create or replace function community_aggregates_activity(i text) returns table(count_ bigint, community_id_ integer) language plpgsql as $$ begin return query select count(*), community_id from ( select c.creator_id, p.community_id from comment c inner join post p on c.post_id = where c.published > ('now'::timestamp - i::interval) union select p.creator_id, p.community_id from post p where p.published > ('now'::timestamp - i::interval) ) a group by community_id; end; $$; create or replace function site_aggregates_activity(i text) returns integer language plpgsql as $$ declare count_ integer; begin select count(*) into count_ from ( select c.creator_id from comment c inner join person u on c.creator_id = where c.published > ('now'::timestamp - i::interval) and u.local = true union select p.creator_id from post p inner join person u on p.creator_id = where p.published > ('now'::timestamp - i::interval) and u.local = true ) a; return count_; end; $$;