from files.helpers.wrappers import * from files.helpers.get import * from files.classes import * from flask import * from files.__main__ import app @app.get("/votes") @auth_desired def admin_vote_info_get(v): link = request.args.get("link") if not link: return render_template("votes.html", v=v) try: if "t2_" in link: thing = get_post(int(link.split("t2_")[1]), v=v) elif "t3_" in link: thing = get_comment(int(link.split("t3_")[1]), v=v) else: abort(400) except: abort(400) if isinstance(thing, Submission): ups = g.db.query(Vote ).options(joinedload(Vote.user) ).filter_by(, vote_type=1 ).all() downs = g.db.query(Vote ).options(joinedload(Vote.user) ).filter_by(, vote_type=-1 ).all() elif isinstance(thing, Comment): ups = g.db.query(CommentVote ).options(joinedload(CommentVote.user) ).filter_by(, vote_type=1 ).all() downs = g.db.query(CommentVote ).options(joinedload(CommentVote.user) ).filter_by(, vote_type=-1 ).all() else: abort(400) return render_template("votes.html", v=v, thing=thing, ups=ups, downs=downs,)"/vote/post//") @auth_required @validate_formkey def api_vote_post(post_id, new, v): if new not in ["-1", "0", "1"]: abort(400) # disallow bots if request.headers.get("X-User-Type","") == "Bot": abort(403) new = int(new) post = get_post(post_id) # check for existing vote existing = g.db.query(Vote).filter_by(, if existing and existing.vote_type == new: return "", 204 if existing: if existing.vote_type == 0 and new != 0: += 1 g.db.add( elif existing.vote_type != 0 and new == 0: -= 1 g.db.add( existing.vote_type = new g.db.add(existing) else: if new != 0: += 1 g.db.add( vote = Vote(, vote_type=new, submission_id=post_id, if v.client else None ) g.db.add(vote) try: g.db.flush() except: g.db.rollback() post.upvotes = g.db.query(Vote).filter_by(, vote_type=1).count() post.downvotes = g.db.query(Vote).filter_by(, vote_type=-1).count() g.db.add(post) return "", 204"/vote/comment//") @auth_required @validate_formkey def api_vote_comment(comment_id, new, v): if new not in ["-1", "0", "1"]: abort(400) if request.headers.get("X-User-Type","") == "Bot": abort(403) new = int(new) try: comment_id = int(comment_id) except: try: comment_id = int(comment_id, 36) except: abort(404) comment = get_comment(comment_id) # check for existing vote existing = g.db.query(CommentVote).filter_by(, if existing and existing.vote_type == new: return "", 204 if existing: if existing.vote_type == 0 and new != 0: += 1 g.db.add( elif existing.vote_type != 0 and new == 0: -= 1 g.db.add( existing.vote_type = new g.db.add(existing) else: if new != 0: += 1 g.db.add( vote = CommentVote(, vote_type=new, comment_id=comment_id, if v.client else None ) g.db.add(vote) try: g.db.flush() except: g.db.rollback() comment.upvotes = g.db.query(CommentVote).filter_by(, vote_type=1).count() comment.downvotes = g.db.query(CommentVote).filter_by(, vote_type=-1).count() g.db.add(comment) return "", 204