
567 lines
17 KiB

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Copyright (C) 2022 Dr Steven Transmisia, anti-evil engineer,
2022 Nekobit, king autist
// Status
* inactive - user has not tried using an emoji
* loading - user has tried to use an emoji, and the engine is initializing itself
* ready - engine can handle all emoji usage
* @type {"inactive"|"loading"|"ready"}
let emojiEngineState = "inactive";
// DOM stuff
const classesSelectorDOM = document.getElementById("emoji-modal-tabs");
const emojiButtonTemplateDOM = document.getElementById("emoji-button-template");
const emojiResultsDOM = document.getElementById("tab-content");
const emojiSelectSuffixDOMs = document.getElementsByClassName("emoji-suffix");
const emojiSelectPostfixDOMs= document.getElementsByClassName("emoji-postfix");
const emojiNotFoundDOM = document.getElementById("no-emojis-found");
const emojiWorkingDOM = document.getElementById("emojis-work");
const emojiSearchBarDOM = document.getElementById('emoji_search');
let emojiInputTargetDOM = undefined;
// Emojis usage stats. I don't really like this format but I'll keep it for backward comp.
const favorite_emojis = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("favorite_emojis")) || {};
/** Associative array of all the emojis' DOM */
let emojiDOMs = {};
let globalEmojis;
let emojiSearcher = {
working: false,
queries: [],
addQuery: function(query)
if (!this.working)
work: async function work() {
this.working = true;
while(this.queries.length > 0)
const startTime = Date.now();
// Get last input
const query = this.queries[this.queries.length - 1].toLowerCase();
this.queries = [];
// To improve perf we avoid showing all emojis at the same time.
if (query === "")
await classesSelectorDOM.children[0].children[0].click();
// Search
const resultSet = emojisSearchDictionary.completeSearch(query);
// update stuff
for(const [emojiName, emojiDOM] of Object.entries(emojiDOMs))
emojiDOM.hidden = !resultSet.has(emojiName);
emojiNotFoundDOM.hidden = resultSet.size !== 0;
let sleepTime = EMOIJ_SEARCH_ENGINE_MIN_INTERVAL - (Date.now() - startTime);
if (sleepTime > 0)
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, sleepTime));
this.working = false;
// tags dictionary. KEEP IT SORT
class EmoijsDictNode
constructor(tag, name) {
this.tag = tag;
this.emojiNames = [name];
const emojisSearchDictionary = {
dict: [],
updateTag: function(tag, emojiName) {
if (tag === undefined || emojiName === undefined)
let low = 0;
let high = this.dict.length;
while (low < high) {
let mid = (low + high) >>> 1;
if (this.dict[mid].tag < tag)
low = mid + 1;
high = mid;
let target = low;
if (this.dict[target] !== undefined && this.dict[target].tag === tag)
this.dict.splice(target ,0,new EmoijsDictNode(tag, emojiName));
* We also check for substrings! (sigh)
* @param {String} tag
* @returns {Set}
completeSearch: function(query) {
query = query.toLowerCase()
const result = new Set();
for(let i = 0; i < this.dict.length; i++)
if (this.dict[i].tag.startsWith('@'))
if (this.dict[i].tag == query)
for(let j = 0; j < this.dict[i].emojiNames.length; j++)
else if(this.dict[i].tag.includes(query))
for(let j = 0; j < this.dict[i].emojiNames.length; j++)
return result;
// get public emojis list
function fetchEmojis() {
const headers = new Headers({xhr: "xhr"})
return fetch("/emojis_json", {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(emojis => {
if (! (emojis instanceof Array ))
throw new TypeError("[EMOJI DIALOG] rDrama's server should have sent a JSON-coded Array!");
globalEmojis = emojis.map(({name, author, count}) => ({name, author, count}));
