forked from rDrama/rDrama
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remove snappy quote

Aevann 2023-05-04 21:12:27 +03:00
parent e9ef842712
commit 223dd2ae2b
1 changed files with 1 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1271,8 +1271,6 @@ This thread will inevitably be attacked by insecure feminists and manlets. Now,
Now I will get to the point. I will… don't worry. Before the feminist witches come in and bury this comment in an underwater grave… you see. I am not angry, no, quite the contrary. I am merely… observing. Observing that which does not, no, interest me, but piques my interest, you see. And that is the female sex. The ever so hypocritical and slobbering receptacles of hatred and submissiveness… it is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Yes, I have had a bad experience with females. But now that I have a more…base viewing of them, they fly to me like honey and bees. It's hilarious as they degrade themselves to even be in my presence. Of course, I turn most of them down. You should see my Facebook. Full of pump and dumps… heh. This chick, Cherry, (fake name, don't worry), a 9.5/10 European with a… nice personality is definitely the X-chromosome's finest concoction. Heh. But she withers. Withers because she will never have me. I know the mind of a female, my friends… Men have evolved for longer than they have, and this is a fact. It is a parasitic relationship which you must turn around and make the parasite herself submit to you.
You see, we men are being constantly undermined. Undermined until we are drowning below piles of coal. Drowning below the feigned superiority of the, ah, frailer sex. But you see, this must be paused in its tracks. It is quite bemusing to see all these… apparent men scour like termites to the toes of their objects of lust. The emotion which seems to control the minds of the weak as manicured fingers tug the strings of their minds like puppets. It is disgusting and lowly… dehumanizing. Desexualizing. What men have been reduced to is despicable. Norse mythology used to be the prototype of masculinity…wenches being thrown every which way as they cower in a lustful trance whilst gazing upon their male superior. Their general. But now, men have become the horses which guide the carriage, ready to be whipped at any moment… disgusting… PM me if you need advice on the opposite sex.
Με λένε Γιοσικάγκε Κίρα. Είμαι 33ων χρονών. Το σπίτι μου είναι στο βορειοανατολικό μέρος του Μόριο, όπου είναι όλες οι βίλλες, και δεν είμαι παντρεμένος. Δουλεύω ως υπάλληλος στην αλυσίδα καταστημάτων Κάμε Γιού, και φτάνω σπίτι μου στις 8μμ το αργότερο. Δεν καπνίζω, αλλά μερικές φορές πίνω. Πέφτω για ύπνο στις 11μμ, και εξασφαλίζω να κοιμηθώ για 8 ώρες, ότι κι εάν γίνει. Αφού πιω ένα ποτήρι ζεστό γάλα και 20 λεπτά τεντώσεων πριν πάω για ύπνο. Σαν μωρό, ξυπνάω χωρίς κούραση ή αγχός το πρωί. Μου είπαν ότι δεν είχα κανένα πρόβλημα στο προηγούμενό μου τσεκ-απ. Προσπαθώ να σου εξηγήσω ότι είμαι ένας άνθρωπος που προσπαθεί να ζήσει μια πολύ ήρεμη ζωή. Προσπαθώ να μην ενοχληθώ από εχθρούς ή από θέματα όπως η νίκη ή η ήττα, αυτό θα είχε ως αποτέλεσμα να χάσω ύπνο το βράδυ. Έτσι αντιμετωπίζω την κοινωνία και ξέρω ότι αυτό με χαροποιεί. Παρ' όλα αυτά εάν πάλευα δεν θα έχανα εναντίον κανένα.
She's insecure. The only reason why she would put such a repulsive image on her Tinder is to stand out. It's the same in bed too, she probably grunts like a bison to make herself seem special even though she is most likely devoid of an ounce of personality. Better to just swipe right. Or left, I don't really know, whichever direction is the one that makes you ignore someone. I don't use Tinder because it's misleading - people shouldn't use an application as a substitute to real life talk. Stats show that around 0.78% people actually hook up with their Tinder match. 99% of them are either "catfish" or bots. What a God damn time waste. I'm pretty sure most people only use it to farm karma points, I doubt anyone expects to find an actual girl there. It's just Redditors talking to Redditors and Redditors talking to bots programmed to sound like engaging women.
Hey everyone! My name is Juan-Elias Riesco, my mom and I own Nini's Deli together, and before I gave my life to Jesus Christ, I used to be a homosexual.
@ -3769,4 +3767,4 @@ Its so appalling that the society tells women especially lesbians like me to
Well, I chose not to be a genital obsessed bigot like those conservatives who want to inspect our genitals before we can enter into the restrooms.
I had to reeducate myself to be better and more progressive. Now I am a proud sapphic lesbian goddess who dates men. Im so glad I am no longer a genital essentialist! For all we know, penis havers Ive dated could very well be female! What are you gonna do, conservatives? Test our chromosomes?
I had to reeducate myself to be better and more progressive. Now I am a proud sapphic lesbian goddess who dates men. Im so glad I am no longer a genital essentialist! For all we know, penis havers Ive dated could very well be female! What are you gonna do, conservatives? Test our chromosomes?