
208 lines
12 KiB

from fediseer.apis.v1.base import *
from fediseer.messaging import activitypub_pm
from fediseer.fediverse import get_admin_for_software, get_nodeinfo
from fediseer.classes.user import User, Claim
from fediseer.consts import SUPPORTED_SOFTWARE
class Whitelist(Resource):
get_parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
get_parser.add_argument("Client-Agent", default="unknown:0:unknown", type=str, required=False, help="The client name and version.", location="headers")
get_parser.add_argument("endorsements", required=False, default=0, type=int, help="Limit to this amount of endorsements of more", location="args")
get_parser.add_argument("guarantors", required=False, default=1, type=int, help="Limit to this amount of guarantors of more", location="args")
get_parser.add_argument("csv", required=False, type=bool, help="Set to true to return just the domains as a csv. Mutually exclusive with domains", location="args")
get_parser.add_argument("domains", required=False, type=bool, help="Set to true to return just the domains as a list. Mutually exclusive with csv", location="args")
@cache.cached(timeout=10, query_string=True)
@api.marshal_with(models.response_model_model_Whitelist_get, code=200, description='Instances', skip_none=True)
def get(self):
'''A List with the details of all instances and their endorsements
self.args = self.get_parser.parse_args()
instance_details = []
for instance in database.get_all_instances(self.args.endorsements,self.args.guarantors):
if self.args.csv:
return {"csv": ",".join([instance["domain"] for instance in instance_details])},200
if self.args.domains:
return {"domains": [instance["domain"] for instance in instance_details]},200
return {"instances": instance_details},200
class WhitelistDomain(Resource):
get_parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
get_parser.add_argument("Client-Agent", default="unknown:0:unknown", type=str, required=False, help="The client name and version.", location="headers")
@cache.cached(timeout=10, query_string=True)
@api.marshal_with(models.response_model_instances, code=200, description='Instances')
def get(self, domain):
'''Display info about a specific instance
self.args = self.get_parser.parse_args()
instance, nodeinfo, site, admin_usernames = self.ensure_instance_registered(domain)
if not instance:
raise e.NotFound(f"Something went wrong trying to register this instance.")
return instance.get_details(),200
put_parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
put_parser.add_argument("Client-Agent", default="unknown:0:unknown", type=str, required=False, help="The client name and version.", location="headers")
put_parser.add_argument("admin", required=False, type=str, help="The username of the admin who wants to register this domain", location="json")
put_parser.add_argument("guarantor", required=False, type=str, help="(Optiona) The domain of the guaranteeing instance. They will receive a PM to validate you", location="json")
@api.marshal_with(models.response_model_instances, code=200, description='Instances')
@api.response(400, 'Bad Request', models.response_model_error)
def put(self, domain):
'''Register a new instance to the fediseer
An instance account has to exist in the fediseer lemmylemmy instance
That account will recieve the new API key via PM
self.args = self.put_parser.parse_args()
if '@' in self.args.admin:
raise e.BadRequest("Please send the username without any @ signs or domains")
instance, nodeinfo, site, admin_usernames = self.ensure_instance_registered(domain)
guarantor_instance = None
if self.args.guarantor:
guarantor_instance = database.find_instance_by_domain(self.args.guarantor)
if not guarantor_instance:
raise e.BadRequest(f"Requested guarantor domain {self.args.guarantor} is not registered with the Overseer yet!")
if self.args.admin not in admin_usernames:
raise e.Forbidden(f"Only admins of that {instance.software} are allowed to claim it.")
existing_claim = database.find_claim(f"@{self.args.admin}@{domain}")
if existing_claim:
raise e.Forbidden(f"You have already claimed this instance as this admin. Please use the PATCH method to reset your API key.")
api_key = activitypub_pm.pm_new_api_key(domain, self.args.admin, instance.software)
if not api_key:
raise e.BadRequest("Failed to generate API Key")
new_user = User(
new_claim = Claim(
user_id = new_user.id,
instance_id = instance.id,
if guarantor_instance:
message=f"New instance {domain} was just registered with the Overseer and have asked you to guarantee for them!",
return instance.get_details(),200
patch_parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
patch_parser.add_argument("apikey", type=str, required=True, help="The sending instance's API key.", location='headers')
patch_parser.add_argument("Client-Agent", default="unknown:0:unknown", type=str, required=False, help="The client name and version.", location="headers")
patch_parser.add_argument("regenerate_key", required=False, type=str, help="If a username is given, their API will be reset. This can be initiated by other instance admins or the fediseer.", location="json")
@api.marshal_with(models.response_model_simple_response, code=200, description='Instances', skip_none=True)
@api.response(401, 'Invalid API Key', models.response_model_error)
@api.response(403, 'Instance Not Registered', models.response_model_error)
def patch(self, domain):
'''Regenerate API key for instance
self.args = self.patch_parser.parse_args()
if not self.args.apikey:
raise e.Unauthorized("You must provide the API key that was PM'd admin account")
user = database.find_user_by_api_key(self.args.apikey)
if not user:
raise e.Forbidden("You have not yet claimed an instance. Use the POST method to do so.")