let classes = ["Marsey", "Platy", "Wolf", "Donkey Kong", "Tay", "Capy", "Carp", "Marsey Flags", "Marsey Alphabet", "Classic", "Rage", "Wojak", "Misc"]
const bussyDOM = document.createElement("div");
for(let i = 0; i < emojis.length; i++)
const emoji = emojis[i];
emojisSearchDictionary.updateTag(emoji.name, emoji.name);
if (emoji.author_username !== undefined && emoji.author_username !== null)
emojisSearchDictionary.updateTag(`@${emoji.author_username.toLowerCase()}`, emoji.name);
if (emoji.author_original_username !== undefined && emoji.author_original_username !== null)
emojisSearchDictionary.updateTag(`@${emoji.author_original_username.toLowerCase()}`, emoji.name);
if (emoji.author_prelock_username !== undefined && emoji.author_prelock_username !== null)
emojisSearchDictionary.updateTag(`@${emoji.author_prelock_username.toLowerCase()}`, emoji.name);
if (emoji.tags instanceof Array)
for(let i = 0; i < emoji.tags.length; i++)
emojisSearchDictionary.updateTag(emoji.tags[i], emoji.name);
// Create emoji DOM
const emojiDOM = document.importNode(emojiButtonTemplateDOM.content, true).children[0];
emojiDOM.title = emoji.name
if (emoji.author_username !== undefined && emoji.author_username !== null)
emojiDOM.title += "\nauthor\t" + emoji.author_username
if (emoji.count !== undefined)
emojiDOM.title += "\nused\t" + emoji.count;
emojiDOM.dataset.className = emoji.kind;
emojiDOM.dataset.emojiName = emoji.name;
emojiDOM.onclick = emojiAddToInput;
emojiDOM.hidden = true;
const emojiIMGDOM = emojiDOM.children[0];
emojiIMGDOM.src = `${SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/e/${emoji.name}.webp`
emojiIMGDOM.alt = emoji.name;
/** Disableing lazy loading seems to reduce cpu usage somehow (?)
* idk it is difficult to benchmark */
emojiIMGDOM.loading = "lazy";
// Save reference
emojiDOMs[emoji.name] = emojiDOM;
// Add to the document!
// Create header
for(let className of classes)
let classSelectorDOM = document.createElement("li");
let classSelectorLinkDOM = document.createElement("button");
classSelectorLinkDOM.type = "button";
classSelectorLinkDOM.classList.add("nav-link", "emojitab");
classSelectorLinkDOM.dataset.bsToggle = "tab";
classSelectorLinkDOM.dataset.className = className;
classSelectorLinkDOM.textContent = className;
classSelectorLinkDOM.addEventListener('click', switchEmojiTab);
// Show favorite for start.
// Send it to the render machine!
emojiResultsDOM.hidden = false;
emojiWorkingDOM.hidden = true;
emojiSearchBarDOM.disabled = false;
emojiEngineState = "ready";
* @param {Event} e
function switchEmojiTab(e)
const className = e.currentTarget.dataset.className;
emojiSearchBarDOM.value = "";
emojiNotFoundDOM.hidden = true;
// Special case: favorites
if (className === "favorite")
for(const emojiDOM of Object.values(emojiDOMs))
emojiDOM.hidden = true;
const favs = Object.keys(Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(favorite_emojis).sort(([,a],[,b]) => b-a)
)).slice(0, 25);
for (const emoji of favs)
if (emojiDOMs[emoji] instanceof HTMLElement)
emojiDOMs[emoji].hidden = false;
for(const emojiDOM of Object.values(emojiDOMs))
emojiDOM.hidden = emojiDOM.dataset.className !== className;
document.getElementById('emoji-container').scrollTop = 0;
for (const emojitab of document.getElementsByClassName('emojitab')) {
emojitab.addEventListener('click', (e)=>{switchEmojiTab(e)})
async function start_search() {
// Remove any selected tab, now it is meaningless
for(let i = 0; i < classesSelectorDOM.children.length; i++)
* Add the selected emoji to the targeted text area
* @param {Event} event
function emojiAddToInput(event)
// This should not happen if used properly but whatever
