import requests import json from datetime import datetime import OpenSSL.crypto import base64 import hashlib import uuid import copy import os import secrets import fediseer.exceptions as e from pythorhead import Lemmy from loguru import logger from fediseer.database import functions as database from fediseer.consts import SUPPORTED_SOFTWARE from fediseer.fediverse import get_admin_for_software class ActivityPubPM: private_key = None def __init__(self): with open('private.pem', 'rb') as file: private_key_data = self.private_key = OpenSSL.crypto.load_privatekey(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, private_key_data) self.document_core = { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "@context": [ "", "https: //" ], "object": { "attributedTo": "", }, } def send_pm_to_right_software(self, message, username, domain, software): software_map = { "lemmy": self.send_lemmy_pm, "mastodon": self.send_mastodon_pm, "fediseer": self.send_fediseer_pm, } return software_map[software](message, username, domain) def send_fediseer_pm(self, message, username, domain): document = copy.deepcopy(self.document_core) document["to"] = [f""] document["object"]["type"] = "ChatMessage" document["object"]["mediaType"] = "text/html" document["object"]["to"] = [f""] document["object"]["source"] = { "content": message, "mediaType": "text/markdown", } return self.send_pm(document, message, domain) def send_lemmy_pm(self, message, username, domain): document = copy.deepcopy(self.document_core) document["to"] = [f"https://{domain}/u/{username}"] document["object"]["type"] = "ChatMessage" document["object"]["mediaType"] = "text/html" document["object"]["to"] = [f"https://{domain}/u/{username}"] document["object"]["source"] = { "content": message, "mediaType": "text/markdown", } return self.send_pm(document, message, domain) def send_mastodon_pm(self, message, username, domain): document = copy.deepcopy(self.document_core) document["object"]["type"] = "Note" document["object"]["to"] = [f"https://{domain}/u/{username}"] return self.send_pm(document, message, domain) def send_pm(self, document, message, domain): document["id"] = f"{uuid.uuid4()}" document["object"]["content"] = message document["object"]["id"] = f"{uuid.uuid4()}" document["object"]["published"] = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") document = json.dumps(document, indent=4) digest = hashlib.sha256(document.encode('utf-8')).digest() encoded_digest = base64.b64encode(digest).decode('utf-8') digest_header = "SHA-256=" + encoded_digest date = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT') signed_string = f"(request-target): post /inbox\nhost: {domain}\ndate: {date}\ndigest: {digest_header}" signature = OpenSSL.crypto.sign(self.private_key, signed_string.encode('utf-8'), 'sha256') encoded_signature = base64.b64encode(signature).decode('utf-8') header = f'keyId="",headers="(request-target) host date digest",signature="{encoded_signature}"' headers = { 'Host': domain, 'Date': date, 'Signature': header, 'Digest': digest_header, 'Content-Type': 'application/ld+json; profile=""' } url = f"https://{domain}/inbox" response =, data=document, headers=headers) return response.ok def pm_new_api_key(self, domain: str, username: str, software: str, requestor = None): api_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(16) if requestor: pm_content = f"user '{requestor}' has initiated an API Key reset for your domain {domain} on the [Fediseer](\n\nThe new API key is\n\n{api_key}" else: pm_content = f"Your API Key for domain {domain} is\n\n{api_key}\n\nUse this to perform operations on the [Fediseer](" if not self.send_pm_to_right_software( message=pm_content, username=username, domain=domain, software=software ): raise e.BadRequest("API Key PM failed") return api_key def pm_admins(self, message: str, domain: str, software: str, instance): if software not in SUPPORTED_SOFTWARE: return None admins = database.find_admins_by_instance(instance) if not admins: admins = get_admin_for_software(software, domain) else: admins = [a.username for a in admins] if not admins: raise e.BadRequest(f"Could not determine admins for {domain}") for admin_username in admins: if not self.send_pm_to_right_software( message=message, username=admin_username, domain=domain, software=software ): raise e.BadRequest("Admin PM Failed") activitypub_pm = ActivityPubPM()