
97 lines
3.0 KiB

# from flask import g, render_template
# from sqlalchemy.sql import text
# from files.helpers.get import get_accounts_dict
# from files.helpers.config.const import *
# from files.routes.wrappers import *
# from files.__main__ import app, cache, limiter
# _special_leaderboard_query = text("""
# WITH bet_options AS (
# SELECT p.id AS parent_id, so.id AS option_id, so.exclusive, cnt.count
# FROM post_options so
# JOIN posts p ON so.parent_id = p.id
# JOIN (
# SELECT option_id, COUNT(*) FROM post_option_votes
# GROUP BY option_id
# ) AS cnt ON so.id = cnt.option_id
# WHERE p.author_id = 7465 AND p.created_utc > 1688950032
# AND so.exclusive IN (2, 3) AND p.title ilike 'women''s world cup betting: %'
# ),
# post_payouts AS (
# sq_total.parent_id,
# sq_winners.sum AS bettors,
# floor((sq_total.sum * 200) / sq_winners.sum) AS winner_payout
# FROM (
# SELECT parent_id, SUM(count)
# FROM bet_options GROUP BY parent_id
# ) AS sq_total
# JOIN (
# SELECT parent_id, SUM(count)
# FROM bet_options WHERE exclusive = 3 GROUP BY parent_id
# ) AS sq_winners ON sq_total.parent_id = sq_winners.parent_id
# ),
# bet_votes AS (
# opt.option_id AS option_id,
# opt.exclusive,
# sov.user_id,
# WHEN opt.exclusive = 2 THEN -200
# WHEN opt.exclusive = 3 THEN (post_payouts.winner_payout - 200)
# END payout
# FROM post_option_votes sov
# LEFT OUTER JOIN bet_options AS opt
# ON opt.option_id = sov.option_id
# LEFT OUTER JOIN post_payouts
# ON opt.parent_id = post_payouts.parent_id
# WHERE opt.option_id IS NOT NULL
# ),
# bettors AS (
# COALESCE(bet_won.user_id, bet_lost.user_id) AS user_id,
# (COALESCE(bet_won.count_won, 0)
# + COALESCE(bet_lost.count_lost, 0)) AS bets_total,
# COALESCE(bet_won.count_won, 0) AS bets_won
# FROM (
# SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) AS count_won FROM bet_votes
# WHERE exclusive = 3 GROUP BY user_id) AS bet_won
# SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) AS count_lost FROM bet_votes
# WHERE exclusive = 2 GROUP BY user_id
# ) AS bet_lost ON bet_won.user_id = bet_lost.user_id
# )
# bettors.user_id,
# bettors.bets_won,
# bettors.bets_total,
# bet_payout.net AS payout
# FROM bettors
# SELECT user_id, SUM(payout) AS net FROM bet_votes GROUP BY user_id
# ) AS bet_payout ON bettors.user_id = bet_payout.user_id
# ORDER BY payout DESC, bets_won DESC, bets_total ASC;
# """)
# @cache.memoize()
# def _special_leaderboard_get():
# result = g.db.execute(_special_leaderboard_query).all()
# return result
# @app.get('/womenworldcup2023')
# @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400)
# @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID)
# @auth_required
# def get_leaderboard(v):
# if SITE_NAME != 'rDrama':
# abort(404)
# result = _special_leaderboard_get()
# if g.is_api_or_xhr: return result
# users = get_accounts_dict([r[0] for r in result], v=v, graceful=True)
# return render_template("special/worldcup22_leaderboard.html",
# v=v, result=result, users=users)