if (!(emojiInputTargetDOM instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) && !(emojiInputTargetDOM instanceof HTMLInputElement))
let strToInsert = event.currentTarget.dataset.emojiName;
for(let i = 0; i < emojiSelectPostfixDOMs.length; i++)
if (emojiSelectPostfixDOMs[i].checked)
strToInsert = strToInsert + emojiSelectPostfixDOMs[i].value;
for(let i = 0; i < emojiSelectSuffixDOMs.length; i++)
if (emojiSelectSuffixDOMs[i].checked)
strToInsert = emojiSelectSuffixDOMs[i].value + strToInsert;
strToInsert = ":" + strToInsert + ":"
insertText(emojiInputTargetDOM, strToInsert)
// kick-start the preview
emojiInputTargetDOM.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
// Update favs. from old code
if (favorite_emojis[event.currentTarget.dataset.emojiName])
favorite_emojis[event.currentTarget.dataset.emojiName] += 1;
favorite_emojis[event.currentTarget.dataset.emojiName] = 1;
localStorage.setItem("favorite_emojis", JSON.stringify(favorite_emojis));
let emoji_typing_state = false;
function update_ghost_div_textarea(text)
let ghostdiv
if (location.pathname == '/chat')
ghostdiv = document.getElementById("ghostdiv-chat");
ghostdiv = text.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("ghostdiv")[0];
if (!ghostdiv) return;
ghostdiv.textContent = text.value.substring(0, text.selectionStart);
ghostdiv.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', "<span></span>");
// Now lets get coordinates
ghostdiv.style.display = "block";
let end = ghostdiv.querySelector("span");
const carot_coords = end.getBoundingClientRect();
const ghostdiv_coords = ghostdiv.getBoundingClientRect();
ghostdiv.style.display = "none";
return { pos: text.selectionStart, x: carot_coords.x, y: carot_coords.y - ghostdiv_coords.y };
// Used for anything where a user is typing, specifically for the emoji modal
// Just leave it global, I don't care
let speed_carot_modal = document.createElement("div");
speed_carot_modal.id = "speed-carot-modal";
speed_carot_modal.style.position = "absolute";
speed_carot_modal.style.left = "0px";
speed_carot_modal.style.top = "0px";
speed_carot_modal.style.display = "none";
let e
let current_word = "";
let selecting;
let emoji_index = 0;
function curr_word_is_emoji()
return current_word && current_word.charAt(0) == ":" &&
current_word.charAt(current_word.length-1) != ":";
function close_inline_speed_emoji_modal() {
selecting = false;
speed_carot_modal.style.display = "none";
function populate_speed_emoji_modal(results, textbox)
selecting = true;
if (!results || results.size === 0)
speed_carot_modal.style.display = "none";
return -1;
emoji_index = 0;
speed_carot_modal.scrollTop = 0;
speed_carot_modal.innerHTML = "";
const MAXXX = 50;
// Not sure why the results is a Set... but oh well
let i = 0;
for (let emoji of results)
let name = emoji.name
if (i++ > MAXXX) return i;
let emoji_option = document.createElement("div");
emoji_option.className = "speed-modal-option emoji-option " + (i === 1 ? "selected" : "");
emoji_option.tabIndex = 0;
let emoji_option_img = document.createElement("img");
emoji_option_img.className = "speed-modal-image emoji-option-image";
// This is a bit
emoji_option_img.src = `${SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/e/${name}.webp`
let emoji_option_text = document.createElement("span");
emoji_option_text.title = name;
if (emoji.author_username !== undefined && emoji.author_username !== null)
emoji_option_text.title += "\nauthor\t" + emoji.author_username
if (emoji.count !== undefined)
emoji_option_text.title += "\nused\t" + emoji.count;
emoji_option_text.textContent = name;
if (current_word.includes("#")) name = `#${name}`
