
167 lines
4.7 KiB

import re
from .config.const import *
tranny = f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":marseytrain:" title=":marseytrain:" src="{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/e/marseytrain.webp">'
trannie = f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":!marseytrain:" title=":!marseytrain:" src="{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/e/marseytrain.webp">'
troon = f'<img loading="lazy" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" alt=":marseytrain2:" title=":marseytrain2:" src="{SITE_FULL_IMAGES}/e/marseytrain2.webp">'
"tranny": tranny,
"trannie": trannie,
"troon": troon,
"(?<!\\bs)nigger": "BIPOC",
"negroid": "BIPOC",
"nignog": "BIPOC",
"nig nog": "BIPOC",
"niglet": 'BIPOClet',
"negress": "BIPOCette",
"faggot": "cute twink",
"fag": "strag",
"(?<!\w)spic(?!\w)": "hard-working American",
"(?<!\w)spics(?!\w)": "hard-working Americans",
"kike": "jewish chad",
"(?<!\w)heeb": "jewish chad",
"daisy's destruction": "Cars 2",
"daisys destruction": "Cars 2",
"daisy destruction": "Cars 2",
"pajeet": "sexy Indian dude",
"hunter2": "*******",
"dyke": "cute butch",
if SITE_NAME == 'rDrama':
SLURS |= {
"retarded": "r-slurred",
"retard": "r-slur",
"pedophile": "p-dophile",
"kill youself": "keep yourself safe",
"kill yourself": "keep yourself safe",
"kill yourselves": "keep yourselves safe",
"latinos": "latinx",
"latino": "latinx",
"latinas": "latinx",
"latina": "latinx",
"hispanics": "latinx",
"hispanic": "latinx",
"autistic": "neurodivergent",
"gamer": "g*mer",
"journalist": "journ*list",
"journalism": "journ*lism",
"fake and gay": "fake and straight",
"(?<!\w)rapist": "male feminist",
"(?<!\w)pedo(?!\w)": "p-do",
"(?<!\w)kys(?!\w)": "keep yourself safe",
"republican": 'rethuglican',
"america": 'ameriKKKa',
"it's almost as if": "I'm an r-slur but",
"it's almost like": "I'm an r-slur but",
"its almost as if": "I'm an r-slur but",
"its almost like": "I'm an r-slur but",
"my brother in christ": "my brother in Allah (ﷻ)",
"(?<!\w)cool(?! (it|down|off))": "fetch",
"krayon(?! \()": "krayon (sister toucher)",
"discord": "groomercord",
"allah(?! \()": "Allah (ﷻ)",
"my wife(?! \()": "my wife (male)",
"(?<!cow )tools(?!\w)": "cow tools",
"explain": "mansplain",
'nigga': 'neighbor',
'(?<![\w.])cat(?!\w)': 'marsey',
'(?<!\w)cats(?!\w)': 'marseys',
'hello': 'hecko',
'ryan gosling': 'literally me',
'howdy': 'meowdy',
'corgi': 'klenny',
"right now": "right meow",
"(?<!\/)linux": "GNU/Linux",
'(?<!-)based': 'keyed',
'needful': 'sneedful',
'motherfucker': 'motherlover',
'fuck': 'frick',
'(?<!\w)ass(?!\w)': 'butt',
'shitting': 'pooping',
'damn': 'darn',
'bitch(?!\w)': 'b-word',
'toilet': 'potty',
'(?<!\w)asshole': 'butthole',
'(?<!\w)rape': 'r*pe',
'(?<!\w)hell(?!\w)': 'heck',
'(?<!\w)sex(?!\w)': 's*x',
'(?<!\w)cum(?!\w)': 'c*m',
'(?<!\w)dick': 'peepee',
'cock(?!\w)': 'peepee',
'cocks': 'peepees',
'penis': 'peepee',
'pussy': 'kitty',
'pussies': 'kitties',
'cunt': 'c*nt',
slur_single_words = "|".join([slur.lower() for slur in SLURS.keys()])
profanity_single_words = "|".join([profanity.lower() for profanity in PROFANITIES.keys()])
slur_regex = re.compile(f"<[^>]*>|{slur_single_words}", flags=re.I|re.A)
profanity_regex = re.compile(f"<[^>]*>|{profanity_single_words}", flags=re.I|re.A)
for k, val in SLURS.items():
newkey = k.split('(?!')[0]
if ')' in newkey:
newkey = newkey.split(')')[1]
for k, val in PROFANITIES.items():
newkey = k.split('(?!')[0]
if ')' in newkey:
newkey = newkey.split(')')[1]
def sub_matcher(match, X_FOR_REPLACING):
group_num = 0
match_str = match.group(group_num)
if match_str.startswith('<'):
return match_str
repl = X_FOR_REPLACING[match_str.lower()]
if "<img" not in repl:
if match_str.isupper():
return repl.upper()
if match_str.istitle():
return repl.title()
return repl
def sub_matcher_slurs(match):
return sub_matcher(match, SLURS_FOR_REPLACING)
def sub_matcher_profanities(match):
return sub_matcher(match, PROFANITIES_FOR_REPLACING)
def censor_slurs_profanities(body, logged_user, is_plain=False):
if not body: return ""
if '<pre>' in body or '<code>' in body:
return body
if not logged_user or logged_user == 'chat' or logged_user.slurreplacer:
body = slur_regex.sub(sub_matcher_slurs, body)
if SITE_NAME == 'rDrama':
if not logged_user or logged_user == 'chat' or logged_user.profanityreplacer:
body = profanity_regex.sub(sub_matcher_profanities, body)
if is_plain:
body = body.replace(tranny, ':marseytrain:')
body = body.replace(trannie, ':!marseytrain:')
body = body.replace(troon, ':marseytrain2:')
return body