import time from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode from flask import redirect, render_template, request, session, g from files.helpers.const import ERROR_MARSEYS, ERROR_MSGS, ERROR_TITLES, WERKZEUG_ERROR_DESCRIPTIONS, is_site_url from files.__main__ import app # If you're adding an error, go here: # # and copy the description for the error code you're adding and add it to # the constant WERKZEUG_ERROR_DESCRIPTIONS so that the default error message # doesn't show up on the message. Be exact or it won't work properly. @app.errorhandler(400) @app.errorhandler(403) @app.errorhandler(404) @app.errorhandler(405) @app.errorhandler(406) @app.errorhandler(409) @app.errorhandler(413) @app.errorhandler(415) @app.errorhandler(418) @app.errorhandler(429) def error(e): title = ERROR_TITLES.get(e.code, str(e.code)) msg = ERROR_MSGS.get(e.code, str(e.code)) details = e.description if WERKZEUG_ERROR_DESCRIPTIONS.get(e.code, None) == details: details = None # for here and 401, not using g.is_api_or_xhr is intentional since API users won't get invalid token errors otherwise if request.headers.get("Authorization") or request.headers.get("xhr"): return {"error": title, "code": e.code, "description": msg, "details": details}, e.code img = ERROR_MARSEYS.get(e.code, 'marseyl') return render_template('errors/error.html', err=True, title=title, msg=msg, details=details, img=img), e.code @app.errorhandler(401) def error_401(e): if request.headers.get("Authorization") or request.headers.get("xhr"): return error(e) else: path = request.path qs = urlencode(dict(request.values)) argval = quote(f"{path}?{qs}", safe='').replace('/logged_out','') if not argval: argval = '/' if session.get("history"): return redirect(f"/login?redirect={argval}") else: return redirect(f"/signup?redirect={argval}") @app.errorhandler(500) def error_500(e): if getattr(g, 'db', None): g.db.rollback() g.db.close() del g.db return error(e)"/allow_nsfw") def allow_nsfw(): session["over_18"] = int(time.time()) + 3600 redir = request.values.get("redir", "/") if is_site_url(redir): return redirect(redir) return redirect('/')