if (current_word.includes("!")) name = `!${name}`
emoji_option.addEventListener('click', () => {
textbox.value = textbox.value.replace(new RegExp(current_word+"(?=\\s|$)", "gi"), `:${name}: `)
if (location.pathname != '/chat') {
// Pack
if (i === 0) speed_carot_modal.style.display = "none";
else speed_carot_modal.style.display = "initial";
return i;
function update_speed_emoji_modal(event)
const box_coords = update_ghost_div_textarea(event.target);
box_coords.x = Math.min(box_coords.x, screen_width - 150)
let text = event.target.value;
// Unused, but left incase anyone wants to use this more efficient method for emojos
switch (event.data)
case ':':
emoji_typing_state = true;
case ' ':
emoji_typing_state = false;
// Get current word at string, such as ":marse" or "word"
let coords = text.indexOf(' ',box_coords.pos);
current_word = /:[!#a-zA-Z0-9_]+(?=\n|$)/.exec(text.slice(0, coords === -1 ? text.length : coords));
if (current_word) current_word = current_word[0].toLowerCase();
/* We could also check emoji_typing_state here, which is less accurate but more efficient. I've
* kept it unless someone wants to provide an option to toggle it for performance */
if (curr_word_is_emoji() && current_word != ":")
loadEmojis().then( () => {
let modal_pos = event.target.getBoundingClientRect();
modal_pos.x += window.scrollX;
modal_pos.y += window.scrollY;
speed_carot_modal.style.display = "initial";
speed_carot_modal.style.left = box_coords.x - 30 + "px";
speed_carot_modal.style.top = modal_pos.y + box_coords.y + 14 + "px";
// Do the search (and do something with it)
const resultSet = emojisSearchDictionary.completeSearch(current_word.substring(1).replace(/[#!]/g, ""));
const found = globalEmojis.filter(i => resultSet.has(i.name));
populate_speed_emoji_modal(found, event.target);
else {
speed_carot_modal.style.display = "none";
function speed_carot_navigate(event)
if (!selecting) return;
let select_items = speed_carot_modal.querySelectorAll(".speed-modal-option");
if (!select_items || !curr_word_is_emoji()) return;
const modal_keybinds = {
// go up one, wrapping around to the bottom if pressed at the top
ArrowUp: () => emoji_index = ((emoji_index - 1) + select_items.length) % select_items.length,
// go down one, wrapping around to the top if pressed at the bottom
ArrowDown: () => emoji_index = ((emoji_index + 1) + select_items.length) % select_items.length,
// select the emoji
Enter: () => select_items[emoji_index].click(),
if (event.key in modal_keybinds)
select_items[emoji_index].scrollIntoView({inline: "end", block: "nearest"});
function insertGhostDivs(element) {
let forms = element.querySelectorAll("textarea, .allow-emojis");
forms.forEach(i => {
let ghostdiv
if (i.id == 'input-text-chat') {
ghostdiv = document.getElementsByClassName("ghostdiv")[0];
else {
ghostdiv = document.createElement("div");
ghostdiv.className = "ghostdiv";
ghostdiv.style.display = "none";
i.addEventListener('input', update_speed_emoji_modal, false);
i.addEventListener('keydown', speed_carot_navigate, false);
function loadEmojis(inputTargetIDName)
selecting = false;
speed_carot_modal.style.display = "none";
if (inputTargetIDName) emojiInputTargetDOM = document.getElementById(inputTargetIDName);
switch (emojiEngineState) {
case "inactive":
emojiEngineState = "loading"
return fetchEmojis();
case "loading":
// this works because once the fetch completes, the first keystroke callback will fire and use the current value
return Promise.reject();
case "ready":
return Promise.resolve();
throw Error("Unknown emoji engine state");
addEventListener('hashchange', function () {
if (location.hash == "#m-emoji") {