
89 lines
2.8 KiB

from files.classes import *
from flask import g
from .sanitize import *
from .const import *
def create_comment(text_html, autojanny=False):
if autojanny: author_id = AUTOJANNY_ID
else: author_id = NOTIFICATIONS_ID
new_comment = Comment(author_id=author_id,
return new_comment.id
def send_repeatable_notification(uid, text, autojanny=False):
if autojanny: author_id = AUTOJANNY_ID
else: author_id = NOTIFICATIONS_ID
text_html = sanitize(text)
existing_comment = g.db.query(Comment.id).filter_by(author_id=author_id, parent_submission=None, distinguish_level=6, body_html=text_html, created_utc=0).first()
if existing_comment:
cid = existing_comment[0]
existing_notif = g.db.query(Notification.user_id).filter_by(user_id=uid, comment_id=cid).one_or_none()
if existing_notif: cid = create_comment(text_html, autojanny)
else: cid = create_comment(text_html, autojanny)
notif = Notification(comment_id=cid, user_id=uid)
def send_notification(uid, text, autojanny=False):
cid = notif_comment(text, autojanny)
add_notif(cid, uid)
def notif_comment(text, autojanny=False):
if autojanny: author_id = AUTOJANNY_ID
else: author_id = NOTIFICATIONS_ID
text_html = sanitize(text, alert=True)
existing = g.db.query(Comment.id).filter_by(author_id=author_id, parent_submission=None, distinguish_level=6, body_html=text_html, created_utc=0).first()
if existing: return existing[0]
else: return create_comment(text_html, autojanny)
def add_notif(cid, uid):
existing = g.db.query(Notification.user_id).filter_by(comment_id=cid, user_id=uid).one_or_none()
if not existing:
notif = Notification(comment_id=cid, user_id=uid)
def NOTIFY_USERS(text, v):
notify_users = set()
for word, id in NOTIFIED_USERS.items():
if id == 0: continue
if word in text.lower() and id not in notify_users and v.id != id: notify_users.add(id)
soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'lxml')
for mention in soup.find_all("a", href=re.compile("^\/id\/([0-9]+)")):
id = int(mention["href"].split("/id/")[1])
if id != v.id:
user = g.db.query(User).filter_by(id=id).one_or_none()
if user and not v.any_block_exists(user): notify_users.add(user.id)
return notify_users
def NOTIFY_USERS2(text, v):
notify_users = set()
for word, id in NOTIFIED_USERS.items():
if id == 0: continue
if word in text.lower() and id not in notify_users and v.id != id: notify_users.add(id)
for i in re.finditer("(^|\s|\n)@((\w|-){1,25})", text, flags=re.A):
user = get_user(i.group(2), graceful=True)
if user and not v.any_block_exists(user): notify_users.add(user.id)
return notify_users