fas fa-gavel", "color": "text-danger", "price": 3000 }, "unban": { "kind": "unban", "title": "1-Day Unban", "description": "Removes 1 day from the ban duration of the recipient.", "icon": "fas fa-gavel", "color": "text-success", "price": 3500 }, "grass": { "kind": "grass", "title": "Grass", "description": "Ban the author permanently (must provide a timestamped picture of them touching grass to the admins to get unbanned)", "icon": "fas fa-seedling", "color": "text-success", "price": 10000 }, "pause": { "kind": "pause", "title": "Pause", "description": "Gives the recipient the ability to pause profile anthems.", "icon": "fas fa-volume-mute", "color": "text-danger", "price": 20000 }, "unpausable": { "kind": "unpausable", "title": "Unpausable", "description": "Makes the profile anthem of the recipient unpausable.", "icon": "fas fa-volume", "color": "text-success", "price": 40000 }, } else: AWARDS = { "shit": { "kind": "shit", "title": "Shit", "description": "Makes flies swarm a post.", "icon": "fas fa-poop", "color": "text-black-50", "price": 500 }, "fireflies": { "kind": "fireflies", "title": "Fireflies", "description": "Puts fireflies on the post.", "icon": "fas fa-sparkles", "color": "text-warning", "price": 500 }, "train": { "kind": "train", "title": "Train", "description": "Summons a train on the post.", "icon": "fas fa-train", "color": "text-pink", "price": 500 }, "pin": { "kind": "pin", "title": "1-Hour Pin", "description": "Pins the post.", "icon": "fas fa-thumbtack fa-rotate--45", "color": "text-warning", "price": 750 }, "unpin": { "kind": "unpin", "title": "1-Hour Unpin", "description": "Removes 1 hour from the pin duration of the post.", "icon": "fas fa-thumbtack fa-rotate--45", "color": "text-black", "price": 1000 }, "pause": { "kind": "pause", "title": "Pause", "description": "Gives the recipient the ability to pause profile anthems.", "icon": "fas fa-volume-mute", "color": "text-danger", "price": 20000 }, "unpausable": { "kind": "unpausable", "title": "Unpausable", "description": "Makes the profile anthem of the recipient unpausable.", "icon": "fas fa-volume", "color": "text-success", "price": 40000 }, } if award not in AWARDS: abort(400) price = AWARDS[award]["price"] if v.patron: if v.patron == 1: price = int(price*0.90) elif v.patron == 2: price = int(price*0.85) elif v.patron == 3: price = int(price*0.80) elif v.patron == 4: price = int(price*0.75) else: price = int(price*0.70) if request.values.get("mb"): if v.procoins < price: return {"error": "Not enough marseybux."}, 400 v.procoins -= price else: if v.coins < price: return {"error": "Not enough coins."}, 400 v.coins -= price v.coins_spent += price g.db.add(v) g.db.add(v) g.db.flush() thing = g.db.query(AwardRelationship).order_by( thing += 1 award = AwardRelationship(id=thing,, kind=award) g.db.add(award) g.db.commit() return {"message": "Award bought!"}"/post//awards") @limiter.limit("1/second") @auth_required def award_post(pid, v): if v.is_suspended and v.unban_utc == 0: return {"error": "forbidden."}, 403 kind = request.values.get("kind", "").strip() if kind not in AWARDS: return {"error": "That award doesn't exist."}, 404 post_award = g.db.query(AwardRelationship).options(lazyload('*')).filter( and_( AwardRelationship.kind == kind, AwardRelationship.user_id ==, AwardRelationship.submission_id == None, AwardRelationship.comment_id == None ) ).first() if not post_award: return {"error": "You don't have that award."}, 404 post = g.db.query(Submission).options(lazyload('*')).filter_by(id=pid).first() if not post: return {"error": "That post doesn't exist."