import gevent.monkey gevent.monkey.patch_all() import faulthandler from os import environ from sys import argv, stdout import redis import gevent from flask import Flask from flask_caching import Cache from flask_compress import Compress from flask_limiter import Limiter from files.helpers.config.const import * from files.helpers.const_stateful import const_initialize from files.helpers.settings import reload_settings, start_watching_settings app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates') app.url_map.strict_slashes = False app.jinja_env.cache = {} app.jinja_env.auto_reload = True app.jinja_env.add_extension('') faulthandler.enable() def _startup_check(): ''' Performs some sanity checks on startup to make sure we aren't attempting to startup with obviously invalid values that won't work anyway ''' if not SITE: raise TypeError("SITE environment variable must exist and not be None") if SITE.startswith('.'): raise ValueError("Domain must not start with a dot") app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = SITE app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = environ.get('SECRET_KEY').strip() app.config['SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT'] = 3153600 _startup_check() if not IS_LOCALHOST: app.config["SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE"] = True app.config["SESSION_COOKIE_NAME"] = "session_" + environ.get("SITE_NAME").strip().lower() app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 500 * 1024 * 1024 if SITE == '' else 100 * 1024 * 1024 app.config["SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE"] = "Lax" app.config["PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME"] = 60 * 60 * 24 * 999 app.config['SESSION_REFRESH_EACH_REQUEST'] = False app.config['SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'] = False app.config["CACHE_KEY_PREFIX"] = f"{SITE}_flask_cache_" app.config["CACHE_TYPE"] = "RedisCache" app.config["CACHE_REDIS_URL"] = environ.get("REDIS_URL").strip() app.config["CACHE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT"] = 86400 app.config["CACHE_SOURCE_CHECK"] = True #to allow session cookie to work on if SITE == '': app.config["SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN"] = SITE def get_CF(): with app.app_context(): x = request.headers.get('CF-Connecting-IP') if not x: x = request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-For') return x limiter = Limiter( app=app, key_func=get_CF, default_limits=[DEFAULT_RATELIMIT], application_limits=["10/second;200/minute;5000/hour;20000/day"], storage_uri=app.config["CACHE_REDIS_URL"], default_limits_deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, ) const_initialize() reload_settings() start_watching_settings() cache = Cache(app) Compress(app) redis_instance = redis.Redis.from_url(app.config["CACHE_REDIS_URL"]) from files.routes.allroutes import * if "load_chat" in argv: from import * else: from files.routes import * stdout.flush()