function isShopConfirmation(t) { return'buy1-') ||'buy2-'); } function prePostToastNonShopActions(t, url, button1, button2, className) { let isShopConfirm = isShopConfirmation(t); if (!isShopConfirm) { t.disabled = true; t.classList.add("disabled"); } } function getMessageFromJsonData(success, json) { let message = success ? "Success!" : "Error, please try again later"; let key = success ? "message" : "error"; if (!json || !json[key]) return message; message = json[key]; if (!success && json["details"]) { message = json["details"]; } return message; } function showToast(success, message, isToastTwo=false) { let element = success ? "toast-post-success" : "toast-post-error"; let textElement = element + "-text"; if (isToastTwo) { element = element + "2"; textElement = textElement + "2"; } if (!message) { message = success ? "Success" : "Error, please try again later"; } document.getElementById(textElement).innerText = message; bootstrap.Toast.getOrCreateInstance(document.getElementById(element)).show(); } function postToastLoad(xhr, className, button1, button2, extraActionsOnSuccess, extraActionsOnError) { let data try { data = JSON.parse(xhr.response) } catch (e) { console.log(e) } success = xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300; showToast(success, getMessageFromJsonData(success, data)); if (success) { if (button1) { if (typeof(button1) == 'boolean') { location.reload() } else { document.getElementById(button1).classList.toggle(className); document.getElementById(button2).classList.toggle(className); } } if (extraActionsOnSuccess) extraActionsOnSuccess(xhr); } else { if (extraActionsOnError) extraActionsOnError(xhr); } } function postPostToastNonShopActions(t, url, button1, button2, className) { let isShopConfirm = isShopConfirmation(t); if (!isShopConfirm) { setTimeout(() => { t.disabled = false; t.classList.remove("disabled"); }, 2000); } } function createXhrWithFormKey(url, method="POST", form=new FormData()) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, url); xhr.setRequestHeader('xhr', 'xhr'); if (!form) form = new FormData(); form.append("formkey", formkey()); return [xhr, form]; // hacky but less stupid than what we were doing before } function postToast(t, url, button1, button2, className, extraActions, extraActionsError) { prePostToastNonShopActions(t, url, button1, button2, className); const xhr = createXhrWithFormKey(url); xhr[0].onload = function() { postToastLoad(xhr[0], className, button1, button2, extraActions, extraActionsError) postPostToastNonShopActions(t, url, button1, button2, className) }; xhr[0].send(xhr[1]); } function postToast_callback(url, data, callback) { let form = new FormData(); if(typeof data === 'object' && data !== null) { for(let k of Object.keys(data)) { form.append(k, data[k]); } } const xhr = createXhrWithFormKey(url, "POST", form); xhr[0].onload = function() { let result if (callback) result = callback(xhr[0]); let message; let success = xhr[0].status >= 200 && xhr[0].status < 300; if (typeof result == "string") { message = result; } else { message = getMessageFromJsonData(success, JSON.parse(xhr[0].response)); } let oldToast = bootstrap.Toast.getOrCreateInstance(document.getElementById('toast-post-' + (success ? 'error': 'success'))); // intentionally reversed here: this is the old toast oldToast.hide(); showToast(success, message); return success; }; xhr[0].send(xhr[1]); } if (window.location.pathname != '/submit') { document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if(!((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.key === "Enter")) return; const targetDOM = document.activeElement; if(!(targetDOM instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement || targetDOM instanceof HTMLInputElement)) return; const formDOM = targetDOM.parentElement; const submitButtonDOMs = formDOM.querySelectorAll('input[type=submit], .btn-primary'); if(submitButtonDOMs.length === 0) throw new TypeError("I am unable to find the submit button :(. Contact the head custodian immediately.") const btn = submitButtonDOMs[0]; }); } addEventListener('', function (e) { location.hash = "modal"; }); addEventListener('', function (e) { if(location.hash == "#modal") { history.back(); } }); addEventListener('hashchange', function (e) { if(location.hash != "#modal") { const curr_modal = bootstrap.Modal.getInstance(document.getElementsByClassName('show')[0]) if (curr_modal) curr_modal.hide() } }); function disable(t) { t.classList.add('disabled'); setTimeout(() => { t.classList.remove("disabled"); }, 2000); } function autoExpand (field) { xpos=window.scrollX; ypos=window.scrollY; = 'inherit'; var computed = window.getComputedStyle(field); var height = parseInt(computed.getPropertyValue('border-top-width'), 10) + parseInt(computed.getPropertyValue('padding-top'), 10) + field.scrollHeight + parseInt(computed.getPropertyValue('padding-bottom'), 10) + parseInt(computed.getPropertyValue('border-bottom-width'), 10); = height + 'px'; if (Math.abs(window.scrollX - xpos) < 1 && Math.abs(window.scrollY - ypos) < 1) return; 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