}, 404 existing_award = g.db.query(AwardRelationship).options(lazyload('*')).filter( and_( AwardRelationship.submission_id ==, AwardRelationship.user_id ==, AwardRelationship.kind == kind ) ).first() post_award.submission_id = g.db.add(post_award) msg = f"@{v.username} has given your [post]({post.permalink}) the {AWARDS[kind]['title']} Award!" note = request.values.get("note", "").strip() if note: msg += f"\n\n> {note}" send_notification(NOTIFICATIONS_ACCOUNT,, msg) author = if kind == "ban": link = f"[this post]({post.permalink})" if not author.is_suspended: author.ban(reason=f"1-Day ban award used by @{v.username} on /post/{}", days=1) send_notification(NOTIFICATIONS_ACCOUNT, author, f"Your account has been suspended for a day for {link}. It sucked and you should feel bad.") elif author.unban_utc > 0: author.unban_utc += 24*60*60 send_notification(NOTIFICATIONS_ACCOUNT, author, f"Your account has been suspended for yet another day for {link}. Seriously man?") elif kind == "unban": if not author.is_suspended or not author.unban_utc or time.time() > author.unban_utc: abort(403) if author.unban_utc - time.time() > 86400: author.unban_utc -= 86400 send_notification(NOTIFICATIONS_ACCOUNT, author, f"Your ban duration has been reduced by 1 day!") else: author.unban_utc = 0 author.is_banned = 0 author.ban_evade = 0 send_notification(NOTIFICATIONS_ACCOUNT, author, f"You have been unbanned!") elif kind == "grass": author.is_banned = AUTOJANNY_ACCOUNT author.ban_reason = f"grass award used by @{v.username} on /post/{}" link = f"[this post]({post.permalink})" send_notification(NOTIFICATIONS_ACCOUNT, author, f"Your account has been suspended permanently for {link}. You must [provide the admins](/contact) a timestamped picture of you touching grass to get unbanned!") elif kind == "pin": if post.stickied and post.stickied.startswith("t:"): t = int(post.stickied[2:]) + 3600 else: t = int(time.time()) + 3600 post.stickied = f"t:{t}" g.db.add(post) cache.delete_memoized(frontlist) elif kind == "unpin": if not (post.stickied and post.stickied.startswith("t:")): abort(403) t = int(post.stickied[2:]) - 3600 if time.time() > t: post.stickied = None cache.delete_memoized(frontlist) else: post.stickied = f"t:{t}" g.db.add(post) elif kind == "agendaposter" and not (author.agendaposter and author.agendaposter_expires_utc == 0): if author.agendaposter_expires_utc and time.time() < author.agendaposter_expires_utc: author.agendaposter_expires_utc += 86400 else: author.agendaposter_expires_utc = time.time() + 86400 author.agendaposter = True if not author.has_badge(26): badge = Badge(, badge_id=26) g.db.add(badge) elif kind == "flairlock": new_name = note[:100].replace("𒐪","") author.customtitleplain = new_name author.customtitle = filter_title(new_name) if len(author.customtitle) > 1000: abort(403) author.flairchanged = time.time() + 86400 elif kind == "pause": author.mute = True elif kind == "unpausable": author.unmutable = True += 1 g.db.add( g.db.commit() if request.referrer and len(request.referrer) > 1: return redirect(request.referrer) else: return redirect("/")"/comment//awards") @limiter.limit("1/second") @auth_required def award_comment(cid, v): if v.is_suspended and v.unban_utc == 0: return {"error": "forbidden"}, 403 kind = request.values.get("kind", "").strip() if kind not in AWARDS: return {"error": "That award doesn't exist."}, 404 comment_award = g.db.query(AwardRelationship).options(lazyload('*')).filter( and_( AwardRelationship.kind == kind, AwardRelationship.user_id ==, AwardRelationship.submission_id == None, AwardRelationship.comment_id == None ) ).first() if not comment_award: return {"error": "You don't have that award."}, 404 c = g.db.query(Comment).options(lazyload('*')).filter_by(id=cid).first() if not c: return {"error": "That comment doesn't exist."