
265 lines
15 KiB

from fediseer.apis.v1.base import *
from fediseer.classes.instance import Censure
from fediseer.utils import sanitize_string
from fediseer.classes.reports import Report
from fediseer import enums
class CensuresGiven(Resource):
get_parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
get_parser.add_argument("Client-Agent", default="unknown:0:unknown", type=str, required=False, help="The client name and version.", location="headers")
get_parser.add_argument("csv", required=False, type=bool, help="Set to true to return just the domains as a csv. Mutually exclusive with domains", location="args")
get_parser.add_argument("domains", required=False, type=bool, help="Set to true to return just the domains as a list. Mutually exclusive with csv", location="args")
get_parser.add_argument("min_censures", required=False, default=1, type=int, help="Limit to this amount of censures of more", location="args")
get_parser.add_argument("reasons_csv", required=False, type=str, help="Only retrieve censures where their reasons include any of the text in this csv", location="args")
@cache.cached(timeout=10, query_string=True)
@api.marshal_with(models.response_model_model_Censures_get, code=200, description='Instances', skip_none=True)
@api.response(404, 'Instance not registered', models.response_model_error)
def get(self, domains_csv):
'''Display all censures given out by one or more domains
You can pass a comma-separated list of domain names
and the results will be a set of all their censures together.
self.args = self.get_parser.parse_args()
domains_list = domains_csv.split(',')
instances = database.find_multiple_instance_by_domains(domains_list)
if not instances:
raise e.NotFound(f"No Instances found matching any of the provided domains. Have you remembered to register them?")
if self.args.min_censures > len(domains_list):
raise e.BadRequest(f"You cannot request more censures than the amount of reference domains")
instance_details = []
for c_instance in database.get_all_censured_instances_by_censuring_id([instance.id for instance in instances]):
censures = database.get_all_censure_reasons_for_censured_id(c_instance.id, [instance.id for instance in instances])
censure_count = len(censures)
censures = [c for c in censures if c.reason is not None]
c_instance_details = c_instance.get_details()
skip_instance = True
if self.args.reasons_csv:
reasons_filter = [r.strip().lower() for r in self.args.reasons_csv.split(',')]
reasons_filter = set(reasons_filter)
if "__all_pedos__" in reasons_filter:
if "__all_bigots__" in reasons_filter:
reasons_filter.add("hate speech")
for r in reasons_filter:
reason_filter_counter = 0
for censure in censures:
if r in censure.reason.lower():
reason_filter_counter += 1
if reason_filter_counter >= self.args.min_censures:
skip_instance = False
elif censure_count >= self.args.min_censures:
skip_instance = False
if skip_instance:
c_instance_details["censure_reasons"] = [censure.reason for censure in censures]
c_instance_details["censure_evidence"] = [censure.evidence for censure in censures if censure.evidence is not None]
c_instance_details["censure_count"] = censure_count
if self.args.csv:
return {"csv": ",".join([instance["domain"] for instance in instance_details])},200
if self.args.domains:
return {"domains": [instance["domain"] for instance in instance_details]},200
return {"instances": instance_details},200
class Censures(Resource):
get_parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
get_parser.add_argument("Client-Agent", default="unknown:0:unknown", type=str, required=False, help="The client name and version.", location="headers")
get_parser.add_argument("csv", required=False, type=bool, help="Set to true to return just the domains as a csv. Mutually exclusive with domains", location="args")
get_parser.add_argument("domains", required=False, type=bool, help="Set to true to return just the domains as a list. Mutually exclusive with csv", location="args")
@cache.cached(timeout=10, query_string=True)
@api.marshal_with(models.response_model_model_Censures_get, code=200, description='Instances', skip_none=True)
@api.response(404, 'Instance not registered', models.response_model_error)
def get(self, domain):
'''Display all censures received by a specific domain
self.args = self.get_parser.parse_args()
instance = database.find_instance_by_domain(domain)
if not instance:
raise e.NotFound(f"No Instance found matching provided domain. Have you remembered to register it?")
instance_details = []
for c_instance in database.get_all_censuring_instances_by_censured_id(instance.id):
censures = database.get_all_censure_reasons_for_censured_id(instance.id, [c_instance.id])
censures = [c for c in censures if c.reason is not None]
c_instance_details = c_instance.get_details()
if len(censures) > 0:
c_instance_details["censure_reasons"] = [censure.reason for censure in censures]
c_instance_details["censure_evidence"] = [censure.evidence for censure in censures if censure.evidence is not None]
if self.args.csv:
return {"csv": ",".join([instance["domain"] for instance in instance_details])},200
if self.args.domains:
return {"domains": [instance["domain"] for instance in instance_details]},200
return {"instances": instance_details},200
put_parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
put_parser.add_argument("apikey", type=str, required=True, help="The sending instance's API key.", location='headers')
put_parser.add_argument("Client-Agent", default="unknown:0:unknown", type=str, required=False, help="The client name and version.", location="headers")
put_parser.add_argument("reason", default=None, type=str, required=False, location="json")
put_parser.add_argument("evidence", default=None, type=str, required=False, location="json")
@api.expect(put_parser,models.input_censures_modify, validate=True)
@api.marshal_with(models.response_model_simple_response, code=200, description='Censure Instance')
@api.response(400, 'Bad Request', models.response_model_error)
@api.response(401, 'Invalid API Key', models.response_model_error)
@api.response(403, 'Not Guaranteed', models.response_model_error)
@api.response(404, 'Instance not registered', models.response_model_error)
def put(self, domain):
'''Censure an instance
A censure signifies a strong disapproval from your instance to how that instance is being run.
