{% extends "default.html" %} {% block title %} Shop {% endblock %} {% block pagetype %}message{% endblock %} {% block Banner %}
shop banner

Stir drama. Earn coins.

Total sales: {{sales}} coins
Coins spent by you: {{v.coins_spent}} coins
Lootboxes bought by you: {{v.lootboxes_bought}} lootbox{{'es' if v.lootboxes_bought != 1}}
{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if error %} {% endif %} {% if msg %} {% endif %}

{% for a in awards %} {% set kind = a['kind'] %} {% endfor %}
Icon Title Price Owned Buy
{{a['title']}} {{a['price']}} {{a['owned']}} {% if a['kind'] != "benefactor" %}Buy with coins{% endif %} {% if a['kind'] != "grass" %}Buy with marseybux{% endif %}

{% endblock %}