}, 404 existing_award = g.db.query(AwardRelationship).options(lazyload('*')).filter( and_( AwardRelationship.comment_id ==, AwardRelationship.user_id ==, AwardRelationship.kind == kind ) ).first() comment_award.comment_id = g.db.add(comment_award) msg = f"@{v.username} has given your [comment]({c.permalink}) the {AWARDS[kind]['title']} Award!" note = request.values.get("note", "").strip() if note: msg += f"\n\n> {note}" send_notification(NOTIFICATIONS_ACCOUNT,, msg) author = if kind == "ban": link = f"[this comment]({c.permalink})" if not author.is_suspended: author.ban(reason=f"1-Day ban award used by @{v.username} on /comment/{}", days=1) send_notification(NOTIFICATIONS_ACCOUNT, author, f"Your account has been suspended for a day for {link}. It sucked and you should feel bad.") elif author.unban_utc > 0: author.unban_utc += 24*60*60 send_notification(NOTIFICATIONS_ACCOUNT, author, f"Your account has been suspended for yet another day for {link}. Seriously man?") elif kind == "unban": if not author.is_suspended or not author.unban_utc or time.time() > author.unban_utc: abort(403) if author.unban_utc - time.time() > 86400: author.unban_utc -= 86400 send_notification(NOTIFICATIONS_ACCOUNT, author, f"Your ban duration has been reduced by 1 day!") else: author.unban_utc = 0 author.is_banned = 0 author.ban_evade = 0 send_notification(NOTIFICATIONS_ACCOUNT, author, f"You have been unbanned!") elif kind == "grass": author.is_banned = AUTOJANNY_ACCOUNT author.ban_reason = f"grass award used by @{v.username} on /comment/{}" link = f"[this comment]({c.permalink})" send_notification(NOTIFICATIONS_ACCOUNT, author, f"Your account has been suspended permanently for {link}. You must [provide the admins](/contact) a timestamped picture of you touching grass to get unbanned!") elif kind == "pin": if c.is_pinned and c.is_pinned.startswith("t:"): t = int(c.is_pinned[2:]) + 3600 else: t = int(time.time()) + 3600 c.is_pinned = f"t:{t}" g.db.add(c) elif kind == "unpin": if not (c.is_pinned and c.is_pinned.startswith("t:")): abort(403) t = int(c.is_pinned[2:]) - 3600 if time.time() > t: c.is_pinned = None else: c.is_pinned = f"t:{t}" g.db.add(c) elif kind == "agendaposter" and not (author.agendaposter and author.agendaposter_expires_utc == 0): if author.agendaposter_expires_utc and time.time() < author.agendaposter_expires_utc: author.agendaposter_expires_utc += 86400 else: author.agendaposter_expires_utc = time.time() + 86400 author.agendaposter = True if not author.has_badge(26): badge = Badge(, badge_id=26) g.db.add(badge) elif kind == "flairlock": new_name = note[:100].replace("𒐪","") author.customtitleplain = new_name author.customtitle = filter_title(new_name) if len(author.customtitle) > 1000: abort(403) author.flairchanged = time.time() + 86400 elif kind == "pause": author.mute = True elif kind == "unpausable": author.unmutable = True += 1 g.db.add( g.db.commit() if request.referrer and len(request.referrer) > 1: return redirect(request.referrer) else: return redirect("/") @app.get("/admin/awards") @admin_level_required(6) def admin_userawards_get(v): if v.username == "Aevann": return render_template("admin/awards.html", awards=list(AWARDS.values()), v=v) return render_template("admin/awards.html", awards=list(AWARDS2.values()), v=v)"/admin/awards") @limiter.limit("1/second") @auth_required @validate_formkey def admin_userawards_post(v): if v.admin_level < 6: abort(403) try: u = request.values.get("username").strip() except: abort(404) u = get_user(u, graceful=False, v=v) notify_awards = {} latest = g.db.query(AwardRelationship).order_by( thing = for key, value in request.values.items(): if key not in AWARDS: continue if value: if int(value) > 0: notify_awards[key] = int(value) for x in range(int(value)): thing += 1 award = AwardRelationship( id=thing,, kind=key ) g.db.add(award) text = "You were given the following awards:\n\n" for key, value in notify_awards.items(): text += f" - **{value}** {AWARDS[key]['title']} {'Awards' if value != 1 else 'Award'}\n" send_notification(NOTIFICATIONS_ACCOUNT, u, text) g.db.commit() if v.username == "Aevann": return render_template("admin/awards.html", awards=list(AWARDS.values()), v=v) return render_template("admin/awards.html", awards=list(AWARDS2.values()), v=v)