self.args = self.put_parser.parse_args()
if not self.args.apikey:
raise e.Unauthorized("You must provide the API key that was PM'd to your admin account")
instance = database.find_instance_by_api_key(self.args.apikey)
if not instance:
raise e.NotFound(f"No Instance found matching provided API key and domain. Have you remembered to register it?")
if len(instance.guarantors) == 0:
raise e.Forbidden("Only guaranteed instances can censure others.")
if instance.domain == domain:
raise e.BadRequest("You're a mad lad, but you can't censure yourself.")
unbroken_chain, chainbreaker = database.has_unbroken_chain(instance.id)
if not unbroken_chain:
raise e.Forbidden(f"Guarantee chain for this instance has been broken. Chain ends at {chainbreaker.domain}!")
target_instance, nodeinfo, admin_usernames = ensure_instance_registered(domain, allow_unreachable=True)
if not target_instance:
raise e.NotFound(f"Something went wrong trying to register this instance.")
if not target_instance:
raise e.BadRequest("Instance to censure not found")
if database.get_endorsement(target_instance.id,instance.id):
raise e.BadRequest("You can't censure an instance you've endorsed! Please withdraw the endorsement first.")
if database.get_censure(target_instance.id,instance.id):
return {"message":'OK'}, 200
reason = self.args.reason
if reason is not None:
reason = sanitize_string(reason)
evidence = self.args.evidence
if evidence is not None:
evidence = sanitize_string(evidence)
new_censure = Censure(
new_report = Report(
logger.info(f"{instance.domain} Censured {domain}")
return {"message":'Changed'}, 200
patch_parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
patch_parser.add_argument("apikey", type=str, required=True, help="The sending instance's API key.", location='headers')
patch_parser.add_argument("Client-Agent", default="unknown:0:unknown", type=str, required=False, help="The client name and version.", location="headers")
patch_parser.add_argument("reason", default=None, type=str, required=False, location="json")
patch_parser.add_argument("evidence", default=None, type=str, required=False, location="json")
@api.expect(patch_parser,models.input_censures_modify, validate=True)
@api.marshal_with(models.response_model_simple_response, code=200, description='Modify Instance Censure')
@api.response(400, 'Bad Request', models.response_model_error)
@api.response(401, 'Invalid API Key', models.response_model_error)
@api.response(403, 'Not Guaranteed', models.response_model_error)
@api.response(404, 'Instance not registered', models.response_model_error)
def patch(self, domain):
'''Modify an instance's Censure
self.args = self.patch_parser.parse_args()
if not self.args.apikey:
raise e.Unauthorized("You must provide the API key that was PM'd to your admin account")
instance = database.find_instance_by_api_key(self.args.apikey)
if not instance:
raise e.NotFound(f"No Instance found matching provided API key and domain. Have you remembered to register it?")
target_instance = database.find_instance_by_domain(domain=domain)
if not target_instance:
raise e.BadRequest("Instance from which to modify censure not found")
censure = database.get_censure(target_instance.id,instance.id)
if not censure:
raise e.BadRequest(f"No censure found for {domain} from {instance.domain}")
changed = False
reason = self.args.reason
if reason is not None:
reason = sanitize_string(reason)
if censure.reason != reason:
censure.reason = reason
changed = True
evidence = self.args.evidence
if evidence is not None:
evidence = sanitize_string(evidence)
if censure.evidence != evidence:
censure.evidence = evidence
changed = True
if changed is False:
return {"message":'OK'}, 200
new_report = Report(
logger.info(f"{instance.domain} Modfied censure for {domain}")
return {"message":'Changed'}, 200
delete_parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
delete_parser.add_argument("apikey", type=str, required=True, help="The sending instance's API key.", location='headers')
delete_parser.add_argument("Client-Agent", default="unknown:0:unknown", type=str, required=False, help="The client name and version.", location="headers")
@api.marshal_with(models.response_model_simple_response, code=200, description='Withdraw Instance Censure')
@api.response(400, 'Bad Request', models.response_model_error)
@api.response(401, 'Invalid API Key', models.response_model_error)
@api.response(404, 'Instance not registered', models.response_model_error)
def delete(self,domain):
'''Withdraw an instance censure
self.args = self.delete_parser.parse_args()
if not self.args.apikey:
raise e.Unauthorized("You must provide the API key that was PM'd to your admin account")
instance = database.find_instance_by_api_key(self.args.apikey)
if not instance:
raise e.NotFound(f"No Instance found matching provided API key and domain. Have you remembered to register it?")
target_instance = database.find_instance_by_domain(domain=domain)
if not target_instance:
raise e.BadRequest("Instance from which to withdraw censure not found")
censure = database.get_censure(target_instance.id,instance.id)
if not censure:
return {"message":'OK'}, 200
new_report = Report(
logger.info(f"{instance.domain} Withdrew censure from {domain}")
return {"message":'Changed'}, 200