instance = database.find_instance_by_user(user)
if self.args.regenerate_key:
requestor = None
if self.args.regenerate_key != user.username or user.username == "fediseer":
requestor = user.username
instance_to_reset = database.find_instance_by_account(f"@{self.args.regenerate_key}@{domain}")
if instance != instance_to_reset and user.username != "fediseer":
raise e.BadRequest("Only other admins or the fediseer can request API key reset for others.")
instance = instance_to_reset
user = database.find_user_by_account(f"@{self.args.regenerate_key}@{domain}")
new_key = activitypub_pm.pm_new_api_key(domain, self.args.regenerate_key, instance.software, requestor=requestor)
user.api_key = hash_api_key(new_key)
return {"message": "Changed"},200
delete_parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
delete_parser.add_argument("apikey", type=str, required=True, help="The sending instance's API key.", location='headers')
delete_parser.add_argument("Client-Agent", default="unknown:0:unknown", type=str, required=False, help="The client name and version.", location="headers")
delete_parser.add_argument("username", required=False, type=str, help="(Not Implemented) Provide the username of another admin to remove their API key", location="json")
@api.marshal_with(models.response_model_simple_response, code=200, description='Instances', skip_none=True)
@api.response(400, 'Bad Request', models.response_model_error)
@api.response(401, 'Invalid API Key', models.response_model_error)
@api.response(403, 'Forbidden', models.response_model_error)
def delete(self, domain):
'''Delete claim to instance
return e.BadRequest("Not implemented")
self.args = self.patch_parser.parse_args()
if not self.args.apikey:
raise e.Unauthorized("You must provide the API key that was PM'd to your account")
instance = database.find_authenticated_instance(domain, self.args.apikey)
if not instance:
raise e.BadRequest(f"No Instance found matching provided API key and domain. Have you remembered to register it?")
if domain == os.getenv('FEDISEER_LEMMY_DOMAIN'):
raise e.Forbidden("Cannot delete fediseer control instance")
logger.warning(f"{domain} deleted")
return {"message":'Changed'}, 200
def ensure_instance_registered(self, domain):
if domain.endswith("test.dbzer0.com"):
# Fake instances for testing chain of trust
requested_lemmy = Lemmy(f"https://{domain}")
requested_lemmy._requestor.nodeinfo = {"software":{"name":"lemmy"}}
open_registrations = False
email_verify = True
software = "lemmy"
admin_usernames = ["db0"]
nodeinfo = get_nodeinfo("lemmy.dbzer0.com")
requested_lemmy = Lemmy(f"https://{domain}")
site = requested_lemmy.site.get()
nodeinfo = get_nodeinfo(domain)
if not nodeinfo:
raise e.BadRequest(f"Error encountered while polling domain {domain}. Please check it's running correctly")
software = nodeinfo["software"]["name"]
if software not in SUPPORTED_SOFTWARE:
raise e.BadRequest(f"Fediverse software {software} not supported at this time")
if software == "lemmy":
requested_lemmy = Lemmy(f"https://{domain}")
site = requested_lemmy.site.get()
if not site:
raise e.BadRequest(f"Error encountered while polling lemmy domain {domain}. Please check it's running correctly")
open_registrations = site["site_view"]["local_site"]["registration_mode"] == "open"
email_verify = site["site_view"]["local_site"]["require_email_verification"]
software = software
admin_usernames = [a["person"]["name"] for a in site["admins"]]
open_registrations = nodeinfo["openRegistrations"]
email_verify = False
admin_usernames = get_admin_for_software(software, domain)
instance = database.find_instance_by_domain(domain)
if instance:
return instance, nodeinfo, site, admin_usernames
new_instance = Instance(
return new_instance, nodeinfo, site, admin_usernames